
shuǐ jīng
  • crystal;rock crystal;pebble;mountain crystal;berg crystal
水晶 [shuǐ jīng]
  • [rock crystal] 透明的石英,是贵重矿石,可用来制光学仪器、无线电器材和装饰品等

  • 水晶顶:规定五品官用的礼帽顶子;水晶丸:荔枝

水晶[shuǐ jīng]
  1. 不用水晶球预卜未来,我们说不准明年处境如何呀。

    Without a crystal ball , it 's impossible to say where we 'll be next year .

  2. 他以250万英镑的身价从水晶宫队转入阿森纳队。

    He was transferred from Crystal Palace to Arsenal for £ 2.5 million .

  3. 希腊人认为紫水晶可以防止人喝醉。

    Amethyst was believed by the Greeks to protect a person from drunkenness .

  4. 这是一条金镶紫水晶项链。

    The necklace consisted of amethysts set in gold .

  5. 拿出你最好的瓷器和水晶玻璃器皿。

    Get out your best china and crystal .

  6. 每个房间的天花板上都悬有枝形水晶吊灯。

    Crystal chandeliers dangled from every ceiling

  7. 休·约翰逊伦敦店出售各种美轮美奂的瑞典水晶玻璃杯,不考虑钱的话我都想买。

    Hugh Johnson 's shop in London has a range of superb Swedish crystal glasses that I would have if money were no object

  8. 她买了一个水晶项链。

    She bought a necklace of crystals .

  9. 那些漂亮的酒杯是用水晶做的。

    Those tine wine glasses are made of crystal .

  10. 她的前胸戴了一个水晶饰品。

    She wears a crystal ornament on her chest .

  11. 她仔细地检查那块水晶,看有没有气泡。

    She examined the crystal carefully for bubbles .

  12. 如果你曾经以“如果我是你……”开始一句话,或者百思不得其解为何答案明明如同水晶般透明,可你的同事却依旧为某个抉择而苦恼。这背后是有科学原因的。

    If you 've ever started a sentence with , " If I were you ... " or found yourself scratching your head at a colleague 's agony over a decision when the answer is crystal-clear , there 's a scientific reason behind it .

  13. 我发现自己站在天空的顶端,而天空就像水晶一样清澈。

    I found myself standing at the top of the sky , which was as clear as crystal .

  14. 永恒不朽的飞龙支撑着寓意着生命的淡紫色多面水晶。

    The dragon of eternity sustains the faceted heliotrope crystal of life .

  15. 那些漂亮的花儿在紫水晶的映衬下显得格外夺目。

    The exquisite flowers come alive in shades of amethyst .

  16. 她经常戴那个廉价艳丽的水晶手镯。

    She often wears that cheap showy rhinestone bracelet .

  17. 我击败了奥卓克,但是它的黑暗力量仍然寄宿在这里的灰烬水晶中

    I have defeated Ordrak , but his darkness still infests the Ember here .

  18. 许多人向往水晶般的爱情——晶莹剔透没有一点瑕疵。

    Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love — pure without anydefect .

  19. 装饰画画面清晰、栩栩如生,水晶照取料上乘、晶莹剔透

    Decorative painting a clear picture , lifelike , as Reclaimer fine crystal , crystal clear .

  20. 宝石类有水晶、玛瑙、翡翠、碧玉、钻石、红宝石和蓝宝石等等。各种宝石都是玲珑剔透、璀璨晶莹

    Lapidary kind crystal , agate , halcyon , jasper , diamond , ruby and sapphirine are waited a moment .

  21. 借助CrystalReport水晶报表,实现了报表的选择与打印。

    Realizing selection and printing of report by using Crystal report .

  22. 参数化水晶报表的WEB实现

    The Web Achievement of Parameterized Crystal Reports

  23. 人工烟水晶X射线形貌

    X-Ray Topography of Synthetic Smoky Quartz

  24. VB中如何利用水晶报表控件实现报表设计

    On fulfilling the design of report using crystal report in VB

  25. 如果您需要根据基于XML的数据来生成水晶报表,您会发现那篇文章是非常有用的。

    If you want to generate Crystal Reports based on XML data , you will find that article very helpful .

  26. 用一个软笔刷(B),用黑色(变暗)或白色(提亮)水晶的某些区域。

    Use a Soft Brush ( B ) with Black ( to darken ) or White ( to brighten ) in some areas of the crystal .

  27. 雅利安人内部阵营越来越想要使用水晶能量以平息对手,但这被ATLARa和“一的法则”之波塞顿人坚定拒绝。雅利安人几度徒劳地企图恐吓波塞顿人,但每次都被平息。

    Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries .

  28. 骨折发生部位。人工水晶的压痕断裂行为及其K(1c)测量

    The Indentation Fracture Behaviour and Measurement of K_ ( 1C ) for Artificial Quartz Crystals

  29. 今年,该公司的“水晶交响号”(CrystalSymphony)开始巡游中国香港和大陆地区,之前两年该邮轮都没有在这些地方开展业务。

    This year , the company 's liner , Crystal Symphony , began visiting Hong Kong and China following a two-year absence .

  30. 黄金太阳圆碟将在一种漩涡能量中放射出12股螺旋,作为连贯144水晶栅格的水晶形DNA的原型。

    The Golden Sun Disc discs will emit a12-strand helix , in a spiraling energy that will serve , as the prototype of the DNA for the crystalline aspect through the144-Grid .