
zhuó lù qū
  • Landing area;touch-down zone
着陆区[zhuó lù qū]
  1. 这四项全都在预期的着陆区内。

    All four items are in the expected landing area .

  2. 着陆区面积却是载人飞船的16倍,这给搜索任务增加了难度。

    However , its landing area is 16 times larger , difficulties the search mission .

  3. 这意味着宇航员得采取办法,将飞船驶向范围相对有限的着陆区降落。

    This meant that the pilot had to have some means of flying the spacecraft toward a relatively limited landing area .

  4. 勇士号着陆区主要为风蚀区,而机遇号着陆区主要为风积区;

    The region landed by Courage mainly is a wind erosion area and the Opportunity mainly is a wind deposit area .

  5. 目的对不同的可能着陆区内的温度环境以及人体与环境的热交换问题进行分析,并讨论相应的对抗措施。

    Objective To analyze the temperature environment of different emergency landing areas and discuss the heat exchange between astronaut and the temperature environment .

  6. 当飞船在无地面测控支持的运行段飞行时,必须考虑故障情况下飞船自主返回应急着陆区的控制参数确定问题。

    When something seriously wrong happens with the spaceship in a stage without ground support , parameters for emergency reentry should be decided .

  7. 所有经验丰富的飞行员,布什将确认,场外机场的运作需要一个飞机上的能见度-行动在紧张的地区,并允许试验,以选择合适的着陆区。

    As all seasoned bush pilots will confirm , off-airport operations require an aircraft with superior visibility-for operations in tight areas and to allow the pilot to choose suitable landing areas .

  8. 周六晚上,“嫦娥三号”探测器在月球表面着陆区“彩虹湾”成功着陆,标志中国已成为继苏联、美国后世界上第三个实现地外天体软着陆的国家。

    Chang'e-3 landed on the moon 's Bay of Rainbows Saturday night , making China the third country in the world to carry out such a rover mission after the United States and former Soviet Union .

  9. 针对高程数据,给出一种规则化插补的重采样方法和基于着陆区平面拟合的粗糙度与坡度提取算法。其次,基于模糊推理,对单传感器地形风险评估方法进行研究。

    For elevation data , a regularized interpolation for resampling and an algorithm for extracting terrain roughness and slope with landing area plane fitting are presented . Secondly , the terrain hazard assessment methodology with single sensor is studied based on fuzzy inference .

  10. 不负责任的吐痰“我的大烦恼?跑步者没有练习吐痰礼节。我懂,喉咙里面有痰的确是件让人恼火之事。但请在吐痰前先观察一番,以确保没有无辜的慢跑者在痰的着陆区。”

    Irresponsible spitting " My big pet peeve ? Runners who don 't practice spitting etiquette . I get it , it 's really annoying to have that phlegmy feeling in the back of your throat . But please watch before you hock a loogie to make sure there 's no poor innocent jogger in the landing zone . "

  11. 神舟七号飞船主着陆场区强对流天气的大尺度环流特征

    Large-scale Circulation Features of Severe Convention Process for the Main Landing Field of " Shenzhou No.7 "

  12. 冷空气引起的飞船主着陆场区偏北大风的特征分析及预报强风转向东北偏东方向

    Characteristic Analysis and Forecast on Northward Strong Wind in Spacecraft Main Landing Field Region Which Caused by Cold Air

  13. 结论航天员主着陆场区医疗救护的方案、设备配置、营救模式以及组织实施,为野战及灾害等特殊环境中的医学应急救援提供了较为先进的模式。

    Conclusion The first - aid scheme for astronauts at the main landing site , and its equipments , first aid strategies as well as it execution might provide an advanced system for medical aid and emergency treatment in the battle field , disasters , and other special occasions .

  14. 仪表着陆系统远区场飞行检验方法研究

    A Flight Test Method Research on Instrument Landing System Applied to a Far Zone

  15. 从理论上分析表明,通过选择特殊的检验航线及数据处理方式,此方法可适合于对仪表着陆系统远区场进行检验,且可对检验结果进行统计分析。

    By choosing particular course and data processing , this method is suitable for flying test on the far zone of instrument landing system , and can be used for making a statistical analysis to the flight test result .

  16. 神舟九号的返回舱已按照预定的计划顺利着陆于内蒙古自治区。

    The return capsule of Shenzhou IX spacecraft touched down in north China 's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as planned .

  17. 主要包括:成功登月任务统计,着陆点选择原则归纳,着陆区特征研究,选择策略趋势分析,权重计算以及月面地形重构。

    It mainly includes successful landing mission statistics , landing-site selection principle summary , landing area characteristics research , selection strategies trend analysis , weight coefficient calculation and lunar terrain reconstruction .

  18. 针对总结的着陆点选择的几项原则,分析了能反映这些原则的着陆区特征:经纬度、位置、平均坡度、目标采样材料和着陆精度。

    In view of the principles for selecting landing-site , it analyzed several landing area characteristics which included latitude and longitude position , average slope , landing accuracy and target resources .

  19. 着陆点的选取规律,是通过研究已成功登月任务选择着陆点的策略和各着陆区特征,进行统计、归纳和分析的过程。

    The selection of landing site is the research process of moon information through statistics , induction and analysis from successful missions of Lunar soft landing .

  20. 2019年1月3日,“嫦娥四号”探测器成功在月球背面软着陆,释放出“玉兔二号”月球车,开始对月球南极-艾特肯盆地的着陆区进行巡视探测。

    marking the country 's fourth lunar exploration and the world 's first expedition to the far side of the moon . The probe made a soft landing on the far side on Jan 3 , 2019 , and then released Yutu 2 to roam and survey the landing site in the South Pole-Aitken basin .