
  1. “真漂亮。”他抚摩着腰带上流苏重复说。

    " It 's beautiful ," he repeated , fingering the fringe .

  2. 若系着腰带,就用不着背带了!加边用带子或丝带系上或装饰(头发)

    You don 't need braces if you 're wearing a belt ! To fasten or decorate ( hair ) with a band or ribbon .

  3. 在我那个时候,我们穿着背带裤,系着腰带和领结去高中,也把洋葱系在我的皮带上吃午饭。我们的裤子能高到我们的腋窝处。

    Back in my days , we wore suspenders and belts and jointing bow ties for high school , and tying onion on my belt too for lunch . Our trousers went all the way up to our armpits .

  4. 如同超人穿着斗篷或是洛基戴着金腰带。

    The way that Superman wears his cape or Rocky Balboa wears his belt .

  5. 在一座嘴唇由红宝石镶成、系着黄金腰带的巨型金佛脚下,孩子们占领了入口处的通道,看护着游客们的鞋子以换取小费。

    At a giant golden Buddha with ruby lips and a golden sash , children occupied the entryway , guarding visitors ' shoes for tips .

  6. 士兵们在最外层会套件皮革制成的无袖背心,以作防护之用,此外,他们还系着皮质腰带。

    For better protection , a sleeveless vest made of leather would be worn over the top , and they usually also wore a leather belt around the waist .

  7. 有个阿拉伯小贩拎着一扎腰带走近他们。

    An Arab salesman approached them carrying belts .

  8. 一个灰袍陌生男人,紧紧系着一根腰带,在路上走。

    A strange man in a brown robe , tied with a whipcord belt , walked along the roadway .

  9. 那个男人,不象他身边的那些,穿着一件灰袍,系着紧紧的腰带,拿着一根木杖。

    The man , unlike those around him , wears a brown robe , fastened round with a whipcord belt , and holds a staff of wood .

  10. 它站在那里,样子很娇嫩,似乎很容易被折断,但又那么健壮,充满了青春美。它站在那里,身上穿着白色的外衣,系着绿色的腰带,赞美着夏天。

    There it stood , so delicate and so easily broken , and yet so strong in its young beauty ; it stood there in its white dress with the green stripes , and made a summer .

  11. 当那位销售员到来时,他身体多个部位配带着电子产品:腰带上挂着PDA和一部手机,耳边别着蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机。

    The salesman had arrived with electronics affixed to various parts of his body : a PDA and phone attached to his belt and a Bluetooth ear piece stapled to the side of his head .