
  1. 新上榜品牌有26个,其中前三名为乐视、安邦和东方财富,其中民营品牌占70%。

    Led by Letv , Anbang and Eastmoney , 26 newcomers are on the list ; 70 percent are privately held .

  2. 经过多年潜心经营,被国内外用户所认可,为央视上榜品牌,并与其进行长期合作。

    We are recognized by domestic and foreign users after years of operation , joining the CCTV brand list and Established a long-term relationship with him .

  3. 美国品牌的强势在北美十大品牌排行榜中得以突显。上榜品牌中有八个进入了全球排名前十名。

    The strength of US brands is underlined by the North American Top 10 , which shares eight brands with the top 10 in the global rankings .

  4. 北京是IT行业总部的首选位置,有12个上榜IT品牌的总部设在这里。

    Beijing is the preferred headquarters location for the IT sector , and 12 listed IT brands set their headquarters there .

  5. 上榜IT品牌的总价值占到了榜单的22.5%.平均价值上升了10%。

    The total value of listed IT brands accounted for 22.5 percent of the list . Average value increased 10 percent .

  6. 在全球最具价值品牌百强榜上,有15个中国品牌上榜,比去年多一个,较10年前大有增加,当时中国移动(ChinaMobile)是唯一上榜的中国品牌。

    There are 15 Chinese brands in the top 100 , one more than last year and a sharp rise on a decade ago , when China Mobile was the only Chinese brand .