
  1. 上海邮政运输网络运行监控系统方案优选

    Optional Alternative Selecting of Shang hai Post Transport Network Monitoring System

  2. 上海邮政网管系统技术分析

    Technology Analysis of Shanghai Post Integrated Network Management System

  3. 为了提高上海邮政商函公司的商函制作处理能力,上海邮政商函制作中心进行扩建改造工程。

    In order to improve the making and handling of Shanghai Postal Direct Mail Company , the Direct Mail Production Center is undergoing a project of reconstruction and expansion .

  4. 上海市邮政局公众服务信息网的建设和发展

    The Construction and Development for Public Information Service Network of SPO

  5. 根据上海市邮政公司要求,将新的商函制作中心建设成为全国一流的商函制作中心,上海市邮政公司信息技术局承担了该工程中的上海邮政商函管理系统的建设任务。

    As required by Shanghai Postal Company and with the aim to build a national class commercial letter center , the Information Bureau of Shanghai Postal Company undertakes the task of building a management system of shanghai postal direct mail business .

  6. 除了在香港、纽约和伦敦学习外,embaglobalasia项目的学员还将在上海市中心学习一门核心课程:香港大学商学院将于今年9月在上海邮政局旧址开办分院。

    As well as studying in Hong Kong , New York and London , participants on EMBA Global Asia will also take one of their core modules in central Shanghai , where hkubs is opening its own teaching facility in the old Shanghai Post Office in September .