
  • 网络alien addition line
  1. FISH和C-分带相结合的方法鉴定小麦-多枝赖草异附加系

    Identification of Alien Addition Line from Triticum aestivum × Leymus multicaulis by C-banding and FISH

  2. 甘蓝-白芥单体异附加系自交后代的GISH分析

    Analysis of the Selfing Progenies of Brassica oleracea-Sinapis alba Monosomic Alien Addition Line by GISH

  3. 大白菜-结球甘蓝双单体异附加系的SSR鉴定及其特性

    Identification of Chinese Cabbage-Cabbage Double Alien Monosomic Addition Line by SSR and Studies on Its Characters

  4. 用植物染色体C-分带和小麦种子HMW-GS电泳技术,对普通小麦-大麦异附加系进行了鉴定。

    A series of wheat-barley alien additional lines were identified by C-banding and SDS-PAGE .

  5. 抗大麦黄矮病毒GPV株系小麦异附加系Z1抗性基因的RAPD标记

    RAPD marker of resistance gene to strain GPV of BYDV in wheat addition line Z1

  6. 含抗白粉病新基因普通小麦-黑麦1R二体异附加系的遗传学鉴定

    Genetic Identification of Wheat-rye 1R Alien Disomic Additional Line with Novel Resistant Gene to Powdery Mildew

  7. 本研究综合运用形态学、细胞遗传学、生化和RAPD分子标记对已育成的10个小麦&中间偃麦草双体异附加系进行了鉴定;

    In this study , 10 alien disomic addition lines obtained from common wheat v-Elytrigia intermedium were identified with morphological markers , cytological markers , biochemical markers and RAPD markers .

  8. 抗白粉病小麦&中间偃麦草异附加系的选育及GISH鉴定

    Development and GISH Analysis of Thinopyrum Intermedium-derived Wheat Alien Addition Lines Resistant to Powdery Mildew

  9. 小冰麦异附加系TAI-27中附加染色体上NBS同源序列的扩增

    Cloning of the NBS Sequences from the Addition Chromosome in Wheat wheatgrass Alien Addition Line TAI-27

  10. 此外还发现在其中的两个异附加系(TAI-14t和TAl-27s)中可能产生了自发易位。

    Intermedium . Besides , two possible spontaneous translocations were found in two alien addition lines , TAI-14t and TAI-27s .

  11. 利用形态学、细胞学、A-PAGE和RAPD方法,对5个小麦-中间偃麦草(Thinopyrumintermedium)双体异附加系Line1、Line4、Line10、Line14和Line15进行了鉴定。

    Wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium alien disomic addition lines ( Line 1 , Line 4 , Line 10 , Line 14 and Line 15 ) were identified by using the methods of morphology , cytology , A-PAGE and RAPD analysis .

  12. 中间偃麦草具有抗病、抗逆等多种特性,小冰麦异附加系TAI-27附加一对中间偃麦草染色体,具有大麦黄矮病抗性,抗病基因位于异附加中间偃麦草染色体上。

    Wheat-Thinopyrum alien additional line TAI-27 created by hybridization between common wheat and Thinopyrum intermedium has a pair of chromosomes derived from Th . Intermedium .

  13. 异附加系数量性状的遗传分析方法

    Methods of Genetic Analysis on Quantitative Traits in Alien Addition Lines

  14. 小偃麦异附加系的细胞学及分子标记鉴定

    Identification of wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium alien addition lines using cytology and molecular markers

  15. 小麦-冰草异附加系种子醇溶蛋白基因表达的分析

    Analysis of Gliadin Gene Expression in Wheat-Wheatgrass Alien Addition Lines

  16. 普通小麦-大麦异附加系的分子生物学技术鉴定

    Molecular cytogenetics identification of wheat-barley alien additional lines

  17. 从10号单体异附加系的自交子代中获得了1个芥蓝的随体染色体-初级三体。

    A primary trisomic line of Chinese kale was obtained from the progeny of No.10 monosomic alien addition line .

  18. 利用荧光原位杂交和染色体C-分带技术,对普通小麦-华山新麦草的异附加系进行了研究。

    The alien addition lines of Triticum-Psathyrostachys were detected by fluorescent in situ hybridization ( FISH ) and chromosomes C-banding .

  19. 结果发现,4844-12是1个稳定的异附加系,4844-2和4844-8是稳定的异代换系;

    It was found that 4844-12 was a stable alien additional line and 4844-2 and 4844-8 were stable alien substitution lines ;

  20. 这9个类型中有的结合细胞学镜检与核酸原位杂交技术已确定为异附加系。

    Some of the 9 types have been identified as alien addition lines through cytology techniques and in situ hybridization of nuclear acids .

  21. 附加甘蓝3号染色体的大白菜单体异附加系的获得与研究

    Obtaining and Studies of Chinese Cabbage Monosomic Alien Addition Line with Chromosome 3 of Cabbage Cytological and Morphological Identification of Two Monosomic Alice Addition Lines

  22. 以上结果表明,单体异附加系花药培养是一条向小麦转移异源染色体小片段(基因)的快速高效途径。

    Those above prove that monosomic addition line anther culture is one quick and effective approach to transforming the segments ( genes ) of homozygous chromosomes into wheat .

  23. 抗白粉病小偃麦异附加系的选育及细胞学鉴定羊膜干细胞分离方法及其细胞学特性鉴定

    Development and Cytological Identification of Wheat Thinopyrum Intermedium Addition Lines Resistant to Powdery Mildew Study on the Separation of Side Cell Populations from Human Amnion Mesenchymal Cells and Its Characteristics

  24. 单体异附加系CC+A9的附加染色体通过雌、雄配子的传递率分别为18.75%和9.82%。

    The alien chromosome of the monosomic addition line CC + A9 could be transmitted by male and female gametes with a percentage of 9.82 % and 18.75 % , respectively .