
shàng jí xiàn
  • Upper limit;superior limit;lines superiors
上极限[shàng jí xiàn]
  1. Markov链中连续成功次数的子序列的上极限

    On the upper limit of subsequences for lengths of runs in Markov chains

  2. 直和空间上极限圆情形的自伴Sturm-Liouville算子的谱分解

    Spectral Decomposition of Self-Adjoint Sturm-Liouville Operator in Limiting Circle Case in Direct Sum Spaces

  3. 在一定条件下,本文给出了无界随机集序列关于条件期望的弱上极限Fatou引理,由此还得到了无界随机集序列在K&M收敛性意义下的控制收敛定理和单调收敛定理。

    Under some conditions , Fatou 's lemma for conditional expectations of the weak upper limit of unbounded random sets sequence is given in the paper . The dominated convergence theorem and monotone convergence theorem in the sense of K-M convergence are also obtained .

  4. 关于上极限与连续单调函数运算的交换问题

    On Commutativity between a Continuous Monotonically Function and Upper Limit

  5. 连续成功次数子序列上极限的一个等价命题

    A Equivalent Proposition for Upper Limit of Subsequences of the Lengths of Runs

  6. 实值网的上极限和下极限

    The Upper and Lower Limits of Veal Valued Nets

  7. 她迷恋上极限运动。

    She 's fascinated with extreme sports .

  8. 分析了系统平衡点的稳定性和当系统的某一微生物物种处于竞争劣势而趋于灭绝时另一微生物物种和营养的二维流形上极限环的存在性。

    The properties of equilibrium points and the existence of limit cycles on the two dimensional stable manifold when one microorganism is going to vanish were obtained .

  9. 比如2006的第三季度,就将进入威胁经济持续、平稳发展的价格上极限区,不得不警惕。

    Take the third quarter of2006 for instance ; it will enter into the price upper limit region and lower price limit region that may threaten the sustainable and steady economic development .

  10. 利用广义冲击载荷的概念,根据此冲击载荷满足泊松随机过程的假设,如果包装件内产品上极限响应加速度,即产品脆值已知,由此则可以写出运输包装可靠性的定义表达式。

    By using the concept of generalized shock loads , and on the assumption that the counting process of shock loads meets Poisson random process , the definition expression of transportation packaging reliability could be found if response extreme acceleration of a packed product , i. e.

  11. 在ESPN极限滑雪板中挑战这世界上最极限的运动。

    Challenge the world 's most extreme runs in ESPN 's X Games Snowboarder X.

  12. 同步电机稳定极限对应于与V型曲线上稳定极限区相对应的励磁电流If和电枢电流IM,稳定极限的计算传统上有两种方法:电势向量图法和实测法。

    Stability limit of synchronous electric machine matches with the exciting current If and armature current IM in the stability limit area of V-curve , traditionally , there are two methods to solute the stability limit : drawing potential vector and field exploring .

  13. 然后,研究了基站协作的Wyner模型,并给出了基站协作性能的信息论分析结果,从而得到理论上的极限容量。

    Then , Wyner model of BSC is researched , and its information theory performance is given , resulting in a theoretical capacity limit .

  14. 同一函数在不同维空间上的极限

    The Limit of the Same Function in the Spaces of Different Dimensions

  15. 平稳序列在任意区间上的极限分布

    The extreme distribution of stationary sequence over the arbitrary intervals

  16. 二维定向闭流形上动力极限集的拓朴结构

    The Topological Structure of Dynamical Limiting Sets on Orientable Closed Two-dimensional Manifolds

  17. 目的提出螺旋锚上拔极限承载力计算方法。

    This article aims at giving the calculation formula of critical embedded depth .

  18. 隧道上台阶极限位移计算模拟

    Simulation of Limit Displacements for Tunnel Upper Bench

  19. 在此基础上通过极限工况移线试验验证其有效性。

    The limit condition of lane change test verifies the validity of the coefficient .

  20. 弥满天宇的光明,在草尖的露珠上探求极限。

    The light that fills the sky seeks its limit in a dewdrop on the grass .

  21. 在泽勒取代他之前,霍华德将会推动他们达到这个理论上的极限。

    Howard will nudge them toward that theoretical limit - at least until Zeller leapfrogs him .

  22. 利用总有机碳仪测定了减水剂在水泥上的极限吸附量为2mg/g。

    The limit adsorption amount of superplasticizers on the cement was 2mg / g by using TOC .

  23. 建立了扭矩直接作用于钢梁上时极限扭矩的计算模型及计算公式。

    The analytical mode and the formulae are proposed for composite beams with torque applied to steel joist .

  24. 光伏界的专家们曾经认为硅太阳电池转换效率在实际器件上的极限为20%。

    A predicted conversion efficiency limitation of 20 % for silicon solar cells in practical devices was made by photovoltaic specialists .

  25. 一类关于随机变量部分和的强偏差定理及两类树上的极限定理

    A Class of Strong Deviation Theorems for Partial Sums of Random Variables and Some Limit Theorems on Two Classes of Trees

  26. 增进水稻产量的传统方法例如杂交育种已经达到了科学上的极限。

    Traditional methods of increasing rice production such as crossing different varieties have been pushed to the limits of what is scientifically possible .

  27. 通过对比找出锚片直径、埋深等因素对上拔极限承载力的影响。

    The effect of blade diameter and embedded depth on the ultimate up-lift bearing capacity of single-screw anchor is studied through comparing these curves .

  28. 双剪统一强度理论在π平面上的极限线为多条直线构成的折线,形式简单,应用方便。

    The ultimate line of the double shear strength theory in π plane is a polygonal line according to the double shear unified strength theory .

  29. 这种机遇不多,人们的期望年龄存在事实上的极限,不管我们有多么幸运和健壮。

    But the chances are against it , and there is a virtual limit on how long we Can hope to remain alive , however lucky and robust we are .

  30. 结果表明,基于传统分析和分项系数法的分析结果揭示的规律是相同的,但分项系数法考虑了概率意义上的极限分析,是一种更合理的方法。

    The results indicate that the approach based on conventional methods and partial coefficient method is similar , but the partial coefficient method is more reasonable then the conventional one .