
shí zì jūn
  • the Crusades;crusader
十字军 [shí zì jūn]
  • (1) [the Crusades]∶通常指11世纪末到13世纪末,罗马教皇和西欧一些国家的封建主、商人,以夺回土耳其伊斯兰教徒占领的基督教圣地耶路撒冷为号召而组织的侵略军

  • (2) [crusader]∶从事革命运动者

十字军[shí zì jūn]
  1. 士兵们虽然相继死去,但是十字军的阴魂一直未散。

    Yes , the Crusades died off , but it was regaining popularity .

  2. 十字军东征在700多年前就结束了。

    The Crusades ended some 700 years ago .

  3. 为什么他要将十字军东征和ISIS作比较?

    And why did he compare the Crusades to ISIS ?

  4. 书中的乔治布什(georgewbush)给人以小心谨慎、乐于委派任务的印象,与公众印象中那个冲动而虔诚的十字军战士截然相反。

    President George W Bush comes across as circumspect and more than happy to delegate , contrary to the impetuous , God-fearing crusader of the popular imagination .

  5. ISIS坚称,库尔德十字军联盟(Kurdish-Crusaderalliance)夺回水坝的消息是媒体的虚假宣传。

    Isis insisted that reports that the Kurdish-Crusader alliance had retaken the dam constituted a fake media campaign .

  6. 讽刺的是,200年前,拜占庭人就是利用这个门从十字军(theCrusaders)手中夺回了他们的城市。

    Ironically , this was the same gate the Byzantines used to retake their city from the Crusaders 200 years previously .

  7. 在被一个独立的帝国(艾萨克Comnenus)统治之后,英国国王瑞查德一世在1191年十字军东证期间占领了该岛。

    After the rule of an independent Emperor ( Isaac Comnenus ), King Richard I of England captured the island in1191 during the Crusades .

  8. 在这款SLG游戏中,你将回味中世纪惊心动魄的一段战史:著名的狮心王理查带领十字军远征圣地。

    SLG in this game , you will be a recollection of the Middle Ages a period of soul-stirring World War : the famous Richard the Lionheart to lead holy crusade .

  9. 因此法国海军航母使用60年代初研制的美制F-8“十字军战士”战斗机(A-7“海盗”的前身),且长期得不到一种新的先进战斗机用以换代。

    So France Navy carrier uses F-8 Crusader fighters designed in early60s'from US , the preexistence of A-7 Pirate , for many years without a new high tech fighter superseded .

  10. 十字军东侵对中古欧洲整体发展的影响

    Influence of the Crusades upon the Overall Development of Medieval Europe

  11. 十字军打击受到十字军圣印的反效果影响。

    Crusader Strike is adversely affected by Seal of the Crusader .

  12. 十字军战士认为他们是在为一项伟大的事业而战。

    The Crusaders believed they were fighting for a noble cause .

  13. 以十字军的名字,我就是灰烬使者!

    In the name or the Crusade I was the Ashbringer .

  14. 西欧社会变动与十字军东征的进程

    Social Changes of Western Europe and the Course of the Crusade

  15. 罗马教廷对“野蛮的”十字军东征改变了看法。

    Vatican had a change of heart over ' barbaric ' Crusades .

  16. 试论十字军东征对骑士精神品质的塑造与影响

    On the Influence of Crusade on the Spirit of Knight

  17. 这个教堂保存着两个中世纪十字军战士的坟墓。

    The church contains the tombs of two medieval crusaders .

  18. 十字军审判现在影响所有法术伤害而不仅是神圣伤害。

    Judgement now affects all spell damage instead of just Holy damage .

  19. 论第四次十字军东征改变方向的原因

    Causes of the Direction Changing in 4 ~ ( th ) Crusade

  20. 类似的十字军远征一直延续至15世纪。

    Crusades of a kind continued into the fifteenth century .

  21. 征讨:不再对十字军打击的暴击提供双倍伤害奖励。

    Crusade : No longer applies damage bonus twice to critical strikes .

  22. 由于这些国家受到威胁,导致后来教宗又发起几次十字军东征。

    Threats to the states led the pope to call for future crusades .

  23. 这本书有很大一部分是讲十字军东征那段历史的。

    A substantial part of the book covers the period of the Crusades .

  24. 十字军打击-不再刷新审判效果。

    Crusader Strike-No longer refreshes Judgments on the target .

  25. 或是十字军说基督教应该被传播到世界各地,要消灭那些异教徒。

    Or the crusaders that Christianity must be spread and eliminated these infidels .

  26. 11至13世纪的十字军东征期间,欧洲人开始对中东有所了解。

    The Middle East had become known to Europeans during the11th-13th century crusades .

  27. 当时十字军被清教徒禁止参加圣诞节的庆祝活动;

    They were banned by puritans as part of the celebration of Christmas ;

  28. 美国十字军在中国(1938-1945)

    The U. S Crusade in China ( 1938-1945 )

  29. 一把弯刀转向一把基督教的十字军的宽剑。

    One of the swords turned into a Christian Crusader 's broad sword .

  30. 第一次真正的十字军东征时攻下了耶路撒冷。

    In the first real crusade Jerusalem was captured .