
  • 网络Propagule
  1. 2对以及2只单只的个体,虽然没有发现巢,但根据其保护领域的行为,可以确定其为繁殖个体。

    From the territory defending behavior , 2 pairs of birds and 2 single Cranes were confirmed to be breeders .

  2. 从5月下旬至9月上旬前,雌成虫群体中繁殖个体占据大部分,其数量在8月中下旬达到高峰。

    From late May to early September , most of the female adults in the population go on with their reproduction .

  3. 在2003年,繁殖个体的身体条件较前些年差,繁殖对的数量和雏鸟成活率也有所下降。

    During the 2003 breeding season , the body condition of breeding storm-petrels was worse than previous years and the number of breeding pairs and fledgling success diminished .

  4. 目前野生种群和圈养种群共有朱鹮约600只,均为1981年在洋县重新发现的两对繁殖个体的后代。

    All living Crested Ibis are known to descent from two breeding pairs rediscovered in Yangxian county in 1981 . Until the end of 2004 , the total population has recovered to about 600 individuals , including the wild and the captive populations .

  5. 人工植被恢复能够促使中小型土壤动物大量繁殖,个体数量急剧增加,但大型土壤动物类群和个体数少,多样性指数低。

    Their individuals increased quickly . But the groups and individuals of soil macrofauna were less and their diversity was low .

  6. 繁殖季节雄性个体在颊部、眼眶、鳃盖骨、头顶部以及体侧鳞片上出现白色颗粒状的珠星,以颊部、鳃盖骨和侧线鳞为最多。

    During reproduction periods , some white nuptial organs were visible on cheek , orbit , opercular , head and lateral scales in males .

  7. 对动物繁殖认知的个体内差异表现为:①对动物、非生物领域的认知因任务要求而表现不同;

    In addition , there were intra-individual differences , for instance , first , children 's understanding for animal and inanimate objects was different on the different tasks ;

  8. 这些问题的阐明涉及到种群的繁殖系统、个体数量、年龄结构、更新能力、增长模式、收获技术及其与生物和非生物环境的关系等。

    The explication of the above mentioned issues involved propagating system , individual number , age structure , renewal ability , growth mode and harvesting technique of population , and involved their relations with biological and abiological environments .

  9. 结果表明,两个鳙鱼人工繁殖群体内个体间的遗传相似度分别为0.9755和0.9797,Shanonn表型多样性指数分别为5.541和4.954;

    The results show that the genetic similarity between individuals in two populations are 0 . 9755 and 0 . 9797 on average respectively ; and the Shannon 's indexes are were 5 . 541 and 4 . 954 separately .

  10. 在不同密度条件下,燕麦的繁殖能力与个体大小等关系存在以下4个方面的表现:1繁殖分配比例值变化不明显;

    Under different population density level , the relationship of Oat reproductive capacity with individual volume which has four aspects were as follows : 1.The change of reproductive allocation proportion was not distinct ; 2.There was a negative correlativity between individual volume and population density level ;

  11. 我国IT企业的国际化利用生物学的相关理论,可采取国际化成长的合作繁殖、复制繁殖和个体进化三种模式。

    To realize the aim , the paper adopts some relevant biological theories to elaborate the practice such as cooperation propagation , duplication reproduction and individual evolution .

  12. 2004年繁殖对的数量明显少于2003年,繁殖个体的身体状况稍强于2003年,且所有卵都孵化成功。

    In 2004 , the number of storm-petrels that bred was less than the year before , the body condition of those birds was bad but slightly better than in 2003 and all the clutches were successful .