
  • 网络undirected graph;graph;undirected;Undigraph
  1. 设G是有限简单无向图。

    Let G be a finite , simple and undirected graph .

  2. 任意无向图的最小R边连通扩充

    The minimum augmentation of an arbitrary undirected graph to a r-edge-connected graph

  3. 在基于无向图的图像整体骨架表示模型及算法的基础上,提出了图像交叉区域(如X形、K形等)的骨架求解算法。

    It is based on the global expression model of images .

  4. 这种同时性约束用一个无向图G来描述。

    The relation can be described by a graph G.

  5. 设G是一个简单无向图,酉麦示G的补图。

    Let G be a simple undirected graph and C be the complement of C.

  6. 并在此基础上,研究了一种基于无向图的拓扑故障定位方法,为IP网络的故障排除提供了有力依据。

    Then it studies a topology failure location method based on undirected graph to recover IP network from failure .

  7. 但是,对于一般无向图上的图模型他们的算法无法找到极小子集B。

    But for general undirected graphs this algorithm can not find the minimal set B. In this paper , we handle with the most general case .

  8. 无向图dot语言语法生成

    Undirected graph dot language-syntax generation

  9. 受无向图G的结合数bind(G)≥3/2是G中存在△的充分条件的启发。

    For an undirected graph G , the binding number bind ( G )≥ 3 / 2 is a sufficient condition for G to have a triangle .

  10. 在研究IP网络拓扑发现的基础上,提出了一种基于无向图的网络拓扑概率故障定位方法,能够有效地排除网络故障、提高网络性能并增强网络的可靠性。

    On the basis of topology discovery , a probabilistic topology failure localization method based on undirected graph to recover IP network from failure is put forward , which is useful in repairing network failure .

  11. 本文给出了基于质粒技术的无向图的最大权团问题的DNA算法,依据HeadT等的实验手段,本文提出的算法是有效并且可行的。

    This paper introduces the DNA solution to the Maximum Weight Clique Problem of an undirected graph based on the plasmoid . On the basis of Head T et al , the algorithm is an effective and feasible method .

  12. MSS问题的目标,是在一个二分无向图上寻找由互不相交的路径所构成的集合,并要求这个集合满足一些特定的条件。

    The MSS problem seeks to compute a set of vertex-disjoint simple paths in an undirected bipartite graph under certain constraints .

  13. 以图论为基础,将网络环境模型化为一个无向图G(V,E),定义了基于本地信息交互的信任评价规则;

    Secondly , based on the graph theory , the network is modeled as an undirected graph G ( V , E ), and the rule of trust evaluation is defined by the aid of local information interaction .

  14. 本文提出了无向图(k,m)最优划分的一个近似算法,证明了这是一个产生近似最优解的多项式时间算法。

    In this paper we present an approximation algorithm for ( k , m ) optimal partition problem on an undirected graph . We show that this approximation algorithm which produces a near optimal solution runs in polynomial time .

  15. Graphviz及其处理定向和无向图的过滤器,以及Perl强大的文本处理能力是实现可视化的最佳组合。

    Graphviz , and its associated directed and undirected filters along with the text-processing power of Perl are a great combination for visualization creation .

  16. 提出了生成全部K树的MINTY-DFS算法,该算法能够生成一个有向图或无向图的全部任意K树,可应用于有源网络或无源网络的拓扑分析以及其它要求K树的场合。

    The algorithm can list all k arbitrary k trees of a directed or undirected graph . It can be used in topological analysis of active or passive networks and any other situations which all k trees are needed to be found out .

  17. 在对二部图及匹配的概念做了进一步阐述后,使用类C语言描述了如何识别无向图是否二部图及如何在二部图中寻找最大匹配乃至完全匹配的算法。

    Behind seting forth Bipartite Graph and Matching , this article describe some algorithm to distinguish Undigraph whether it is Bipartite Graph and how to explore maximal Matching and even complete Matching in the Bipartite Graph which has better worth on application of computer by language of similar C.

  18. 本文提出的方法在目的端利用获得的中间节点位置信息来生成无向图,再利用广度优先遍历算法BFS计算出另外一条不相交路径。

    This method uses intermediate nodes ' location information to create undirected graph at destination node , and uses Breath-First Search ( BFS ) algorithm to find another disjoint path .

  19. CRFs模型是目前比较优秀的无向图条件概率模型,主要用于标记和分割序列数据,可以利用上下文特征获得全局最优的标注结果。

    CRFs is a good undirected graph conditional probability model , mainly used to label and segment sequent data . CRFs model can get the global optimal label result using context features .

  20. 为了求解上述模型,首先利用FLOYD算法求得不完全无向图中各节点间的最短路径和最短路径长度,然后设计了捕食搜索算法对模型进行求解。

    To solve the model , the shortest path and its length of every two nodes in the incomplete undigraph are calculated with FLOYD algorithm , and a predatory search algorithm is designed for the solution .

  21. 针对串行算法模型下基于顶点遍历图的情况,提出了一种在CREWPRAM并行模型下遍历无向图的算法。

    According to the algorithm based on vertex traversing graph under the serial algorithm model , a parallel algorithm of traversing undirected graph based on edge is put forward on CREW PRAM . The shortest path spanning tree of undirected graph is found .

  22. CRFs是一个基于无向图的条件概率模型,可以任意添加有效的特征向量,具有表达长距离依赖性和交叠性特征的能力,能够较好地解决标注偏置等问题。

    We can append any effective feature vector into Conditional Random Fields model at random . It has the ability of expressing the characteristics of long-distance dependencies and overlap , so it could solves the problem of label bias .

  23. 该算法使用带权值的无向图表示可疑数据流间的关系,在此基础上采用Gomory-Hu算法计算出任意两条可疑数据的相似程度,然后将相似度高的可疑数据归为一类。

    The algorithm uses undirected graph with weights to represent the relationship between suspicious data flow . On the basis , using Gomory-Hu algorithm to calculate the similarity of any two suspicious data and group the high similarity data .

  24. 无线传感器网络可以用无向图表示,节点及其一跳邻节点构成一个子图。

    Wireless sensor network could be described as an undirected graph .

  25. 然后提出了一种基于加权无向图的控制方法。

    And then the control method based on weighted graph was presented .

  26. 将广播网络用简单连通的无向图表示。

    Broadcast networks can be expressed by a simple connected undirected graph .

  27. 基于遗传算法的无向图多划分优化

    Multi Partitioning Optimization of Directionless Graph Based on Genetic Algorithm

  28. 基于无向图的尺寸标注模型的研究

    Research on dimensioning model on the basis of graph structure

  29. 基于对象的P&ID设计软件无向图模型

    Object-oriented undirected graph model in P & ID design system

  30. 基于加权无向图的永磁球形步进电机运动控制

    The control ofa permanent magnet spherical stepper motor based on weighted graph