
  • 网络stability theorem
  1. 基于Lyapunov稳定性定理的量子系统最优控制

    Optimal Control of Quantum System Based on Lyapunov Stability Theorem

  2. 基于Lyapunov稳定性定理,通过理论分析确定了实现网络完全同步的条件。

    The condition of complete network synchronization is obtained through theoretical analysis based on the Lyapunov stability theorem .

  3. 根据Lyapunov稳定性定理提出了一种广义同步方案。

    We propose an approach based on the Lyapunov stability theory .

  4. Volterra方程有界性与稳定性定理的推广

    Extension of the Boundedness and Stability of Volterra Integro-differential Equation

  5. 在状态空间中,基于Lyapunov稳定性定理,得到该控制器的存在条件。

    Based on Lyapunov stability theorem , an existence condition of the controller is obtained in the state space .

  6. 最后使用Lyapunov稳定性定理及其推论对此协调控制系统的全局稳定性进行了证明。

    Finally , the global asymptotical stability of the control system is proved by Lyapunov stability theorem and its corollary .

  7. 另外我们还利用Lyapunov稳定性定理证明了该简化策略可以保证队列的稳定性。

    Furthermore , we prove the capability of our algorithm to keep the queue length bounded by utilizing the Lyapunov stability theorem .

  8. 根据Lyapunov稳定性定理,导出了两不同参数混沌系统能实现同步的充分条件,无论驱动系统处于何种状态,该方法都可使响应系统按照驱动系统给定的轨道演化。

    According to Lyapunov 's stability theorem , the synchronization conditions of the two chaos systems that have two different parameters are obtained .

  9. 给出了神经网络BP学习算法与相应的微分动力系统解的存在性、唯一性定理和微分动力系统的零解稳定性定理。

    For neural networks ' BP algorithm and their corresponding differential dynamics , the solution existence theorem , exclusiveness theorem and zero solution stability theorem of dynamic system are presented .

  10. 利用Lyapunov稳定性定理和线性矩阵不等式工具,给出了H∞控制器存在的时滞相关充分条件。

    In terms of the Lyapunov stability theory and linear matrix inequality ( LMI ) techniques , delay-dependent sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of H_ ∞ controller .

  11. 首先在常规的预测控制性能指标后附加一个人为的终端约束,并利用Lyapunov方法推导了在该情况下确保闭环系统大范围渐进稳定的稳定性定理。

    First , a terminal constraint is appended at the back of traditional performance index , and corresponding stability theorem is deduced by Lyapunov method .

  12. 基于Lyapunov稳定性定理,构造适当的Lyapunov函数从而实现了复杂网络的完全同步。

    Based on the Lyapunov stability theorem , the complex network complete synchronization can be achieved through the appropriate configuration and constructing a suitable Lyapunov function .

  13. 基于Lyapunov稳定性定理,设计了一个控制器,对Lorenz混沌系统进行控制,使之能追踪任意的输入信号。

    Based on Lyapunov stability theory , the paper introduces a controller for controlling the Lorenz chaotic system to track any input signals .

  14. 本论文基于Lyapunov稳定性定理以及凸集理论,研究一类离散不确定时滞系统的时滞依赖鲁棒镇定问题。

    Based on the Lyapunov stability theory and convex set theory , the problem of delay-dependent robust stabilization for uncertain time-delay systems is addressed in this dissertation .

  15. 在很弱的假设条件下,应用Lyapunov稳定性定理证明了闭环系统内的所有信号为均匀最终有界。

    For this scheme , stable update laws are determined by using the Lyapunov theory , and the boundedness of all signals in the closed loop system is guaranteed .

  16. 基于Lyapunov稳定性定理,通过选择合适的控制参数,分别实现两个耦合映像格子的同步和反同步。

    Based on Lyapunov stability theorem , we select appropriate control parameters respectively , then we can achieve the synchronization and anti-synchronization of the two coupled map lattice systems .

  17. 在非仿射非线性模型存在不确定的情况下,使用模糊自适应控制器对系统进行控制,并基于Lyapunov稳定性定理得出自适应律。

    This paper considers uncertain or ill-defined non-affine nonlinear systems and employs a fuzzy logic adaptive controller to control the systems . Adaptive law is designed based on Lyapunov stability .

  18. 以异结构混沌系统作为节点构造复杂网络,基于Lyapunov稳定性定理,确定了复杂网络中连接节点的耦合函数的具体形式。

    The complex network is constructed by chaos systems with diverse structures . The coupling functions of the connected nodes of the complex network are identified based on Lyapunov stability theory .

  19. 然后通过引入两类辅助函数G和,利用关联矩阵的信息,构造出混合Lyapunov函数得到DPN的稳定性定理。

    Then , by using two auxiliary functions G , and the information of index matrix , we construct a new hybrid Lyapunov function and present the stability theorem for DPN .

  20. 在参数部分未知或完全未知的情况下,利用Lyapunov稳定性定理和自适应控制方法分别实现了一对异维的派生混沌系统之间的同步以及另一对异维的非派生混沌系统之间的同步。

    In the case of unknown parameters and both derived systems , according to Lyapunov Stability Theory , and Adaptive controlling Theory , to realize chaos synchronization between chaotic systems with different dimensions .

  21. 针对一类带有不匹配时变不确定性和时滞的线性系统,基于Lyapunov稳定性定理,提出了一种新的自适应变结构控制策略。

    For a class of uncertain time varying time delay linear systems which do not satisfy the matching conditions , a new adaptive variable structure control strategy is proposed based on Lyapunov stability theorem .

  22. 本文利用文献〔1〕、〔2〕、〔3〕中关于指数分布的特征刻划与稳定性定理,得到了均匀分布,瑞利(Rayleigh)分布和威布尔(Weibull)分布的一些特征性质与稳定性结果。

    In this paper the characterization and stability of some probability distributions are investigated . The characteristics and stabilities of the uniform distribution , the Rayleigh distribution and the Weibull distribution are given .

  23. 利用Lyapunov稳定性定理,通过Backstepping方法构造Lyapunov函数,确定了网络控制器的具体结构,实现了整个网络的投影同步。

    The Lyapunov function is constructed by Backstepping method according to Lyapunov stability theory , the structure of the controller is determined , and the projection synchronization is realized in the whole network .

  24. 基于Lyapunov稳定性定理证明了系统的稳定性及信号的有界性。(4)针对一类带有外部干扰、状态不可测的非仿射非线性系统,提出了基于观测器的自适应神经网络H∞跟踪控制方法。

    The stability of closed-loop system and signals boundness are demonstrated by Lyapunov stability theorem . ( 4 ) An observer-based adaptive neural-network H ∞ tracking control scheme is presented for a class of nonaffine nonlinear systems with external disturbance and unavailable states .

  25. 一类不连续系统的推广Matrosov稳定性定理

    Extended Matrosov Stability Theorems for A Class of Discontinuous Systems

  26. 综合后推方法与模糊滑模控制方法设计非完整移动机器人的状态反馈控制系统,并根据Lyapunov稳定性定理后推设计时变光滑反馈控制律。

    A hybrid nonlinear state feedback control system is synthesized with backstepping technique and fuzzy sliding mode control methods . A time-varying smooth state feedback controller for the asymptotic stabilization of lateral error is designed with backstepping technique based on Lyapunov theory .

  27. 本文结合工程实践经验,基于传统控制方法和智能自学习控制思想,提出了一种切实可行的新型智能控制器,并应用锥稳定性定理为闭环系统建立了稳定性分析,给出了l2稳定性结果。

    In this paper , based on the traditional control method and intelligent control ideas , a new intelligent control structure is proposed and , using the small gain theorem , stability analysis results are obtained for the close-loop self-learning intelligent control system .

  28. 在非线性不确定函数增益有界的情况下,通过构造增广系统,利用Lyapunov稳定性定理,获得了该不确定系统存在状态观测器和基于观测器的鲁棒控制器的充分条件。

    Under the condition that gain of the nonlinear uncertain functions were bounded , in light of Lyapunov stability theory , a sufficient condition for the existence of the state observer and observer-based robust controllers for such uncertain systems were obtained by constructing an augmented system .

  29. 讨论p-H-调和映射的一阶和二阶变分计算,作为应用,我们利用变分计算公式证明了一个稳定性定理:设Mm是一紧致无边的黎曼流形,Sn是n维单位球面。

    In this paper , we discuss the first and second variations of p-H-Harmonic maps . As an application of the Variational formulas , we prove a stable theorem : Let M ~ m be a compact Riemannian manifold , S ~ n is of n dimensional unit sphere .

  30. 在一般调和映射基础上定义了X-调和映射和次椭圆调和映射,得到了X-调和映射的稳定性定理,它是Leung一般调和映射及其稳定性定理的推广。

    In this paper , the X-harmonic map and subelliptic harmonic map based on the general harmonic map are defined , and their stability theorem is established , which is generalization of some known results obtained by P.E. Leung .