
shuǐ mǔ
  • jellyfish;jelly;blubber;scaleph
水母 [shuǐ mǔ]
  • [jellyfish] 泛指各种海栖的漂游的腔肠动物,通过有性生殖构成水螅水母类(hydrozoans)和钵水母类(scyphozoans)

  • 水母一类海洋动物的含水量高达百分之九十五。--《海洋与生命》

水母[shuǐ mǔ]
  1. 然而,海龟体内的许多塑料制品却与水母毫无相似之处。

    Yet lots of plastic objects that end up inside turtles have no resemblance to jellyfish .

  2. 这只是颜色鲜红的水母生活在澳大利亚(Australia)的深海中。

    The red hues of an Atolla , a deep-sea jellyfish can be seen as it glides through the sea .

  3. 例如,漂浮的塑料袋看起来就像许多海龟喜欢吃的水母。

    Drifting plastic bags , for instance , look similar to jellyfish , which many types of turtles love to eat .

  4. 研究离子注入的诱变和导入外源DNA的生物学效应,用低能氮离子注入处理大肠杆菌野生型菌株MC4100A,将含水母绿色荧光蛋白基因的质粒导入细胞中。

    The low energy nitrogen ion implantation induced genetic mutation and induction of DNA were investigated . The wild type strains E.

  5. 水母Jane随着波浪跳。

    Jane Jellyfish jumps the waves .

  6. 为了产生这种荧光效果,研究人员在一只母兔的胚胎中注入了水母的DNA,之后再把这些变异的胚胎植回母体。

    To produce the glowing effect , researchers injected jellyfish DNA into a mother rabbit 's embryos . Those altered embryos were then inserted back into the mother .

  7. 习语短语dip游一游,泡一泡,短暂的水浴或游泳jellyfishn.水母;[无脊椎]海蜇followmylead跟着我,按我说的做

    New words : a quick swim an invertebrate fish with translucent flesh follow me , do as I do , trust me

  8. Cloze:StingersoftheSea海中“刺”客——水母拥有“葡萄牙军舰”这个听起来就让人印象深刻的名字,水母的确让人类又敬又怕。

    Given impressive-sounding names like " Portuguese man-of-war , " jellyfish are certainly respected and feared by humans .

  9. 实验发现,在水母雪莲毛状根培养过程中,MJ抑制其生长,但提高了黄酮类化合物在毛状根中的百分含量;

    The results showed that MJ increased the content of flavonoids with inhibition of the hairy root growth ;

  10. 在加州的蒙特利湾水族馆,一群刺螫水母(seanettles)正演绎着婀娜多姿的水下芭蕾。

    Photograph by Peter Essick In the midst of an underwater ballet , a school of sea nettles drifts through California 's Monterey Bay Aquarium .

  11. 现在,你可以把外来的月亮水母(moonjellyfish)也添加到日渐增长的入侵物种名单中。目前,这些入侵物种已经对全球的生态系统造成了威胁。

    Scientists announced the discovery of16 new species of " moon jellyfish " today while also saying the creatures are invading marine environments all over the world .

  12. 光激发GFP荧光是一个特异性的独立过程,并不需要任何的协同因子、底物或其它来自于水母的基因表达产物。

    GFP fluorescence excitation is independent of a specific process , does not require any cofactors , substrates or other from the jellyfish gene expression product .

  13. 蓝色的水母和海蜇浮一道,发现的DJ纳科,谁发挥在周四的事件音乐的声音。

    Blue jellyfish and spotted jellyfish float along to the sounds of DJ Nako , who played music during Thursday 's event .

  14. 四叶小舌水母(Liriopetetraphylla)是第一优势种,占水螅水母丰度的27.59%;

    Liriope tetraphylla constituted the first dominance ( 27.59 % ) .

  15. 源于多管水母属等海洋无脊椎动物的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP),是一种极具应用潜力的标记物,有着极其广泛的应用前景。

    The green fluorescent protein ( GFP ) from the jellyfish Aequorea vietoria is a great potential for application of the marker , has a wide range of applications .

  16. 作为1种新型、方便的活性标记,来自水母的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)正在多种原核和真核生物研究中应用。

    The green fluorescent protein ( GFP ) from jellyfish Aequorea victoria has been used as a convenient new vital marker in a wide spectrum of prokaryotes and eukaryotes .

  17. 水母雪莲(SaussureamedusaMaxim)为菊科凤毛菊属植物,是名贵中药材,其主要活性成分为黄酮类化合物。

    Saussurea medusa Maxim , family compositae , is a famous Chinese traditional drug , in which the flavonoids were its main bioactive components .

  18. 这些水母分布在28°30′~34°N、江浙沿海至127°E,以7~9月份的相对资源密度指数为高;

    They distributed in the sea area of 28 ° 30 ′ N-34 ° 00 ′ N , from the shore of Jiangsu and Zhejiang to 127 ° 00 ′ E ; the comparative resource density index was high during July to September ;

  19. QisDesign设计的水母灯:“三向触环式调节器可以轻松调节灯光亮度。由于LED体积很小,因此就能把灯泡藏于灯具中央,同时却又不至于刺眼。”

    Aurelia Lamp by Qis Design . " A three-way " touch ring " dimmer enables easy luminosity adjustment . Thanks to LED 's small size it is possible to hide the bulb in the center and avoid glare . "

  20. GFP(绿色荧光蛋白)是存在于发光水母体内的一种吸收蓝光或紫外光(395nm)后能够发出绿色荧光的天然蛋白质。

    ? The green fluorescent protein ( GFP ) is a kind of natural protein in Jellyfish Aequorea Victoria which yields a bright green fluorescence when illuminated by blue or UV light .

  21. 绿色荧光蛋白(greenfluorescentprotein,GFP)是在海洋无脊椎动物水母(AequoreaVictoria)中获得的一种由238个氨基酸组成的多肽。

    Green fluorescent protein ( GFP ) is a special protein of a single polypeptide chain with 238 amino acids derived from Aequorea victoria . A chromophore is formed autocatalytically on the nascent apoprotein 's backbone via posttranslational modification .

  22. QisDesign设计的水母灯:“这款的的两端各有一个旋钮,前面那个可以调节灯光亮度,后面那个可以调节照明角度,外形则模仿了一只振翅冲向天空的海鸥。”

    Aurelia Lamp by Qis Design . " It has two knobs on the main body , the front one for adjusting brightness and the back for adjusting lighting angles , imitating a seagull flapping wings to soar into the sky . "

  23. 因此,本研究选取了COI、线粒体核糖体大亚基(16S)以及核基因组核糖体RNA间隔区(ITS)三种片段比较其作为水母类鉴定的有效性。

    We examined the COI , nuclear genome ribosomal RNA spacer ( ITS ) and mitochondrial ribosomal large subunit ( 16S ) of three fragments in the molecular identification of Medusa as a means of effectiveness .

  24. Portentsofthemodernworld现代世界的先兆该化石宝库发现了许多不为人所知的物种,包括微型海绵动物,未知的自然小型管状结构,像水母但又不是,显示出两个对称的胚胎(右图所示)。

    This Lagerst ä tte has yielded many previously unknown species , including microscopic sponges , small tubular organisms of unknown nature , things that look like jellyfish but might not be and a range of what appear to be embryos that show bilateral symmetry ( pictured right ) .

  25. 我最喜欢的是粉红色,美丽的水母。

    My favorite one is the pink and beautiful jelly fish .

  26. 不同于其他海洋生物的是,水母没有牙齿。

    Unlike other sea creatures , jellyfish do not have teeth .

  27. 纤毛纵排、圆形身体的栉水母。

    Ctenophore having a rounded body with longitudinal rows of cilia .

  28. 新视频中公布的地中海水母看起来像荷包蛋

    New footage unveiled of aMediterranean jellyfish that resembles a fried egg

  29. 我今天忘记钓水母跟海马了。

    I forgot to catch a jellyfish and a seahorse today .

  30. 我抓到几十只水母,装在塑料瓶里。

    I caught dozens of jellyfish , packed in plastic bottle .