
fán zhí
  • reproduction;breed;propagate;reproduce;multiply;incubation
繁殖 [fán zhí]
  • [breed;reproduce;propagate] 生物产生新的个体,以传代

  • 繁殖一种马

繁殖[fán zhí]
  1. 很多动物只在一年的某个时候交配繁殖。

    Many animals breed only at certain times of the year .

  2. 通常青蛙会在任何条件适宜的池塘中繁殖。

    Frogs will usually breed in any convenient pond

  3. 在实验室里繁殖这些细菌是可能的。

    It is possible to multiply these bacteria in the laboratory .

  4. 细胞的繁殖导致有机体的迅速生长。

    Multiplication of cells leads to rapid growth of the organism .

  5. 在繁殖季节,雌性改变身上的颜色。

    The female changes colour during the breeding season .

  6. 大多数爬行动物通过在陆地产卵进行繁殖。

    Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land .

  7. 植物在这种条件下不能繁殖。

    Plants won 't propagate in these conditions .

  8. 这种植物可由种子繁殖。

    The plant can be propagated from seed .

  9. 这些生物体通过单性生殖进行繁殖。

    These organisms reproduce parthenogenetically .

  10. 兔子繁殖迅速。

    Rabbits multiply rapidly .

  11. 整个族群都是同系繁殖,以至于根本不存在基因差异。

    The whole population is so inbred that no genetic differences remain

  12. 由于这些鸟进行杂交繁殖,不能把它们归为不同的物种。

    Since the birds interbreed they cannot be classed as different species

  13. 污染可能会造成河边大量繁殖的翠鸟大批死亡。

    The pollution could decimate the river 's thriving population of kingfishers

  14. 细菌通过分裂和自我复制来繁殖。

    Bacteria reproduce by dividing and making copies of themselves .

  15. 大动物没有小动物繁殖能力强。

    Large animals are less fecund than small ones .

  16. 欧白头翁可以通过种子进行繁殖。

    The pasque flower can be propagated from seed .

  17. 他们的工作包括找出那些控制生长率和繁殖能力的基因。

    Their work includes the identification of genes which govern the growth rate and fertility

  18. 这些动物能迅速繁殖。

    These creatures can multiply quickly .

  19. 如果植物的叶子有斑点或者萎缩,就不要用来繁殖。

    If a plant has spotted or crinkled leaves , do not use it for propagation .

  20. 不能因为一只鸟某一年没有繁殖就断定它第二年也不会繁殖。

    Just because a bird does not breed one year , it does not follow that it will fail the next

  21. 一种叫作吡啶酮的新型抗艾滋病药物能促使艾滋病毒变异,使其不能繁殖,也不会再感染新的细胞。

    A newer anti-HIV drug called pyridinone caused HIV to mutate into a form which could not reproduce or infect new cells

  22. 长时间放置在潮湿的环境中使食物中的细菌迅速繁殖。

    Long-time exposure to the damp environment multiplies the bacteria in food rapidly .

  23. 细菌在适当的条件下繁殖很快。

    Bacteria multiply quickly under favourable conditions .

  24. 一些动物繁殖速度非常快。

    Some animals breed very fast .

  25. 兔子繁殖非常迅速。

    Rabbits multiply very fast .

  26. 狮子在动物园繁殖早已屡见不鲜了。

    Lionesses bearing cubs in the zoo is nothing new now .

  27. 兔子繁殖迅速。

    Rabbits propagate [ breed ] rapidly .

  28. 多数植物靠种子繁殖。

    Most plants reproduce by seeds .

  29. 它们每年繁殖两次。

    They breed twice yearly .

  30. 注意牲口的使役和繁殖。

    Pay attention to the proper use and breeding of animals .