
  • 网络Soil health;health of soil
  1. FAME法分析施肥对番茄青枯病抑制和土壤健康恢复的效果

    Effect of Fertilization on the Control of Tomato Bacterial Wilt and Soil Health Restoration Using FAME Analysis

  2. FAME生物标记物可作为土壤健康和抑病性的指标,其中奇数脂肪酸组成比例能灵敏地反映新鲜和腐熟BOF对土壤健康的调控效果。

    FAME microbial biomarkers would be a useful indicator of soil health and disease suppression . Odd-number fatty acid proportion is a sensitive indicator of soil health regulating effect following uncomposted and decomposed BOF applied , respectively .

  3. 土壤健康微生物多样性评价指标体系的研究

    Research of a Microorganism Diversity System to the Health Evaluate of Soil

  4. 土壤健康是陆地生态系统可持续发展的基础。

    Soil health is important for the sustainable development of terrestrial ecosystem .

  5. 线虫作为土壤健康指示生物的方法及应用

    Nematodes as bioindicator of soil health : methods and applications

  6. 矿区土壤健康风险评价。

    The assessment of health risk from soil heavy metal in mining area .

  7. 保持身体土壤健康的方法之一是治疗炎症。

    One way to keep your body 's soil healthy is to treat inflammation .

  8. 微生物种群的生物多样性是土壤健康和生产力最强的指标。

    Biodiversity of microbe populations is the strongest indicator of soil health and productivity .

  9. 土壤健康的生物学监测与评价

    Biological Monitoring and Assessment of Soil Health

  10. 苏北低山丘陵区典型性森林土壤健康评价研究

    Health Evaluation of Typical Forest Soils in Low Mountainous and Hilly Area of Northern Jiangsu Province

  11. 有机碳是保持土壤健康的重要成分,同时也影响着大气中的二氧化碳浓度。

    Organic carbon is an important component of soil health and also influences atmospheric carbon dioxide levels .

  12. 这些组织希望政府发展种子,土壤健康,政策和市场方面的项目。

    The groups want the governments to develop programs in seeds , soil health , policy and markets .

  13. 我国氟的土壤健康质量指标及评价方法的初步探讨

    Preliminary study on guideline on soil health quality index of fluorine and method of its evaluation in China

  14. 土壤健康是指土壤处于一种良好的或正常的结构和功能状态及其动态过程。

    Soil health was a kind of status or dynamic process with good and normal ecological structure and function .

  15. 这是与土壤健康研究所和许多环境团体合作,以创建一个碳信用。

    This is partnered with the Soil Health Institute , with many environmental groups , to create a carbon credit .

  16. 土壤健康可简单定义为:土壤作为一个动态生命系统具有的维持其功能的持续能力。

    Soil health can be briefly defined as : the enduring capacity of a soil of functioning as a vital living system .

  17. 就施肥与土壤健康质量而言,有机肥的问题比无机肥的更严重。

    As far as effect of fertilization on soil health quality is concerned , organic compost poses more problems than mineral fertilizers .

  18. 污染土壤健康风险评估是制定土壤环境质量标准的基础,是一项新的环境管理技术与手段。

    As a new environmental management tool ,( health ) risk assessment ( HRS ) of polluted soil forms the base for establishing soil environmental quality standards .

  19. 在农业生产中,施肥及种植是最主要的农艺措施,直接影响作物产量品质和土壤健康质量。

    Cropping and fertilization are the main measurement in agriculture , which affects directly the yields and qualities of crops and the health and characters of soils .

  20. 因此,我们正在利用这个内部引擎,利用我们的农艺建议,利用土壤健康和土壤测试,利用任何数量的数据和过程以及专业知识。

    So we 're working with this inside engine , with our agronomic advice , with soil health and soil testing , with any number of pieces of data and process and expertise .

  21. 健康的士壤是培育和保护健康森林的基础,研究不同人工林下土壤健康状况对森林健康维护和可持续经营具有重要意义。

    Healthy soil is fundamental for cultivating and protecting healthy forest , and it is of great importance to study forest soil health status for the maintenance and sustainable management of forest health .

  22. 为探讨土壤健康的生物学指标,该文对北京八达岭地区不同植被类型0~5cm土层的土壤酶活性及其与土壤肥力状况的相关性进行了研究。

    In order to approach the biological indicators of soil health , the activity of soil enzymes and its relations with the soil fertility in 0 & 5 cm horizon under different vegetation types were studied .

  23. 雅安市耕地土壤重金属健康风险评价

    Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Arable Soils of Ya'an

  24. 对土壤生态健康概念的内涵进行探讨。

    The concept of soil health was discussed in this paper .

  25. 中国蔬菜地土壤重金属健康风险基准的研究

    Study on Guidelines for Health Risk to Heavy Metals in Vegetable Plantation Soils in China

  26. 土壤生态健康与食物安全

    Soil ecological health and food security

  27. 他们甚至要提高土壤的健康值。

    They even went so far as to raise the levels of the soil 's health .

  28. 土壤生态健康包括土壤物理(形态)健康、土壤营养健康、土壤生物健康、土壤环境健康和土壤生态系统健康几个方面的内容。

    Soil health includes physical health , nutrient health , biological health , environmental health and soil ecosystem health .

  29. 其中在粪便中带菌率较高,其次是土壤及健康绵羊肛拭。

    And germ-carrying rate was high in the faeces , the next were soil and anal swab . 2 .

  30. 同时,对土壤生态健康的诊断评价指标体系及其对食物安全的作用进行论述,最后,提出一系列土壤生态环境建设与生态管理对策。

    The diagnostic indicators of soil health were also put forward , and the effects of soil health on food security was discussed as well . Finally , a series of countermeasures were put forward for the ecological construction and management of soil .