
  • 网络Bank of China Building
  1. 缆车终点离中国银行大楼只有五分钟路程。

    The lower terminus GetWord (" terminus "); is only a five-minute walk from the Bank of China Building .

  2. 他们打算走哪条路线?沿着这条路直到你看见中国银行大楼。

    Which routes are they going to take ? Walk along the road until you see Bank of China building .

  3. 旧建筑“工字钢外包素混凝土”梁的加固研究&中国银行大楼修缮工程之结构加固方法

    Study on Strengthening of " Steel I Beam Clad with Plain Concrete " in Old Building & Structural Consolidation Method for Renovation of BOC Building

  4. 介绍了中国银行大楼复杂的结构体系和健康状况,结构整体隐形钢框架体系加固设计方案和三重连接加固方法。

    Complicated structure and healthy state of China Bank , Hankou Building , and " integer contact steel frame system " structure strengthening plan and " tri-connection " structure strengthening method are introduced .

  5. 都市中的建筑&中国人民银行南京分行大楼设计创作

    Urban Architecture & The Project of Nanjing China Bank Building

  6. 中国银行在上海的大楼也气势不凡。

    The buildings of the Bank of China are also very impressive .

  7. 中国银行抚州分行办公大楼岩土工程勘察实例

    An Example of Geotechnical Engineering from Departmental Building of China Bank Fuzhou Branch