
shí jìn zhì
  • decimalism;decimal system;decimal base
十进制 [shí jìn zhì]
  • [decimal system] 一个以10为基数的数系,在理论上,某一位上的每一个单位都是下一位上一个单位的10倍

十进制[shí jìn zhì]
  1. 重量及以米公斤秒为基础的十进制。

    A decimal system of weights and measures based on the meter and the kilogram and the second .

  2. 就像在十进制中,任意放置。

    And just like in the decimal system , 0 as many zeros on the left that you want .

  3. 计算机以二进制数进行计算,而后把计算结果转换为十进制数。

    The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal .

  4. 英国花了4年时间才将其币制改为十进制。

    It took four years for Britain just to decimalise its own coinage .

  5. 英国于1971年开始使用十进制的1便士和2便士硬币。

    In 1971 , the 1p and 2p decimal coins were introduced in Britain .

  6. 他懂得十进制的用法。

    He knows the decimal rules .

  7. 以“D”置换访问者的以十进制表达的ip地址。

    D is replaced by the remote IP address , as a long decimal number .

  8. 主要研究十进制与二进制互换的DNA算法。

    This paper mainly demonstrates the DNA-based algorithm for number system transition between decimal system and binary system .

  9. 卷ID应该采用十六进制-十进制的格式。

    The volume IDs should be in Hex-Decimal format .

  10. 快速Fourier变换的纯十进制递推计算式

    Pure decimal recurrence formulas on fast Fourier transformation

  11. 区域ID可写成整个数字或写成点十进制记数。

    Area IDs can be written as a whole number or dotted decimal notation .

  12. rgb(r,g,b)-(r,g,b是十进制数)

    Rgb ( r , g , b ) - ( r , g , b are decimal numbers )

  13. 宿主机可以是一个主机名或者一个数字IP地址;端口号必须是十进制数字。

    The host may be either a host name or a numeric IP address ; port must be a decimal number .

  14. 基于AES的十进制加密算法及其在预付费系统中的应用

    The Decimal System Encryption Based on AES and Its Application in the Prepay System

  15. 区域被标识为一个32位的号码,或者用简单的十进制或者用类似IP地址的方式来标注。

    Areas are identified by32-bit numbers , expressed either simply in decimal , or often in octet-based dot-decimal notation , familiar from IPv4 address notation .

  16. 基于CPLD的二进制码转换为二-十进制(BCD)码的电路

    A Converting Circuit for Binary Code to BCD Code Based on CPLD

  17. 然而,大多数生产XML模式还会利用其他数据类型,比如整数、十进制、日期等等。

    However , most production XML schemas make use of other data types as well , such as integer , decimal , date , and so on .

  18. 计算机算法(Java语言和其他语言的算法)的第二个限制是它基于二进制而不是十进制。

    The second limitation of computer arithmetic ( the Java language 's and others ' ) is that it 's based on binary rather than decimal .

  19. 用PLC的梯形图程序控制7段码显示器作十进制数的显示,段码指令的应用使逻辑简单,编程方便。

    It demonstrates the effect of the segment instruction in ladder that controls the seven-segment display showing decimal value : simple logic and convenient programming .

  20. 转换ASCII码为二进制,十进制,十六进制的码输出。

    ASCII conversion of binary , decimal , hexadecimal codes output .

  21. 用PSPICE程序模拟证实了这种十进制计数器具有正确的逻辑功能,并且节省功耗明显。

    Pspice simulation shows the design has correct logic function and low power dissipation .

  22. GAL十进制可逆计数器的设计

    Design of Ten 's Carry Reversible Counter by GAL

  23. 文中介绍了用CPLD设计制作十进制数字频率计系统的方法。

    At last , the method of using CPLD to make decimal numerical frequency system is expounded in this article .

  24. 可以将基数指定为o(默认的八进制)、d(十进制)、x(十六进制)或n(未显示偏移)。

    The radix may be specified as o ,( octal , the default ), d ( decimal ), x ( hexadecimal ), or n ( no offsets displayed ) .

  25. 在TS算法中分别采用二进制和十进制2种编码方案进行优化计算。

    The algorithm can be used for optimization based on the binary system or on the decimal system .

  26. 提出了汽车主动悬架的免疫控制策略,并分别就三种不同编码(二进制、十进制和DNA编码)方式的免疫控制策略做了对比研究。

    Immune control strategy is proposed for automotive active suspension . Immune control strategy based on three different encoding ( binary , decimal and DNA encoding ) is also comparatively studied .

  27. 除非您能够阅读二进制、十进制或十六进制,或者手边有一个转换器,否则您永远也不会知道那个目录是名为applications的共享目录。

    Unless you are into reading binary , decimal , or hexadecimal or have a translator on hand , you would never know that that directory is a shared directory by the name of applications .

  28. 这里的工程师G.斯蒂比兹,一开始只想设计一台继电器机器,用来执行十进制的复数运算。

    Here the engineer G. Stibitz had first only thought of designing relay machines to perform decimal arithmetic with complex numbers ,

  29. 本文从十进制电路组成N进制计数器入手,提出了用二进制电路构成N进制计数器的设计思。

    Based on the decimal circuit which forms the N carry counter , this paper puts forward the idea of designing and constructing the N carry counter by using the binary circuit .

  30. Python支持不同进制的整型字符串文本&八进制、十进制(最明显的!)

    Python supports string literals of integers of different bases octal , decimal ( obviously !), and hexadecimal and now binary has been added .