
zhuó sī diǎn
  • centromere;kinetochore
着丝点[zhuó sī diǎn]
  1. 大鼠再生肝及发育不同阶段中肝细胞着丝点蛋白的研究

    Studies of the kinetochore proteins of the regenerating liver and liver cells of rats at different stages of development

  2. 中期板大概是两个相等而方向相反的放射状着丝点微管群之间的平衡点。

    The metaphase plate would thus be the null point between two equal but oppositely directed and acting groups of kinetochore tubules .

  3. 每个染色体由两个染色单体所组成,它们被一个着丝点联结在一起。

    Each chromosome consists of two chromatids held together by the centromere .

  4. 多数染色体的着丝点区均显示出一个深浅不同的C带。

    Most of the macrochromosomes show a prominent centromeric C-banding .

  5. C组(m),7~12号,为中部着丝点染色体;

    7-No. 12 of group C were metacentric chromosomes ( m ), the No.

  6. B组4对,为亚中部着丝点染色体;

    Group B is of sub-metacentrics of 4 pairs .

  7. C组,12~17号,为近端着丝点染色体;

    The No. 12 ~ No. 17 of group C were subtelocentric chromosomes ( ST );

  8. x染色体为中部着丝点,y染色体为端部着丝点。

    The X chromosome is metacentric , the Y chromosome being telocentric .

  9. 中着丝点区域的11对,主要分布A、C、E三组中;

    Metacentric chromosomes are 11 pairs mostly distributed in A , C , E groups .

  10. 有证据表明,这些片段可能代表羚牛染色体着丝点的卫星DNA单体。

    It also suggests that these BamHI fragments may represent repeat units of the centromeric satellite DNA of takin .

  11. 与着丝粒DNA相反,着丝粒/着丝点的结构性和瞬时蛋白质在包括植物在内的真核生物中保守。

    In contrast to centromeric DNA , structural and transient centromeric / kinetochoric proteins are conserved among eukaryotes including plants .

  12. 剂量率对~(60)Coγ线诱发双着丝点产额的影响

    The dose rate effect on the yield of dicentrics induced by ~ ( 60 ) co - γ - rays irradiation

  13. 在减数分裂后期II,每条染色体的两个染色单体随着着丝点的分裂而彼此分开,由纺锤丝牵向两极。

    During anaphase II the centromeres divide and single chromatids are drawn toward the poles , thus sister chromatids are separated .

  14. 抗着丝点抗体(ACA)细胞外染色体检测及其临床应用

    Detection and Application of Autoantibody to Centromere in Chromosome Spread

  15. ANA的主要荧光模式为细胞核膜型、细胞核点型和着丝点型。

    Three main fluorescent patterns of ANA seen were nuclear membrane , nuclear dots and centromere patterns .

  16. 紫杉酚(Taxol)对培养的哺乳动物细胞的着丝点抗原和核仁蛋白B23的影响

    Effects of Taxol on Centromere Antigens and Nucleolar Protein B23 in Cultured Mammalian Cells

  17. 根据使用引物的不同,它可检测重复区段(着丝点、端粒或Alu家族)和单拷贝序列/基因。

    PRINS can detect repetitive ( e.g.centromeric , telomeric or Alu repeats ) and single copy sequences / genes , depending on the primers used .

  18. 3例患者抗核抗体ANA、类风湿因子RF、抗Scl-70抗体和抗着丝点抗体均为阴性,组织病理检查显示真皮网状层胶原纤维束增粗、密集和肿胀。

    ANA , RF , anti-Scl-70 and anti-centromere antibodies were negative . 2 patients presented with interstitial lung disease . Histopathology showed that in stratum reticulare collagen fibers were thickened , densified and swollen .

  19. 改良后,由于杜绝了畸变的丢失,使畸变细胞率、断片率、双着丝点体率及X1Cu细胞占总畸变细胞的比例增加,使染色体畸变能真实地反映辐射生物剂量。

    Since the modified method prevented the loss of cells with chromosome aberrations the percentages of cells with chromosome aberration , fragments and dicentrics . and the rate of X_1Cu cells in the total aberration cells showed an increase .

  20. 畸变类型主要是无着丝点断片(占82.9%);

    The type of aberrations was mainly acentrics fragments ( 82.9 % ) .

  21. D组,13&18对,为端着丝点染色体。

    13 to 18 of group D are telocentric chromosomes ( T ) .

  22. N-带显示的区域主要在着丝点附近。

    N-bands were mainly distributed near centromere in rice .

  23. 在有丝分裂期间,姐妹染色单体在分裂后期之前都是通过着丝点连接的。

    During mitosis , sister chromatids remain joined by their centromere until anaphase .

  24. 抗着丝点抗体在原发性胆汁性肝硬化中的意义

    Significance of anticentromere antibody in primary biliary cirrhosis

  25. 染色体着丝点结构变化与习惯性流产的关系

    A Study of Correlation between the Change of Chromosome Centromeric Dots and Habitual Abortions

  26. 受体A型带位于远离着丝点区域;

    Type A bands of receptor were located in the regions far from centromeres .

  27. 染色体数目、相对长度和着丝点位置均无明显区别。

    No difference was observed in chromosomal number , relative length and chiasma location .

  28. 近端着丝点染色体随体联合随机性探讨

    A study on random acrocentric chromosome sattellite Association

  29. 在有丝分裂中,后期细胞也观察到无着丝点染色体断片和落后染色体,它们有可能形成微核。

    Acentric fragments of chromosome and late chromosomes in meta-and anaphase cells are also observed .

  30. 利用硬皮病病人的自发抗体研究着丝点抗原的保守性及其性质

    The studies on conservation and nature of kinetochore antigen with human autoantibodies from scleroderma patients