
  • 网络biological pollution of soil
  1. 有机硫熏蒸剂在设施蔬菜土壤生物污染治理中应用效果评估

    Efficacy evaluation of applying organic sulfide fumigants to plant pathogens-polluted soil in vegetable greenhouse

  2. 土壤生物污染是指一个或几个有害的生物种群从外界环境侵入土壤,引起土壤质量下降,不仅破坏了原有的生态平衡,还会对植物、动物、人类健康以及生态系统造成不良的影响。

    Soil biological contamination refers to the decline of soil quality by one or more harmful organisms from the external environment intrude into soil . It does not only destroy the original ecological balance , but also has adverse effects on plants , animals , human health and ecosystem .

  3. 方法通过对几个重点放射性污染企业周边大气、水、土壤、生物样品放射性污染因子的监测分析,计算出0~1km和1~2km范围公众剂量。

    Methods We have worked out the public doses within the range of 0 ~ 1 km as well as 1 ~ 2 km through monitoring analysis of the radioactive pollutant enterprises on the samples of its surrounding air , water , soil and organism .

  4. 总之,戊二醛对土壤微生态环境的影响比较柔和,且不会因残留导致二次污染,是一种安全、高效的土壤生物污染消毒剂。

    In conclusion , the impact of glutaraldehyde on soil ecosystems was relatively low and did not cause secondary pollution suggesting that it is a safe and efficient disinfectant for soil biological contamination .