
  • 网络chain extender;HQEE;M-MEA
  1. 采用添加扩链剂的方法改善了GAP贫氧推进剂的力学性能;

    The mechanic property of GAP propellant was modified by addition of chain extender .

  2. 扩链剂应用于试制高聚合度PVC树脂工艺技术实验研究

    Study on technological experiment of chain extender used in trial of high polymerization degree PVC resin

  3. 扩链剂联用技术对PET扩链反应的影响

    The influence of combining different chain extending agents on PET chain extending reaction

  4. 环氧类扩链剂的合成及对回收PET的扩链效果

    Synthesis of Epoxy-Type Chain Extender and the Chain Extension Effect on the Recycled PET

  5. 热塑性聚氨酯弹性体主要由含OH的低聚物多元醇、小分子扩链剂和异氰酸酯等原料聚合而成。

    Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers are prepared with polyol ester containing OH , isocyanate and a chain extender .

  6. 扩链剂在PVC树脂生产中的应用

    Application of chain extender in PVC resin production

  7. 亲水性扩链剂的合成及PU乳液的制备

    Synthesis of A Hydrophilic Chain - extender and polyurethane Emulsion

  8. SBS橡胶填充油的加氢应用技术聚甘油丙烯酸酯扩链剂合成原油破乳剂

    Synthesis of Crude Oil Demulsifier Using Polyglycerol Acrylate as Chain Extender

  9. 与多官能团扩链剂发生扩链反应时,引入支化结构可以显著地改善PET的流变性质。

    The introduction of long chain branch can significantly modify its rheological properties while PET reacts with multifunctional chain-extenders .

  10. 激光散射法研究扩链剂对PU拉伸行为的影响

    Study of influence of extender on stretching behavior of PU by laser light scattering

  11. 催化剂和扩链剂对RIM聚氨酯流变性的影响

    The Influence of Catalyst and Chain Extender on the Rheology of RIM Polyurethane

  12. 由于两组份网络互穿,发生强迫互容,使Tg内移,通过调整组份比和加不同扩链剂等能提高阻尼值,加宽Tg转变区。

    The damping value is increased and the zone of Tg transition is broadened by adjusting the constituent ratio and adding various chain extender .

  13. 扩链剂对TDI封端聚醚预聚物反应速度的影响

    The influence of chain extenders on the reaction rate of polyether-urethane prepolymers

  14. 引入适当的交联剂、扩链剂及键合剂可使GAP推进剂力学性能达到较高的水平。

    By adding proper crosslinking agent , chain extender and bonding agent , the mechanical properties of GAP based propellants can be tailored to a higher level .

  15. 结果表明,二羟甲基丙酸用量、n(NCO)/n(OH)值及扩链剂是影响乳液及胶膜性能的主要因素。

    The results show that DMPA content and NCO / OH value were main influence factors on emulsion and cast film performance .

  16. 本文主要以顺丁烯二酸酐和丁二酸酐作扩链剂对DA系列聚醚进行改性并用渤海原油对其产物进行破乳评价,从而得出破乳效果与扩链剂、反应时间的关系。

    This paper mainly discusses the modification of a series of polyethers by extending reaction with maleic anhydride and succinic anhydride .

  17. 液化MDI基形状记忆聚氨酯扩链剂的选择研究

    Studies on the extender selecting of shape memory polyurethane based liquidated MDI

  18. 可见适当的加入过氧化型扩链剂以促使发生微交联的方法的确可以提高PC扩链产品的特性粘度。

    It showed that the method of adding the appropriate peroxide-based chain extender to promote cross-linking micro-occurrence could improve the viscosity of PC chain extension product indeed .

  19. 用溶液法合成了一种具有独特结构的单组分PU胶粘剂,考察了扩链剂、表面处理剂、固化剂及PU胶粘剂的分子量等对粘接性能的影响。

    The effects of factors such as chain lengthening agent , surface-treating agent and hardener on polyurethane adhesive properties were studied .

  20. 讨论了扩链剂的加入对PVB树脂及薄膜性能的影响。

    Effect of chain extenders on PVB resin and film was studied .

  21. 用反应挤出机研究了聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)在熔融挤出过程中工艺条件和扩链剂用量对PET相对分子质量的影响。

    The effect of reactive processing conditions and the amount of extender-2,2 ′ - bis ( 2-oxazoline ) on molecular weight of PET was studied with the reactive extruder .

  22. 用差示扫描量热法(DSC)考察了添加扩链剂进行反应性共混后PET/PBT的结晶熔融行为。

    By means of DSC , the effects of chain extender on the crystallization and melting behavior of PET / PBT blends were studied .

  23. 在研究快速固化医用聚氨酯材料中,制备了以脂肪族多元醇为主的混合扩链剂(NB)。

    Based on aliphatic alcohol , alcohol amine and amine , a new mixed expander ( NB ) for polyurethane prepolymer was prepared .

  24. 讨论了原料NCO/OH值、反应温度与时间、扩链剂用量、溶剂用量对乳液稳定性的影响,并用TEM和FT-IR对乳液进行了结构表征。

    The effects of NCO / OH ratio , reaction temperature , chain expand and solvent on the emulsion stability were discussed in detail .

  25. 借助扩链剂与PET的反应,形成该材料的三维网络结构,同时保留吹瓶加工时的有序结构。

    Via the reaction among chain extender and PET chips , three-dimension network was formed and the crystal structure in the bottle blowing process was maintained in the new blends .

  26. 全生物降解PBS新型扩链剂BOZ的合成研究

    Synthesis of New Chain Extender BOZ for Biodegradable PBS

  27. 文中采用胺化的方法在CNTs的缺陷处接枝上活性基团,然后将其作为扩链剂参与到聚氨酯主链的反应中。

    The active group was graft to the defect point of CNTs by amination in this paper , then reaction as chain extender .

  28. 二醇扩链剂是影响TPU物理性能的一个重要因素。

    The diol chain - extension agent is an important factor influencing the physical performance of TPU .

  29. 通过添加适量的扩链剂制备了高黏度的聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB)树脂及薄膜。讨论了扩链剂的加入对PVB树脂及薄膜性能的影响。

    High viscosity PVB resin and film were prepared by adding some extent of chain extenders .

  30. 研究和讨论了不同扩链剂、扩链剂的量以及软段分子量对聚酯型聚氨酯弹性体水解稳定性的影响,并引入了参数Q、W。

    The effects of different chain extenders , amount of extenders , molecular weights of soft segments on the hydrolysis stability of polyurethane are studied and parameters Q , W are introduced .