
shí zì jià
  • cross
十字架 [shí zì jià]
  • [cross] 十字形的木架,是罗马帝国时期的一种刑具,将犯人的手脚钉在其上,让犯人慢慢死亡。传说耶稣就是被钉死在十字架上的,所以基督徒把十字架当作标志或受苦、死难的象征

  • 忠于真理、忠于哥白尼学说的 意大利天文学家 布鲁诺被异端裁判所活活烧死在十字架上。--《哥白尼》

十字架[shí zì jià]
  1. 她脖子上戴了一条项链,上面挂着个金的小十字架。

    She wore a small gold cross on a chain around her neck .

  2. 她脖子上戴着一条银项链,上面挂着个十字架。

    Round her neck was a cross on a silver chain

  3. 耶稣死在十字架上。

    Christ died on the cross .

  4. 墙壁上刻着十字架。

    Crosses were etched into the walls

  5. 凯尔佩挂着一枚小小的金十字架。

    Kehr wore a tiny golden cross .

  6. 耶稣在十字架上为我们赎了罪

    Jesus made expiation for our sins on the cross .

  7. 一等她的眼睛转过去,他便偷偷用两个食指交叠成一个十字架

    When her eyes were withdrawn , he secretly crossed his two forefingers .

  8. 钉十字架是非常残酷的刑罚。他们把耶稣的手和脚钉在粗糟的木制十字架上。

    To die by crucifixion meant they nailed the Lord Jesus by His hands and feet to a rough wooden cross .

  9. 后来,耶稣的朋友来把他的身体从十字架上取下来,埋葬在一个有钱人的坟墓里。

    Later friends came and took Jesus ' body down from the cross and buried Him in a rich man 's burial place , called a sepulchre , or tomb .

  10. 离开之前,我捡起他们的十字架重新放回去,断裂的痕迹一目了然,因此看上去就像是个拼图一样。

    Before I left , I picked up their cross and put it back in place on their tomb . The break was clean so it fit like a puzzle piece .

  11. 愤怒的人群喊叫著说:“钉他十字架!钉他十字架!”最后彼拉多向这些人屈服,把耶稣带出去钉十字架。

    The angry people shouted out , " Crucify Him ! Crucify Him ! " Finally Pilate was persuaded to let the crowd have their way , and they led Jesus out to crucify Him .

  12. “耶稣没有从十字架上下来。他知道从他额头,他的手和脚所流出的血将成为为我们赎罪的代价。利未记17章11节说:”我把这血赐给你们,可以…为你们的生命赎罪。

    Jesus used His power to stay on that cross . He knew the blood that came from His head , His hands and His feet would be the payment for your sin . Leviticus 17 : 11 says , ? " for it is the blood that makes an atonement ( or payment ) for your souls . "

  13. 很多是恨耶稣的人。马太福音27章40-42节讲到,这些人说:“你如果是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧!”祭司长和文士并长老也是这样戏弄他,说:“他救了别人,不能救自己。

    Most were enemies of the Lord Jesus and in Matthew 27 : 40-42 we read that they cried out , " If you are the Son of God , come down from the cross . The chief priests mocked him , with the scribes and elders , saying , " He saved others ; but he cannot save himself .

  14. 去年1月,欧洲人权法院(EuropeanCourtofHumanRights)裁定一名雇员有权在工作时佩戴十字架饰品,同时裁定另一名雇员无权这样做。

    In January 2013 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that one employee had a right to wear a cross at work while another did not .

  15. 我现在脖子上挂着三样东西:我的mp3,我的十字架,和这个东西。

    I 'm currently wearing three things on my neck & my mp3 , my cross and my lucky charm .

  16. 将圆未圆的月亮投下清辉,照亮了墙纸上暗淡的纹饰,十字架悬在我头上,从杂志(magazine)上裁下的纸页和报纸用大头钉钉在墙上。

    The nearly full moon reflected enough light into the space to reveal the dim pattern on the wallpaper , the crucifix above my head , pages torn from magazines and newspapers tacked along the wall .

  17. alexx说这个十字架是新纹的。

    Alexx says the cross tattoo is new .

  18. 凭借DNA技术,数以千计的罪犯超越时空在成千上万的嫌疑人中神奇地被钉上十字架;凭借DNA技术,数以百计的无辜之人,在幸免于死刑或蹲了几年监狱后,重新获得了自由。

    Relying on the DNA technology , thousands of criminals can be nailed up mysteriously by sorting from tens of thousands of suspects ; hundreds of innocent people have escaped from death penalty or have newly obtained the freedom after staying in jail for several years .

  19. 许多基督教十字架,和一些从事基督教铭文,如主天主希雷克斯或MIRABILIAFECIT。

    Many have the Christian cross , and some carry Christian inscriptions such as DOMINUS DEUS REX or MIRABILIA FECIT .

  20. 该Orante表明姿态赞成早期基督教徒,站立双手延长,因为基督在十字架上,根据良;

    The Orante indicates the postures favoured by the early Christians , standing with hands extended , as Christ on the Cross , according to Tertullian ;

  21. 我不需要项链只要这个十字架。

    I don 't need the chain , just the cross .

  22. 是的,就算被钉在十字架上。

    Aye . Even when he 's nailed to a cross .

  23. 基于点线复合特征的图像十字架检测算法研究

    Cross Detecting Algorithms Based on Compound Characteristic in Dots and Lines

  24. 神在十字架上,通过痛苦,带来了和平。

    At the cross , through pain , God bought peace .

  25. 对于神,没有任何事比这更重要:十字架证明了这事。

    Nothing matters more to God ; the Cross proves that .

  26. 对基督教徒来说,十字架被赋予了特殊意义。

    The cross is endowed with a special meaning for Christians .

  27. 但是在我们的抗争中,我们不会烧十字架。

    But in our protest there will be no cross burnings .

  28. 甚至一天我看着墙上的十字架。

    One day I looked at a cross on the wall .

  29. 在远山耸立著古老的十字架。

    On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross .

  30. 上校站着不动,茫然地凝视着十字架。

    The colonel stood still and gazed at it blankly .