
cháng kōng
  • vast sky
长空 [cháng kōng]
  • [vast sky] 宽广高远的天空

  • 万里长空且为忠魂舞。--毛泽东《蝶恋花.答李淑一》

  • 遨游长空

长空[cháng kōng]
  1. 飞机在长空飞翔。

    Airplanes are flying in the vast sky .

  2. 突然一道闪电划破长空。

    Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky .

  3. 他咆哮着,痛苦的喊声划破长空。

    He bellows , rends the air with anguish .

  4. 刺耳的尖叫声划破长空。

    A piercing scream split the air .

  5. 辽远里,剩下灰色的长空一片

    It left vast gray skies lonely .

  6. “它能飞到哪里去?”一只鸟笑着发问,“我也曾击翅长空,可我贪恋万绿从中的安逸,又落翅而返。对我来说已经足够了,可巨鸟究竟想飞向何方?”

    Where can it be going ? Wondered a bird with a laugh , " I once flew into the sky , then come down to enjoy myself among the bushes . That 's good enough for me . Where else does it want to go ? "

  7. 看到闪电在远处划破长空。

    The surreal beauty of watching lightning strike in the distance .

  8. 脑海中浮现的云彩掠过长空的画面。

    A mental picture of clouds scudding across the sky .

  9. 仰望长空,历史的星光依然闪烁!

    Look to the sky , the stars still blink of history !

  10. 本文介绍长空超低空无人驾驶飞机的飞行控制系统。

    The paper introduces the flight control system of the pilotless aircraft .

  11. 如低语般划过长空的莫尔斯电码嗒嗒声。

    A stutter of Morse code whispering through the ether .

  12. 他仰望长空,叹了口气。

    He sighed and looked up at the sky .

  13. 思想穿梭我心,如鸭群掠过长空。

    Thoughts pass in my mind like flocks of ducks in the sky .

  14. 这声音穿过长空,又在下面的岩壁间回响。

    The sound lanced through the air and reverberated off the shale slopes below .

  15. 如果我们拥有友爱,我们的力量便可以划破漫漫长空。

    If there is brotherliness in our mind , our strength shall break out universe .

  16. 我在飞翔,如鸟般飞翔,划过长空。

    I am flying , I am flying like a bird , cross the sky .

  17. 一株株幼苗悄悄地钻出土层,萌动芽翼,伸向长空。

    One seedling after another quietly burst out of the soil and sprout to-wards the sky .

  18. 长空是败在你的剑下?

    Sky died by your sword ?

  19. 无数流星将以每秒71公里的速度划破长空。

    Countle meteoroids will be sent hurtling into the Earth 's atmo here at71 kilometres a second .

  20. 锯齿形的道道闪电相继划破长空,声声雷鸣在水面上回响。

    Zigzag bolts of lightening flash across the sky the clap of thunder echoes across the water .

  21. 一种长空管(经常是圆柱的)用来容纳或引导液体或气体。

    A long hollow object ( usually cylindrical ) used to hold and conduct liquids or gases .

  22. 这位里斯女孩的发色如蜂蜜,眼睛则像夏日长空。

    The Lysene girl had hair the color of honey , and eyes like the summer sky .

  23. 几乎同时一个女人凄厉的尖叫声划破长空。

    Almost at the same moment a piercing female cry arose in the air in a prolonged shriek .

  24. 一声巨响划破了长空&后来她就陷入黑暗之中,什么也不知道了。

    A loud crunch split the air & and then * Nothing , as her world went black .

  25. 使用波导模型研究长空一号靶机喷气式发动机进气道的雷达反射特性

    Calculation of Radar Cross Section ( RCS ) of Jet Engine Intake of CK-1 Target Using a Waveguide Model

  26. 这些首饰如满天的繁星一般,熠熠光辉点缀着历史和文化的长空。

    The jewelry such as a sky full of stars generally , dotted with gleaming and glorious history and culture .

  27. 随着两声呼啸划破长空,敌方两架战机相继被命中,落入大海。

    After two screams piercing the sky , two enemy air fighters were shut down into the " sea " .

  28. 我心如流星,带着一丝惆怅,在某一个瞬间,滑过某个长空。

    My heart like meteors , with a touch of melancholy , in one moment , rolls over to a sky .

  29. 周日,一架俄罗斯苏-27战斗机在黑海上空紧急长空拦截一架美国海军侦察机。

    A Russian Su-27 fighter jet was scrambled over the Black Sea on Sunday to intercept a U.S. Navy reconnaissance aircraft .

  30. 土温出生于1835年,正巧赶上75年回归一次的哈雷慧星划过长空。

    Twain was born in 1835 following the appearance of Halley 's Comet , which comes about once every 75 years .