
  • 网络post condition;post-condition;post-conditions;postcondition;postconditions
  1. 当然,后置条件是服务端的义务。

    And of course , the post-condition is an obligation for the supplier .

  2. 后置条件则用于检验返回值的合法性。

    A post-condition is used to verify that a value returned is appropriate .

  3. 结果表明:在前置或后置条件下,电极-生物膜对COD的去除能力均一般;

    The results showed that , when being prepositioned or postpositioned electrode-biofilm , COD removal rate was of common level ;

  4. 目前代码契约组件中包含三种契约条件:前置条件(pre-conditions)、对象不变量(objectinvariants)、及后置条件(post-conditions)。

    There are three types of contract conditions available for Code Contracts : pre-conditions , object invariants , and post-conditions .

  5. 在本例中,只要是我指定了OVal约束条件的地方,在OVal代码中定义的逻辑就会编入我的代码,进而充当起前置条件和后置条件。

    In this case , everywhere I specify an OVal constraint , the logic defined in OVal code will be weaved into my code , thus acting like preconditions and postconditions .

  6. 一个用例触发什么,前置或后置条件是什么?

    What triggers a use case , what are the pre-and post-conditions ?

  7. 此类信息都应填写在“后置条件”部分中。

    This sort of information goes in the Postconditions section .

  8. 使用断言测试方法的前置和后置条件。

    Use assertions to test pre-and postconditions of a method .

  9. 契约的要素不光有前置、后置条件和类不变式。

    Pre-and post-conditions and class invariants are not the only elements of contracts .

  10. 测试案例先决条件和后置条件现在显示在手动脚本执行页面。

    Test case pre-conditions and post-conditions are now displayed on the manual script execution page .

  11. 基于变量抽象,我们定义了部分最强后置条件,进而定义了程序的保守近似语义。

    We then present the partial strongest post-condition , which represents the over-approximated program semantics .

  12. 在活动形式中,决策条件将被捕获为输出条件的后置条件。

    In activity form , you capture the decision conditions as post-conditions of the output criteria .

  13. 这有助于您在运行手动测试时动态读取先决条件或者后置条件。

    This helps you read pre-condition or post-condition on the fly while running a manual test .

  14. 条件情况很多当然,后置条件是服务端的义务。

    And of course particular contract supplier , the post-condition is an obligation for the supplier .

  15. 它是基于契约优先的原则,即函数的前提条件和后置条件都以声明的方式定义。

    It is based contract-first principals where the pre-and post-conditions for functions can be defined declaratively .

  16. 前置和后置条件应该是对称的。

    Pre-and post-conditions are symmetric .

  17. 后置条件示例:新的余额就是老的余额扣除取款金额。

    An example postcondition : the new balance is the old balance , less the amount withdrawn .

  18. 这是契约中的后置条件,很多情况下,也就是某个例程的后置条件。

    That 's the post-condition of the contract , specifically , the post-condition of that particular routine .

  19. 程序不变量一般包含类不变量、前置条件和后置条件,它是一种基本的合约。

    Program invariant is a common kind of contracts which includes class invariants , pre-condition and post-condition .

  20. 功能性开发使得为方法指定前置条件和后置条件成为可能。

    Among other things , functional development makes it possible to specify preconditions and postconditions of a method .

  21. 创建故事板的一个典型模板,在下面部分中应该包括具体的先决条件和后置条件。

    A typical template for creating a storyboard would include the pre-and post-conditions as detailed in the following sections .

  22. 为了能够表达消息的语义,以及它们对系统状态的影响,我们引入了前置条件和后置条件。

    To be able to express semantics of messages and their effects on system state we introduced pre-and postconditions .

  23. 如果您可以声明前置/后置条件,那么就可以减少很多模糊性的发生。

    If you are able to state invariant pre-and post-conditions , you can greatly reduce the danger of ambiguity sneaking in .

  24. 在软件开发里,程序员编写前置和后置条件来确立特定软件组件的角色。

    In software development , the programmer writes pre-and postconditions in order to establish the role of a particular software component .

  25. 如此看来,类不变式好像是被附加到了类暴露例程的前置和后置条件上。

    It 's as if the class invariant is added to the pre-and post-condition of every single exported routine of the class .

  26. 正如您可以从本文样例文件(参见下载)看到的,一种类似的方法定义了后置条件和不变式。

    As you can see from the sample files that accompany this article ( see Download ), a similar approach defines post-conditions and invariants .

  27. 还有循环不变式等等,但前置、后置条件和类不变式是基本要素。

    There are also loop invariants and a few others , but pre-and post-conditions and class invariants are really the basic fabric of contracts .

  28. 然后,我填写期望的结果部分,添加后置条件,就这样一轮一轮的进行下去。

    Then , I filled in the Desired outcome section , and skipped down and added a postcondition , and around and around I went .

  29. 例如,用例的前置及后置条件、输入和输出定义服务依赖关系、边界和数据要求。

    For example , the pre-and post-conditions , inputs , and outputs of the use case define the service dependencies , boundary , and data requirements .

  30. 在结束此话题之前,我可以举一个有关前置和后置条件的简单例子:一个例程要计算一个实数的平方根。

    Before moving on I can describe a very simple example of pre-and post-conditions : a routine that computes the square root of a real number .