
  • 网络duolun road
  1. 上海市多伦路商业文化休闲步行街区保护更新规划

    Preservation and Renewal Planning of Duolun Road Pedestrian Precinct

  2. 上海多伦路文化名人雕塑是当代城市雕塑发展进程中的亮点。

    Cultural celebrity sculpture on Duolun Road , Shanghai , is an outstanding chapter in the development of contemporary city sculpture .

  3. 2004年在上海多伦路文化名人街举办个人画展。

    He held his solo exhibition in Toronto , 2004 .

  4. 城市开敞空间环境心理研究&多伦路步行街调查与分析

    Environmental psychology study of urban open space-investigation and analysis of Duolun pedestrian precinct

  5. 漫步在多伦路

    Rambling in Toronto Road

  6. 田子坊、多伦路、新天地,这些上海的艺术地标在国际上也越来越被人们所熟悉。

    M50 , Tianzi Lane , Duolun Famous Culture People Street and New World are becoming more and more popular around the world .

  7. 它特定城市空间的形成,让以多伦路为中心的区域拥有相对自由和宽松的环境,由此产生了各种文化产业。

    The formation of the specific urban space , so as to Duolun Road as the center of the area has a relatively free and relaxed environment , resulting in various cultural industries .

  8. 多伦路,原名窦乐安路,是上海虹口区的一条小街。1911年由公共租界工部局越界筑路而成,从而形成类似租界的性质。

    Duolun Road , formerly named Darroch Road , is a little street in Hongkou District of Shanghai . It is the cross-border road by the municipal council of international settlement , so it has the nature liked concession .