
  1. 我相信很多朋友都曾读过我写的一些文章,里面多次提到杨晓光教授的成就。

    Many I am sure have already written of Yang 's great achievements in life .

  2. 我去过世界很多地方,我也在世界各地居住过,在我迄今为止的人生经历中,杨晓光教授是我最尊敬的人。

    I have lived and travelled throughout the world but can honestly say I respected no other as much as Yang .

  3. 英国诗人托马斯坎贝尔曾写道:死后能永远活在人们心里,虽死犹生。杨晓光教授的精神将会一直伴随着我。

    However As Thomas Campbell wrote , 'To live in hearts we leave behind , is not to die'and Yang 's spirit will always live in me .