
  • 网络isocyanate index
  1. 结果表明:随异氰酸酯指数R的提高,微孔聚氨酯弹性体的硬度、拉伸强度和冲击弹性增加,而伸长率则下降;

    The result shows that with the increase of isocyanate index ( R ), hardness , tensile strength and elasticity accordingly increase , but elongation at break reduces .

  2. 研究了软硬段组成、结构、相对分子质量、扩链剂、异氰酸酯指数(R)及合成工艺条件等对聚氨酯热熔胶的力学性能、结晶性能、粘接性能、耐热性能的影响。

    The effect of constitute of soft segments and hard segments , structure , relative molecular weight , chain extender , isocyanate index ( R ) and synthesis flow condition on the mechanical properties , crystallinity , binding properties , heat-resistance properties are studied .

  3. 一般异氰酸酯指数大,则DMPA含量要高。当异氰酸酯指数大于2时生成的聚合物交联度相对较高。

    In general , the content of DMPA will increase with the index .

  4. 发现成膜物表面的硬段微区结晶为球状,微区结晶现象随异氰酸酯指数Ri的增大而加剧;

    Found that the form of crystallization on the surface of film forming substance is globular , and the micro-crystal phenomena have been sharpened by the index Ri increasing of isocyanate .

  5. 研究了不同多元醇种类、半预聚体中&NCO基团质量分数、不同扩链剂种类及其不同配比、异氰酸酯指数等影响MDI体系聚氨酯弹性体的因素。

    The key affecting factors , such as the variety of polyols , the mass percentage of free - NCO group in the quasi-prepolymer , the variety and proportion of different chain extenders and isocyanate index , of the physical and mechanical properties of polyurethane elastomer were discussed .

  6. 异氰酸酯指数对木素型聚氨酯性能的影响研究

    Study on the Effects of Isocyanate Index on the Properties of Lignin-Based Polyurethane

  7. 研究了异氰酸酯指数以及弹性体制备工艺条件对材料力学性能的影响;

    The effects of NCO index and condition of reaction process were discussed .

  8. 当异氰酸酯指数为1.05时,压缩强度最大。

    When the isocyanate index is 1.05 , the compressive strength is maximum .

  9. 而小范围的改变异氰酸酯指数,对它们的影响较小。

    However the influence is relatively little when the ratio of NCO : OH is changed in a small range .

  10. 结果表明,异氰酸酯指数和改性木素含量对聚氨酸性能有影响。

    It showed that isocyanate index ( the ratio of NCO to OH ) and lignin content influenced the properties of synthesized polyurethane .

  11. 着重阐述了全水发泡中的主要因素如水的用量、复合催化剂的比例以及异氰酸酯指数对泡沫体性能的影响。

    It was affected by the main factors , such as the amount of water , the rate of composite catalyzer and isocyanate index .

  12. 本文讨论了异氰酸酯指数、不同扩链剂、以及混合扩链剂的摩尔比对热塑性聚氨酯性能的影响。

    The effect of isocyanate index , chain extender , the mole ratio of mixed chain extender to the properties of thermal polyurethane were discussed .

  13. 讨论了聚酯多元醇的相对分子质量、扩链剂、异氰酸酯指数、水分等对聚氨酯油墨连接料性能的影响。

    Some affecting factors on properties of the adhesive were discussed , including relative molecular weight of polyester polyol , Chain-extender , isocyanurate index and water .

  14. 研究了液化产物、异氰酸酯指数、水分、催化剂及泡沫稳定剂加入量对泡沫性能的影响。

    The effect of usage of LP , isocyanate index , water amount , catalyst and foam stabilizer contents on the LP-PUR ( The foam added LP ) are studied .

  15. 还探讨了温度、固含量、异氰酸酯指数、水的量等因素对反应体系的影响,并指出了合成过程中,以上因素的合理用量。

    Temperature , solid contents , index of NCO , quantity of water were discussed for demonstrating their effort on reaction and Proper amount of those factors were pointed out , too .

  16. 通过考察异氰酸酯指数、萜烯树脂、碳酸钙等三个主要因素对湿固化聚氨酯热熔胶开放时间的影响规律,从而确定了各主要组分的最佳配比。

    Through examining the effects of calcium carbonate , terpene-resin and isocyanate index and their dosages on the open time of moisture-curable polyurethane hot melt adhesive , the optimum formulation was determined .

  17. 重点研究了改性剂用量、泡沫密度、异氰酸酯指数及催化剂等几个因素与泡沫塑料耐热性能(包括尺寸稳定性和热失重率)的关系。

    Some factors , such as the amount of modifier , foam density , isocyanate index , and catalyst , on the heat-resistant performance ( i.e. dimensional stability , weight loss rate after heat-treating ) were investigated .

  18. 通过试验也找出了模具温度、催化剂用量、异氰酸酯指数、原料温度、匀泡剂用量和发泡剂用量各参数变化对泡沫体中心温度与最大发泡压力影响的主次顺序;

    The order of the influence because of parameters changing such as mould temperature , catalyst dosage , isocyanate exponent , raw materials temperature , and foaming agent dosage on the central temperature of foam system and the maximum foaming pressure had been obtained ;