
wú jìn
  • be endless;be infinite
无尽 [wú jìn]
  • [endless] 无穷尽的

  • 无尽的水源

  1. 粉刺会给青少年带来无尽的烦恼。

    Spots can be the bane of a teenager 's life .

  2. 一枚奥运金牌能给运动员带来无尽的财富。

    An Olympic gold medal can lead to untold riches for an athlete

  3. 人们的脸上洋溢着无尽的欢乐。

    There was unrestrained joy on the faces of the people

  4. 他眼神中隐藏着无尽的痛楚。

    Behind his eyes was a whole universe of pain .

  5. 此外,还有1938年的《无尽之谜》,纸质作品,物件,舞台和电影项目以及从电视节目中挑选的反映艺术家表演品质的部分。

    There is also L'Enigme sans Fin from 1938 , works on paper , objects , and projects for stage and screen and selected parts from television programmes reflecting the artist 's showman qualities .

  6. 他立即陷入无尽的忧思之中。

    All at once he fell into a state of profound melancholy .

  7. 这座大桥有望缓解孟买无尽的交通拥堵。

    The bridge is expected to ease Mumbai 's unending traffic snarls4 .

  8. 他无尽期地等待着。

    He waited for an eternity .

  9. 这得以让天文学家们绘制出了这张地图,展现了暗物质在无尽的太空中的分布情况。

    And that 's allowed astronomers1 to produce this map of how it 's spread across the expanse of space .

  10. 对于社交媒体爆炸性增长原因,最普遍的一种说法就是因为它满足了许多人“自恋”的情结。太多人整天过于痴迷地盯着高清图片或是对着屏幕,沉溺在无尽的虚拟世界中无法自拔。

    One of the most common refrains about the explosive growth of social media is that it makes many of us " narcissistic through our screens into a bottomless sea of inauthenticity .

  11. 婚姻是一场三个RING的盛会:订婚戒指(engagementRING)、结婚戒指(weddingRING)和无尽的苦头(suffeRING)。

    Marriage is a three ring circus : engagement ring , wedding ring and suffering .

  12. 在Kindle上读大卫·福斯特·华莱士(DavidFosterWallace)的《无尽的玩笑》(InfiniteJest),不用像读纸书那样顺便健身。

    reading David Foster Wallace 's " Infinite Jest " on a Kindle isn 't the workout it is in print .

  13. 最终,桑德森写成了一本畅销电子书《无尽之剑:觉醒》(InfinityBlade:Awakening),这本书一经发售就占据了iBooks的榜首。

    The result was the bestselling ebook , infinity blade : awakening , which debuted at No. 1 on iBooks .

  14. PVP天赋例如无尽凛冬(冰)更接近天赋树顶端,以便血和邪DK可以点出他们。

    Among other things , PvP talents such as Endless Winter are closer to the top of the tree where Blood and Unholy death knights can access them .

  15. 尽管有着高速A6X处理器的上一代iPad并不逊色,但如今在iOS7上运行的一切应用,包括流行的虚拟格斗游戏《无尽之刃3》(InfinityBladeIII),都会更加出色。

    While the previous iPad was no slouch with its brisk a6x processor , now everything on IOS 7 , including the popular virtual brawler infinity blade III , hums along .

  16. 随着IMS的推出,其语音业务的用户数量预计将显着增加,随之而来的是垃圾语音这个严重的问题给用户带来无尽的挫败感和烦恼。

    With the introduction of the IMS , the numbers of voice users are expected to increase dramatically . Spam call has been a serious problem for IMS voice call causing frustration and annoyance to the customers .

  17. 市内不断涌现的新餐厅和新艺术空间,就是当地居民口中的这座Porte(布宜诺斯艾利斯的西班牙语名称)所拥有的无尽创造力的最佳证明。

    The city 's nonstop spawning of new restaurants and arts spaces is a testament to the endless creativity of Porte , as its residents are called .

  18. 迪莲在艾伦和米娅多年来无尽的斗争中就像一个棋子,然后米娅把她被性骚扰的思想植入到女儿的思想中。埃尔金·阿布拉莫维兹在接受NBC采访时说。

    [ Dylan ] was a pawn in a huge fight between [ Allen ] and Mia Farrow years ago , and the idea that she was molested was implanted in her by her mother , Elkin Abramowitz said in an exclusive interview on NBC 's Today .

  19. 在这张图片上仍可以看到平壤,朝鲜东海岸的元山(Wonsan)等城市也有一点模糊的光亮,但其他地方则是无尽的黑暗。

    Pyongyang is still visible , along with a few faint spots in other cities like Wonsan on the east coast , but very little else .

  20. 这次裁决“将让大量小公司遭受了无尽的痛苦,”Delance公司首席执行官吉赛尔•鲁弗在一封电子邮件中写道。

    The ruling " will put a lot of small companies in great pain , " Giselle Rufer , the chief executive of delance , wrote in an email .

  21. 吕叔湘(1984,P.553)说,语法分析的最终目的是用有限的格式去说明繁简多方、变化无尽的语句。

    Lu Shu-xiang ( 1984 , P.553 ) said that , " the grammar analysis final goal is shows numerous Jan with the limited form in every way , the change inexhaustible sentence " .

  22. 无论你已有了伴侣,还是单身,都会在这里体验到无尽的浪漫!

    You will find Romance HERE even you are still single !

  23. 那大概是永无尽期的了。

    They think that this will never come to an end .

  24. 只有死亡才可以解脱这俗世无尽的苦难。

    Only death can free untold sufferings that the secular world .

  25. 你是我灵感与热望的无尽的来源。

    You are an incessant stimulus to my inspiration and aspiration .

  26. 生活的道路就在我的脚下,充满了无尽的可能性。

    My life was still before me , full of possibility .

  27. 文学是很多人快乐的无尽源泉。

    Literature is a source of endless pleasure to many thousands .

  28. 他们的高失业率政策造成了数百万人无尽的痛苦。

    Their policy of high unemployment caused untold misery for millions .

  29. 快乐蝴蝶园地为学生及老师们带来了无尽欢乐。

    The butterfly garden brings joy to the students and teachers .

  30. 因为它是完全的、不动的、无尽的。

    For it is complete , immovable , and without end .