
  • 网络China Geological Library
  1. 中国地质图书馆的历史地位与作用

    China Geological Library : Historical Position and Roles

  2. 论知识管理在中国地质图书馆的作用

    Discussion about the Role of Knowledge Management in the Geological Library of China

  3. 主要内容包括专业图书馆服务的性质、任务和特点,以及中国地质图书馆开拓服务新领域的几点设想。

    The main contents contain the character , task and peculiarity of specialized libraries , some assumptions on exploiting new service domain for the future .

  4. 本文从版本的角度介绍中国地质图书馆的几种地学珍本图籍典藏。本程序文件的中文版优先于英文版。

    This paper introduced several precious geoscience document recently found in the National Geological Library of China . The Chinese version of the Rules of Procedure takes precedence over the English one .