
  • 网络Shanghai Exhibition Center;Shanghai Exhibition Centre
  1. 上海展览中心钢塔修缮超高竹脚手架搭设

    Scaffolding erection for construction of steel tower of Shanghai Exhibition Center

  2. 上海展览中心序馆加固结构设计

    Consolidated Hall Structure Design for Shanghai Exhibition Center

  3. 碳纤维加固技术应用于上海展览中心加固、改造工程

    Application of CFRP in the Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Shanghai Exhibition Centre

  4. 上海展览中心为大、中型展销会提供展销场地。

    Shanghai ExhiBition Centre provides sites for large and middle-scale trade fairs .

  5. 就武夷山青竹山庄设计谈建筑与环境的结合上海展览中心钢塔修缮超高竹脚手架搭设


  6. 代表们在昨日会议结束时相继离开上海展览中心的中央大厅。

    Deputies begin to leave the main hall of the Shanghai Exhibition Center at the end of the Congress yesterday .

  7. 上海展览中心是上世纪50年代由前苏联建筑师设计的具有代表意义的建筑。

    The Shanghai Exhibition Center , a significant building , was designed by Russian Architects in fifties of last century .

  8. 介绍了上海展览中心中央大厅拱形屋面板的碳纤维加固应用实例。

    In the paper , the application of the CFRP method in the strengthening of the arched roof panels of the main hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center is introduced .

  9. 本届电影节上,大多数电影交易活动都在上海展览中心举行。活动场地较前几年明显增大,这也从侧面反映出中国电影业在全球经济危机中逆流而上的强劲势头。

    Most of the market section of the fest is taking place in the Shanghai Exhibition Center , a much larger venue than in previous years , a reflection of how the booming Chinese film business is bucking the global slowdown .

  10. 二人都有庞大的朋友圈,所以在上海展览中心的婚礼,他们邀请了来自大陆,港台的3000亲朋好友。

    Since Xiaoming and Angelababy have a wide network of friends , they have invited over 3000 guests-including friends and families from Hong Kong , Mainland , and Taiwan-to their wedding celebration . Only one banquet at the Shanghai Exhibition Center is being held .

  11. 上海国际展览中心的扩建将进一步巩固其东亚地区会展中心的领导地位。

    SNIEC 's expansion will cement its position as the premiere exhibition centre in East Asia .

  12. 上海新国际展览中心凭借其方便的交通地理位置、单层无柱式为特点的展馆设施以及多种多样的现场服务,博得了世界的广泛关注。

    SNIEC has attracted worldwide attention , featuring a prime , easily accessible location , a pillar-free , single story structure and a wide array of expert on-site services .

  13. 这是我们第一次在上海浦东新国际展览中心迎接展商和观众参加这一中国地区最重要的焊接贸易展览会。

    For the first time , we are greeting exhibitors at and visitors to the most important welding trade fair for the Chinese region in the Shanghai New International Expo Center .

  14. 上海国际当代艺术展,上海展览中心,上海。

    Shanghai International Contemporary Art Exhibition , Shanghai exhibition centre , Shanghai .

  15. 世博网6月3日消息:中国2010年上海世博会特许产品订货会昨天在上海国际展览中心开幕。

    Expo organizers yesterday held a fair at the Shanghai International Exhibition Center to recruit sellers for licensed Expo souvenirs .

  16. 上海世博集团总裁,上海市国际展览有限公司董事长,上海国际展览中心董事长。

    President of Shanghai World Expo Group ; chairman of Shanghai International Exhibition Co. Ltd. and Shanghai International Exhibition Center .

  17. 上海之春数十年的展览场地都是地处闹市的上海展览中心,便捷的交通,悠久的历史,优雅的环境为展位提供的最后的场所。

    During the past decades , Spring Real Estate Shanghai was held in Shanghai Exhibition Center , where is located in the centre district of Shanghai .

  18. SNEC第五届(2011)国际太阳能光伏大会暨(上海)展览会于2011年2月22日到24日在上海新国际展览中心隆重召开。

    SNEC5th ( 2011 ) International Photovoltaic Power Generation Conference & Exhibition will be held from Feb22nd to24th , 2011 at Shanghai New International Expo Center .