
zháo mó
  • be bewitched;be possessed;be obsessed;be fascinated;enchantment;obsession;spellbound
着魔 [zháo mó]
  • (1) [be obsessed;be bewitched]∶事情或言行反常

  • 他就像一个着魔的人,站在门口不动

  • (2) [be fascinated]∶着迷

着魔[zháo mó]
  1. 你会渐渐着魔,越陷越深。

    You gradually fall under the spell and get drawn in deeper and deeper

  2. 什么使他着魔做了这件事?

    What possessed him to do it ?

  3. 他对尸体着魔到近乎病态的程度

    He was morbidly fascinated by dead bodies .

  4. 他们跳舞一点,我们切到一个镜头B利用这些交友网站非常着魔,爱这么多。

    They dance around a bit , and we cut to a shot of B using that dating website that Gaga loves so much .

  5. 对一台机器的硬编码引用,包括特定驱动器(例如C:)的路径,以及机器上特有的工具,都是令一台机器着魔的罪魁祸首。

    Hard-coded references to a machine , paths that include specific drives ( like C : ), and specific machine tools are all red flags that will quickly hex a machine .

  6. 你是不是觉得我着魔了?是我杀了那疯狗?

    You think I was possessed * And murdered mad dog ?

  7. 着魔的女孩是什么样的人?

    So what 's the profile on the possessed girl ?

  8. 这位小提琴家像着魔似地演奏小提琴。

    This violinist played like a man possessed by devils .

  9. 着魔的人被(或看上去象被)魔鬼控制的人。

    One who is or seems to be possessed by a demon .

  10. 不,我不认为着魔是一种典型的经历。

    No , I don 't think possession is a typical experience .

  11. 反正“着魔”这个词在西班牙话里分量就不轻。

    Obsessed is a strong word in Spanish anyway .

  12. 你可以叫它着魔的表征。

    Signs of possession , you may call them .

  13. 你在问我他是不是着魔了?

    You 're asking me if he was possessed ?

  14. 许多年来,有些妇女爱美到着魔地步。

    Across the years some women have been literally dying to be beautiful .

  15. 有时候,我们会着魔于积累这些心头好,沉溺于对其保养护理。

    Sometimes their accumulation becomes our obsession and their maintenance becomes our passion .

  16. 你着魔了吗?竟然邀请他。

    What on earth possessed you to invite him ?

  17. 我知道那儿的罐装泡菜让人着魔。

    I know it 's all very charming with the pickled things in jars .

  18. 切尔西的抢断再一次在着魔的观众前闪光。

    Yet again , Chelsea 's steel glinted in front of a rapt audience .

  19. 怪老头内贝尔克莱克的房子着魔了。

    Old man nebbercracker 's house is possessed .

  20. 他简直对那座房子着魔了

    He was completely consumed by this house .

  21. 要是我真的着魔了该怎么办呐?

    What if I 'm really possessed * ?

  22. 麻醉药让艾米丽处于着魔状态。

    Gambutrol locked Emily in the possessed state .

  23. 爱情是什么吕志鲁译爱情是着魔理智说爱就是爱爱情说

    Erich Fried It is madness says reason It is what it is says love

  24. 世界被震惊也着魔了。

    The world is enchanted and astonished .

  25. 我不能责怪他为西方文明而着魔。

    I can 't blame him for being under the spell of the western civilization .

  26. 像魔鬼一般的精力;一阵着魔似的突然发作。

    Demoniac energy ; a demoniacal fit .

  27. 我爱非常着魔,蕾哈娜。

    I love Gaga and Rihanna .

  28. “这些标记是红斑,他是在某些邪恶力量的驱使下着魔的,”另外一个争辩说。

    " the markings are stigmata , he is possessed by something unholy ," argued another .

  29. 我太自私了我着魔了我是个糟糕的妻子

    I 'm selfish , and I 'm obsessed , And I 'm a horrible wife .

  30. 布兰妮的称为“制造”出来的流行歌手非常着魔的最新时尚女士的文章。

    Britney 's called a " manufactured " pop artist in Lady Gaga 's newest Vogue article .