
zhuó dì
  • land;touch the ground
  1. 而光脚跑步者是前脚掌着地。

    Barefoot runners land on the balls of their feet .

  2. 你会用你的前脚掌或你的中脚掌着地。

    You 'll land on the ball of your foot or your mid-foot strike .

  3. 婴儿们看上去都是平足,他们走路的时候整个脚掌都着地。

    All babies look flat-footed and when they walk the whole sole touches the ground

  4. 他站立不稳,摔了个脑壳着地。

    He overbalanced and fell head first .

  5. 他这次摔倒了,背部着地,两腿大叉。

    He fell over this time , flat on his back with his legs wide .

  6. 机组人员终于使飞机腹部在跑道土质松软的部分着地。

    The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway .

  7. 马修斯说:“吐司上涂有黄油的那一面着地是因为人类的身高不够,让它没法以另一面落地。”

    " Toast lands butter-side down because humans aren ' t tall enough to let it land any other way , " Matthews said .

  8. 当学生们从2.5米的高度投掷吐司时,吐司的黄油面着地率只下降了47%。

    When students threw the toast from a height of 2.5 metres , the toast landed butter-side down only 47 percent of the time .

  9. 它随着击碰倾侧,头不动,眼不动,还呆呆地注视着地上

    As the kitten touches it , it tilts at the floor .

  10. 结果两组在损伤环境、坠落高度、着地姿势、损伤类型、伤情程度等方面具有明显的不同,统计学检验其差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.001)。

    Results There existed significant difference in the circumstances , the fall height , the landing position , the injury patterns , and the injury severity between the two groups .

  11. 基于ADAMS的ROV采矿车近海底着地虚拟仿真

    Virtual Simulation of ROV Mining Vehicle Landing Process Based on ADAMS

  12. 刘翔110m栏第五栏下栏着地技术的运动学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis of Liu Xiang 's hurdle clearance technique of fifth hurdle

  13. 8区警察总长默罕默德(AktarMohammad)说,着地的火箭弹没有爆炸。

    Aktar Mohammad , the police chief of district eight , said the rocket landed without exploding .

  14. Q.如果我在一辆摩托车上,在驶上四分之一圆弧坡道时跳离摩托车,那么那一刹那我的速度需要有多快才能安全离开摩托车,并且用降落伞安全着地?

    Q. If I were on a motorbike and do a jump off a quarter pipe ramp , how fast would I need to be moving to safely deploy and land using the parachute ?

  15. 研究猫在自由下落时四肢着地的姿态运动规划问题。

    The motion planning problem of a free-falling cat was investigated .

  16. 对背越式跳高安全着地的探讨

    The Discussion on Safe Fall to the Ground of Back Style Jump

  17. 这样,他们可以缓解着地时的压力,避免伤害脚跟。

    That way they ease into their landing and avoid striking their heel .

  18. 说罢,他脚跟着地,来了个向后转,离开了,背影消失在阴暗中。

    Lie turned on his heel and left , disappearing back into the shadows .

  19. 当妈妈回来时,她看见孩子四肢着地地在屋里爬着。

    When mother came back she found baby travelling the room over on all fours .

  20. 人工模拟降雨中大粒径雨滴着地速度公式的探讨

    An improvement to the falling velocity formula of the large-diameter raindrop in the simulated rainfall

  21. 够得着地就行了。

    Long enough to reach the ground .

  22. 猫着地时四脚落地。

    The cat landedon all fours .

  23. 保持身体重心放在双脚,保持后脚跟着地。

    Try to maintain your weight directly over your feet , keeping heels on the floor .

  24. 它能在半空中扭转身体,如果它落下或被扔下,它能四脚着地。

    It can twist in midair and land on its feet if it falls or is dropped .

  25. 跳远助跑最后一步摆动腿着地姿态的研究

    The Study on the Landing Position of the Swinging Leg at the Last Run - up Stride

  26. 现代短跑技术强调快速摆动与短时着地技术的提高。

    Modern techniques for dash emphasize the increase of periodicity of movement and ground-foot impact . quick ;

  27. 三个月来,他都用前爪扒着地,拖着受伤的后腿部分移动。

    For three months he dragged his injured hindquarters by clawing the earth with his front paws .

  28. 支撑腿着地缓冲时,髋关节不是主动弯曲,而是积极伸展;

    When the supporting leg lands and buffers , the hip joint does not bend , but continually stretch ;

  29. 如果着地面积由几个车轮重叠而成,则总荷载应均布在该面积上。

    Where such areas from several wheels overlap , the total load shall be uniformly distributed over the area .

  30. 如果车轮着地位置设定正确,方向盘仅能通过拉杆来重新进行中心定位。

    Once the toe setting is correct , the steering wheel can be re-centered by adjusting only the drag link .