
  1. 随着开采年限的不断增加,资源型城市已开始逐批进入资源枯竭期,经济发展与社会进步面临空前的压力。

    With the increasing exploitation life , resource-based cities have begun to the exhaustion of resources time in batches , economic development and social progress faced unprecedented pressure .

  2. 第5条商品检验执行之方式,分为逐批检验、监视查验、验证登录及符合性声明四种。

    Article 5 Commodities inspection shall be conducted in four schemes , namely batch-by-batch inspection , monitoring inspection , registration of product certification , and declaration of conformity .

  3. 一份相关文件显示,波拉特将获得500万美元的签约奖金,以及价值6500万美元的限制性股票,这些股份将在接下来的四年逐批授予。

    According to a filing , Porat will get a $ 5000000 signing bonus , as well as $ 65 million in restricted stock , that will pay out over the next four years .