
chánɡ shí chénɡ yì zhì
  • long-term depression
  1. 代谢型谷氨酸受体激动药DHPG对大鼠海马穿通通路长时程抑制的影响

    Effect of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Agonist DHPG on Long-term Depression in the Hippocampal Perforant Pathway of Rats

  2. 结果提示,长时程抑制时细胞内钙的升高并非来自于细胞内钙库的钙释放;

    The results indicate that the calcium increase in pyramidal neuron in long-term depression is not released from the internal calcium store ;

  3. 2Hz电针诱导神经病理痛大鼠脊髓背角突触传递长时程抑制

    Electroacupuncture of 2 Hz induces long-term depression of synaptic transmission in the spinal dorsal horn in rats with neuropathic pain

  4. 多巴胺参与的海马神经元长时程抑制在大鼠新环境探索中的作用

    Dopamine-dependent long-term depression in hippocampus of rat induced by exposure to spatial novelty

  5. 目的观察几种不同浓度酒精对大鼠背侧纹状体长时程突触抑制(LTD)诱导的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of ethanol at several concentrations on the induction of corticostriatal long-term depression ( LTD ) .

  6. 本研究首先建立大鼠背侧纹状体长时程突触抑制(LTD)的诱导方法;

    This study first establish the method of the induction of long-term depression ( LTD ) in the dorsal striatum of rats .

  7. 突触后电位表现电流效应和频率依赖性,其IPSP具有长时程的抑制作用。

    Postsynaptic potentials manifested current effect and frequency dependency and their IPSP displayed a prolonged inhibition .

  8. 电针对神经病理性疼痛大鼠脊髓背角神经元突触传递长时程增强的抑制作用

    Effects of Electroacupuncture on Long-term Potentiation of Synaptic Transmission in Spinal Dorsal Horn in Rats with Neuropathic Pain

  9. NMDA依赖的突触长时程增强和长时程抑制模型与仿真研究

    A model and simulation research of NMDA-depended bidirectional synaptic plasticity

  10. 问题是与长时程增强互补的、长时程抑制(LTD)现象是否与突触前整体兴奋性相关。

    The question is whether there is correlation between synaptic depression and modification of global excitability .

  11. 提出突触可塑性的一个可能的数学公式,尝试用这个公式统一地描述突触长时程增强效应和突触长时程抑制效应。

    A possible mathematical formula of synaptic plasticity is proposed which may be used to describe both the long-term potentiation and the long-term depression .

  12. 点燃模型和长时程增强(LTP)、长时程抑制(LTD)都是大脑信息长期储存的模型。

    The kindling models , long-term potentiation ( LTP ) and long term depression ( LTD ) are the models of long-term memory storage in the brain .

  13. 长时程增强(LTP)和长时程抑制(LTD),作为突触可塑性变化的两种主要形式,被认为是学习记忆的可能机制。

    Long-term potentiation ( LTP ) and long-term depression ( LTD ), two forms of synaptic plasticity , are believed to underlie the mechanism of learning and memory .

  14. 海马突触可塑性,主要是指活动或经验依赖的长时程增强(Long-termpotentiation,LTP)和长时程抑制(Long-termdepression,LTD),被认为是海马依赖的学习与记忆的细胞分子基础。

    Hippocampal activity-dependent or experience-dependent synaptic plasticity , including Long-term potentiation ( LTP ) and Long-term depression ( LTD ), is believed to be the cellular and molecular mechanism which underlies hippocampus-dependent learning and memory .