
  1. 与其搭档的其他三位评委分别是刘欢、杨坤和庚澄庆。

    Her fellow judges are Liu Huan , Yang Kun , and Harlem Yu .

  2. 江苏省血吸虫病防治研究所的研究员杨坤认为气候只是影响血吸虫病传播的一个单一因素。

    Yang Kun , a research fellow with Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases said that climate is only a single factor affecting the spread of schistosomiasis .

  3. 2012年那英被浙江卫视今年推出的中国好声音节目选为四名评委之一;与其搭档的其他三位评委分别是刘欢、杨坤和庚澄庆。

    In 2012 Na was asked to act as one of the four judges on The Voice of China , a singing talent show broadcast on Zhejiang Satellite TV . Her fellow judges are Liu Huan , Yang Kun , and Harlem Yu .