
  • 网络land treatment
  1. 制革废水的土地处理法机理探讨

    Discussion on Mechanisms for Land Treatment of Tannery Wastes

  2. 对城市垃圾填埋场垃圾渗滤液处理技术进行了综述,归纳为生物处理法、物化处理法、土地处理法和减量处理法四大类;

    Municipal garbage landfill leachate treatment technologies were introduced in this paper , which were classified as four categories : biological treatment , physical-chemical methods , land treatment and leachate reduction .

  3. 其他方法包括:土地处理法,回灌法和有效微生物(EM)法。

    Other treatment also presented including soil treatment , recirculation treatment and effective microorganism .

  4. 通过该法与六种常用的污水处理技术对挥发性卤代烃去除率的比较,表明快速渗滤土地处理法更为行之有效。

    The results showed that land infiltration method was more effective .

  5. 污泥和废水土地处理法增加农作物产量

    Land disposal of sludges and waste water for increased crop yields

  6. 通过该法与其它土地处理法和人工常规二级、三级污水处理技术对污染物去除率的比较,表明慢速渗滤土地处理法效果更好。

    Compared with other treatment techniques , this method was found to be more effective .

  7. 人工快渗系统是中国地质大学钟佐燊老师基于传统的土地处理法逐渐发展而来的,一种全新的生物处理技术。

    Constructed rapid infiltration ( CRI ) system is a whole new biology treatment system , developing step by step from the base of traditional land treatment by teacher ZHONG Zuo-shen of China University of Geosciences Beijing .