
  • 网络Deutsche;German
  1. 对意志或道德无害的。这适用于全体德意志人;

    The same was true of all the Germans ;

  2. 八德意志人国家的形成

    Chapter VIII the formation of the state among Germans

  3. 据塔西佗说,德意志人是人口众多的民族。

    ACCORDING to Tacitus , the Germans were a very numerous people .

  4. 这种私人团体,在德意志人中间,已经成为经常性的团体了。

    Among the Germans , these private associations had already become permanent .

  5. 德意志人的判决,不拘何时何地,都是由全体作出的。

    The actual verdict was always given among Germans everywhere by the whole community .

  6. 中世纪德意志人的民族自我意识

    German national Self-consciousness of in the Middle Ages

  7. 关于克尔特人和德意志人的章节,基本上是属于我的;

    The sections on the Celts and the Germans are in the main my work ;

  8. 凡德意志人给罗马世界注入的一切有生命力的和带来生命的东西,都是野蛮时代的东西。

    All the vigorous and creative life which the Germans infused into the Roman world was barbarism .

  9. 在同德意志人缔结条约时,贵族家庭的少女被认为是最可靠的人质;

    Young girls of noble family were considered the most binding hostages in treaties with the Germans .

  10. 如果确无一人干预不宜干预的事情,那末德意志人亦可歼灭波拿巴。

    If people don 't meddle who 've no business to meddle , even a German beats Bonaparte .

  11. 这适用于全体德意志人;学生丙:真是一个意志超群的人!

    The same was true of all the Germans ; Student C : He is indeed a man of super will .

  12. 那一年,苏台德人也曾在这里举行集会。苏台德人是德意志人的一支,1945年被从东面世世代代居住的土地上赶走。

    The Sudeten Germans , ethnic Germans expelled in 1945 from their ancestral lands to the east , rallied here that year as well .

  13. 我们已经根据希腊人、罗马人和德意志人这三大实例,探讨了氏族制度的解体。

    We , have now traced the dissolution of the gentile constitution in the three great instances of the greeks , the romans , and the germans .

  14. 在易洛魁人中间,最后的决定需要一致通过,跟德意志人的马尔克公社在作出某些决定时一样。

    Among the Iroquois the final decision had to be unanimous , as was also the case in regard to many decisions of the German mark communities .

  15. 这是和德意志人当时的氏族制度完全相适应的一个耕作和土地占有阶段。

    It is the stage of agriculture and property relations in regard to the land which exactly corresponds to the gentile constitution of the Germans at that time .

  16. 但是,在塔西佗时代,至少在他较为熟悉的德意志人中间,母权制已经让位给父权制了;

    In the time of Tacitus , however , mother-right had already given way to father-right , at least among the Germans with whose customs he was more familiar .

  17. 差不多在这一切方面,德意志人都是与斯巴达人相一致的;正如我们已经看到的,在斯巴达人中间,对偶婚也还没有完全消失的。

    In almost all these points the Germans agree with the spartans , among whom also , as we saw , pairing marriage had not yet been completely overcome .

  18. 想到自己的妻女可能被俘而做奴隶,这对于德意志人说来是很可怕的,并且最能激励他们的战斗勇气;

    The thought that their wives and daughters might be taken captive and carried into slavery was terrible to them and more than anything else fired their courage in battle ;

  19. 而德意志人在民族大迁徙之前已经达到并努力开拓的野蛮时代高级阶段,对于这一过程恰好最为适宜。

    And precisely the highest stage of barbarism , to which and in which the Germans worked their way upwards before the migrations , was the most favorable for this process .

  20. 英雄时代的希腊人、罗马建立前不久的各意大利部落、塔西佗时代的德意志人、海盗时代的诺曼人,都属于这个阶段。

    To it belong the Greeks of the heroic age , the tribes of Italy shortly before the foundation of rome , the Germans of Tacitus and the Norsemen of the Viking age .

  21. 德国历史上的分裂使德国缺乏一个文化中心,德意志人之间也只能通过语言和文学来相互认同。

    The historical division of Germany led to the absence of a political and cultural centre , and the retarded development of German political culture resulted in the lack of an effective public sphere .

  22. 德意志人在民族大迁徙以前,曾组织成为氏族,这是没有疑问的。它完成了完全不同于民族大迁徙和十字军东征的远征。

    That the Germans were organized in gentes until the time of the migrations is beyond all doubt . it has conducted expeditions that put in the shade all former Exoduses of nations and crusades .

  23. 像在墨西哥人和希腊人那里一样,在德意志人那里,骑兵队和楔形步兵纵队的战斗队形,也是按氏族的组织来编的;

    As among the Mexicans and greeks , so also among the germans , the order of battle , both the cavalry squadrons and the wedge formations of the infantry , was drawn up by gentes .

  24. 但是,这个进步无疑是由这样的情况引起的,即德意志人还生活在对偶家庭中,他们在可能的范围内把适应于对偶制家庭的妇女地位搬用于一夫一妻制;

    This advance , however , undoubtedly sprang from the fact that the Germans still lived in pairing families and grafted the corresponding position of women onto the monogamous system , so far as that was possible .

  25. 站在价值中立的立场上,韦伯对技术政治所支配的德国官僚政治的庸俗现状表示承认和理解,但作为德意志人的韦伯却因为这个现实难掩一种沉重的失落感。

    Standing on the value of a neutral position , Weber understands and admits the vulgar German bureaucracy dominated by the technical-politics , but being a Germany , Weber has a sense of loss facing with the reality .

  26. 敞亮人的存在状态&论《德意志意识形态》对人的存在之揭秘

    Brightening Man 's Existence & To Reveal the Secrets of Man 's Existence in German Ideology

  27. 德意志语族形成和发展的过程是德意志人自我意识增长的过程。

    The formation and development of German language family is identical with the process of German consciousness .