
  • 网络Soil and Crop
  1. BP保水剂及其对土壤与作物的效应

    Water Retaining BP Agent and Its Effect on Soil and Crops

  2. 采用简单实用的Priestley-Taylor公式计算潜在蒸散量,并考虑作物覆盖与残茬覆盖对土壤蒸发与作物蒸腾的影响。

    A simplified Priestley-Taylor equation was employed in the model to calculate potential evapotranspiration , and the effect of residue cover on evapotranspiration was also considered .

  3. 麻地膜覆盖对土壤生态与作物生长发育的影响

    Effect of Bast Fiber Film Mulching on Soil Ecology , Crop Growth and Development

  4. 土壤养分与作物产量的空间变异特征与精确施肥

    Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients and Crop Yield and Site - specific Fertilizer Management

  5. 氯离子在土壤水分与作物生长关系研究中的指示作用

    Indicating Role of Cl ~ - in the Relation between Soil Water and Crop Growth

  6. 长期定位施肥对土壤养分与作物产量的影响

    Effects of Organic Manure and Fertilizers Long-Term Located Application on Soil Fertility and Crop Yield

  7. 宁夏平原灌淤土土壤养分与作物产量的空间变异性

    Preliminary Study on Spatial Variability of Nutrients in Irrigation-silted Soil and Crop Yield in the Ningxia Plain

  8. 重庆市土壤与粮食作物重金属污染评价及相关规律研究

    Assessment of the heavy metal pollution of soil and cereal crops and the relations between soil pollution and Crop quality

  9. 通过微区定位试验,研究了鲁西北低平原地区微咸水灌溉对土壤盐分与作物产量的影响以及麦秸覆盖对土壤盐分的调控作用。

    The effect of irrigation with saline water on soil salinity and crop yield under wheat straw mulching was studied at mini-plot in Northwestern Shandong Low Plain .

  10. 土壤水运动与作物吸水

    Movement of Water in Soil and the Water Absorption of Crop

  11. 土壤硫肥力与作物硫营养研究进展

    Progress on Soil Sulfur Fertility and Crop Sulfur Nutrition

  12. 土壤镉污染与作物

    The soil contaminated by cadmium and crop

  13. 贵州生态农业土壤环境质量与作物优质高产的关系

    Relationship between Soil Environmental Quality of Ecological Agriculture and High Grade and Yield of Crops in Guizhou

  14. 长期施肥下我国典型农田土壤磷库与作物磷肥效率的演变特征

    Evolution Characteristics of Soil Phosphorus Pool and Efficiency of Phosphorus Fertilizer in Typical Cropland of China under Long-term Fertilization

  15. 土壤重金属含量与作物生产能力、粮食安全、生态环境和人类健康密切相关,是土壤质量变化最基本的表征和重要研究内容。

    Soil heavy metals content and Heavy metals in soil and crop production , food security and the environment and human health are closely related , and it is the most basical most important research in soil quality changes .

  16. L(fsp-)肥料和土壤N损失量与作物从耕层土壤有效N中吸收的N量总和:T(n+1)肥料残留N量与季后耕层土壤有效N剩余量之和(kg/hm~2);

    Lfsp ( kg / hm2 ) - the summation of the loss amount of fertilizer and soil nitrogen and the amount of nitrogen that crop absorbs active nitrogen in the cultivation layer ;

  17. 土壤贮水与旱地作物产量关系的模拟研究

    Imitative researches on the relationship between soil moisture storage and crop yield in Dryland

  18. 农业土壤应力状态与作物根系生长相关性研究

    Study on the stress-state of agricultural soil and the distribution of the crop root system

  19. 并进一步对土壤主要养分含量与作物产量的关系进行了评价。

    The linkage between crop yield and major nutrients content in soil is further assessed .

  20. 综述了我国土壤硫肥力状况与作物硫营养研究进展;

    The research progress on soil sulfur fertility and crop sulfur nutrition in China was summarized in the article .

  21. 土壤磷库水平与作物吸磷量的关系密切。

    The level of phosphoric sink of soil was closely correlated with the amount of phosphorus in the plant .

  22. Lfsp-肥料和土壤氮损失量与作物从耕层土壤有效氮中吸收氮总量(kg.hm-2);

    Lfsp ( kg · hm-2 ), sum of lost nitrogen from fertilizer , soil nitrogen and nitrogen absorbed by crop ;

  23. 应用现代地统计学和地理信息技术在上海崇明岛研究了规模经营的农场土壤有效养分含量与作物产量的空间变异规律;

    Spatial variability of soil nutrient and crop yield in Shanghai Chongming Island large-scale management farm was studied by modern geo-statistical and geographic information technology .

  24. 以不同方式进入土壤中的水量与作物的种类、冠层结构、种植密度,以及喷灌系统和喷灌时的农田小气候等因素有关。

    Percentages of stemflow and throughfall in total water applied are affected by crop species , canopy characteristics , plant density , sprinkler irrigation system , field topography and microclimate .

  25. 此外在考虑能量因子的情况下,建立了土壤储水量及土壤有效储水量与作物生物量、土壤初始有效含水量及温度关系的数学模型。

    When taking account of the factor of energy , the models on relation of water content ( or applicable water content ) to dry biomass of crop , the initial applicable water content and temperature were founded .

  26. 以农田土壤水分实测资料为基础,依据农田土壤水分常数与作物生长发育的关系创建了土壤蓄水量盈亏值指标。

    This paper created the index of soil water storage capacity surplus-deficit status on the basis of the relationship between the sail moisture constants and the growth of crop based on the field real data .

  27. 生育期内土壤剖面上的平均盐分含量没有增加,但对土壤结构与作物有重要影响,Cl-、Na+、HCO-3有增加的趋势。

    During the growing period , HCO-3 , Na + and Cl-increased slightly though the total salt content within the soil profile did not increase .

  28. 土壤水研究的应用也更加广泛,如用于水资源评价、土壤水分与作物的关系、水环境评价等。

    Results of soil water research have been applied widely , such as the assessment of water resources , the study of the relationship between crop and soil water and the assessment of water environment .

  29. 本文从提高土壤水分和养分资源利用效率出发,研究与此有关的土壤水氮条件与作物根系生长的关系,以及适宜的水氮范围。

    From the point of raising the use efficiency of soil water and nutrient , the relation between the roots development of the crops and soil water and nitrogen conditions , and the suitable range of soil water and nitrogen for root growth are studied in this paper .

  30. 以往的研究重点是土壤特性或作物产量的空间变异性研究,对于作物生长性状的空间变异性研究有所欠缺,而作物的生长性状是联系土壤与作物产量的重要因素,需要深入研究。

    The emphasis of past research is the spatial variability of soil characteristic or crop information , but the character of crop growth is ignorable . The growth of crop is an important factor between soil characteristic and the yield of winter wheat , we should go deep into it .