
wěn dìnɡ xì bāo
  • stable cell
  1. 稳定细胞系的建立:用不同浓度的G418培养基培养A10细胞,以14天杀死全部A10细胞的G418浓度为A10细胞的筛选浓度。

    Stable cell line : G418 solution was prepared with different concentration to screen cell , as a basic concentration for kill all cells for 14 days .

  2. 为了研究伴侣分子相互作用蛋白CHIP对TGF-β信号通路的调控,利用四环素基因表达调控系统,建立四环素调控表达CHIP的稳定细胞系(Mv1Lu-Tetoff-CHIP)。

    To investigate the regulatory function of chaperone interacting protein CHIP in TGF - β signal pathway , a tetracycline induced CHIP expression stable cell line ( Mv1Lu-Tet off-CHIP ) was generated .

  3. bFGF对体外培养的兔软骨细胞的胶原合成和稳定细胞表型的作用

    Effects of bFGF on Collagen Synthesis and Stabilization of Phenotypes of Cultured Rabbit Articular Chondrocyte in Vitro

  4. 结论:西红花酸能够减轻H2O2对培养心肌细胞的损伤性凋亡作用,可能与稳定细胞内凋亡相关调控蛋白caspase-3、Bcl-2的功能有关。

    The mechanisms may involve the balance of the functions of the apoptosis-related regulating proteins , caspase-3 and Bcl-2 protein .

  5. 稳定细胞处于G0期,但受到适当的刺激即进入G1期。

    Stabile cells are G0 but are stimulated into G1 by an appropriate stimulus .

  6. 结果:NGF能明显提高CoCl2诱导的神经细胞的活力,降低其LDH释放量,稳定细胞膜。

    Result : NGF enhanced the neuronal viability , decreased the LDH release and stabilized the cytomembrane of CoCl_2-induced primary cultured cortical neurons .

  7. 实验中运用DNA体外重组技术构建了高表达钙调素的真核载体,并将其转染到大鼠正常肾细胞(NRK)中得到钙调素高表达的稳定细胞株。

    An eukaryotic vector , which highly expresses calmodulin , was constructed by DNA recombination in vitro and transfected into NRK cells .

  8. 结论MT对大鼠肝缺血再灌注致肝损伤具有保护作用。其保护机制可能是通过维持肝组织内SOD、CAT含量,清除氧自由基,抗脂质过氧化,稳定细胞膜性结构来实现的。

    Conclusion MT can protect the liver from I / R injury , which may be associated with its anti-oxidase function and maintaining the membrane construction of mitochondria .

  9. 结论vE和GbE对3种氯代烯烃所致KC细胞毒性的拮抗作用可能与它们稳定细胞膜结构,减少细胞膜损伤有关。

    Conclusion The protection of VE and GbE is probably associated with stabilizing the cellular membrane structure of human KC .

  10. 选用非渗透性保护剂海藻糖(trehalose),起到稳定细胞膜和蛋白质结构的作用,减轻低温状态下细胞水肿。

    Choose the impermeability protective agent-trehalose which plays an important role in stabilizing hepatocytes membrane and protein structure and abates cell swelling . 3 .

  11. TP可逆性地催化胸腺嘧啶核苷转变为2-脱氧核糖-1-磷酸和胸腺嘧啶,即通过催化胸苷和胸腺嘧啶的相互转化而稳定细胞内胸苷的水平。

    TP can catalyze reversible transformation of the thymidine to deoxyribose-1 - phosphate and thymine , thus stabilize the level of thymidine , which is the essential material for DNA synthesis .

  12. 除此之外,FDP还具有稳定细胞膜、减轻炎症反应、抑制氧自由基、抑制细胞凋亡等作用,对细胞结构及功能具有明确的保护作用。

    In addition , FDP has the ability to stabilize the cell membrane , abate inflammatory response , and restrain the oxygen free radical and cell apoptosis , it can protect cell in both structure and function .

  13. 结论:康复训练可诱导脑梗死灶周围BDNF的表达,通过其稳定细胞内环境以及促进树突中的某种蛋白合成,引起突触重塑等方面的作用,从而推动脑梗死后神经功能的恢复。

    CONCLUSION : Rehabilitation training may increase the expression of BDNF , so as to accelerate the recovery of neurological function after CI by stabilizing the cellular internal environment and improving the synthesis of certain protein in dendrite and the rebuilding of synapse .

  14. 稳定细胞株构建成功。

    Stable cell line was constructed successfully . 4 .

  15. 长期小剂量接触农药对不稳定细胞有损害。

    Long term exposure to insecticides with small dosage was harmful to unstable cells .

  16. 内容减轻注射痛的机制主要是稳定细胞膜,降低异丙酚水相浓度。

    Content Mechanism involves stabilizing the cell membrane and changing the water phase concentration of propofol .

  17. 钾离子通道具有稳定细胞膜电位和调节细胞兴奋性的重要作用。

    Potassium channels play a critical role in stabilization of membrane potential and regulation of cellular excitability .

  18. 组织型谷氨酰胺转氨酶是一种多功能酶,不仅可以催化多种蛋白质形成交联分子稳定细胞外基质,而且可以调节肿瘤生长、细胞分化、细胞凋亡和细胞黏附。

    Tissue transglutaminase is a multifunctional enzyme which is involved in the regulation of cell growth , differentiation and apoptosis .

  19. 抗坏血酸可稳定细胞膜结构,降低脂质过氧化产物丙二醛的含量,增强小麦种子的活力。

    The ASA may stabilize the cell membrane structure , decrease the content of MDA , and increase the activities of wheat seeds .

  20. 在缺血性脑损伤中,HO-1/CO系统具有抗氧化、稳定细胞膜和线粒体膜、抑制细胞凋亡等作用。

    In ischemic brain injury , HO-1 / CO system has antioxidant , stabilization of cell membrane and mitochondria membrane , inhibiting cell apoptosis .

  21. 病理切片显示痛风合剂能抑制关节滑膜炎性细胞浸润、减少尿酸盐晶体沉积;电镜显示其能减轻细胞炎性反应、稳定细胞膜及细胞器。

    Pathological examination shown the inflammatory cell infiltration and the monosodium urate crystals in the joint which induce acute attacks of gouty arthritis inflammation was inhibited .

  22. 缺血时容易损伤由不稳定细胞组成的肠道,随后的血液再灌注则会进一步损伤小肠粘膜细胞。

    The intestine is composed of labile cells that are easily injured by episodes of ischemia . Subsequent reperfusion of the intestine results in further damage to the mucosa .

  23. 结论大蒜油为良好的治疗冻伤药物,其主要作用在于提高机体免疫力、稳定细胞膜结构、防止血栓形成和改善微循环、抗感染等方面。

    Conclusion Garlicin is a satisfactory drug for treating congelation , its major roles are carried out by raising body immunity , stabilizing structure of cell membrane , preventing formation of thrombus , improving microcirculation and counteracting infection .

  24. 我室前期研究表明,阿的平有对抗热效应的作用,其作用可能与抑制细胞膜磷脂代谢、稳定细胞膜的作用有关,但阿的平对微波损伤的作用缺乏研究。

    Function of QA may probably be involved in the inhibition of cell membrane phospholipids metabolism and stabilization cell membrane fluidity , however , seldom research work was focused on the effect of Quinacrine on microwave radiation induced injury .

  25. 组织型转谷氨酰胺酶在稳定细胞外基质、细胞凋亡、细胞粘附、细胞信号转导等多种生理病理过程中扮演重要角色,并参与了一些玻璃体视网膜疾病的病理过程。

    Tissue transglutaminase has an important role in many physiologic and pathologic processes , such as stabilization of extracellular matrix , cell apoptosis , cell adhesion , and cell signal transduction . It also takes part in the pathologic processes of several vitreoretinal diseases .

  26. 转染小鼠可溶性B淋巴细胞刺激因子稳定表达细胞株的筛选与鉴定

    Screening and Identification of Stable Transfectants of Mouse Soluble B Lymphocyte Stimulator

  27. 机体pH值的稳定对于细胞正常功能的维持至关重要。

    A stable pH is important for normal cellular function .

  28. 结论R2具有止痒、抗炎、抑制Ⅰ、Ⅳ型变态反应作用,其机制与抗组胺、稳定肥大细胞膜及抑制肥大细胞脱颗粒等有关。

    One of its mechanisms may be related to the actions of antihistamine , stabilizing mastocyte membrane and inhibiting degranulation of mastocyte .

  29. 基于N蛋白稳定表达细胞株的SARS-CoV间接免疫荧光检测方法的建立

    Immunofluorescence assay for detection of antibodes against SARS-CoV using BHK-21 cells stably expressing recombinant viral nucleoprotein

  30. 甲状腺激素(TH)在个体发育、维持内环境稳定、细胞增殖和分化方面均有广泛的作用。

    Thyroid hormones ( THs ) have extensive effects on ontogeny , maintaining homeostasis , cellular proliferation and differentiation .