
gē lán gāo dì
  • the Golan Heights
戈兰高地[gē lán gāo dì]
  1. 日本前高级外交官、现供职于日本国际交流中心(japancentreforinternationalexchange)的田中均(hitoshitanaka)表示,日本现在仅有50名军事维和人员,主要驻扎在以色列叙利亚边界的戈兰高地。

    Japan has just 50 military personnel in peacekeeping operations , mainly in the Golan Heights on the Israeli-Syrian border , according to Hitoshi Tanaka , a former senior diplomat now at the Japan Centre for international exchange .

  2. 在戈兰高地被以色列人缴获了一些,至少有一辆被摆放在Latrum的装甲车博物馆内。

    Few were captured by Israelis at the Golan Heights and atleast one is on display at the Museum of Armored Forces at Latrum .

  3. 战争中一些四号坦克被以色列人缴获,作为碉堡放置在戈兰高地。其中的一辆被摆放在Latrum的博物馆内。

    Few of Syrian PzKpfw IVs were captured by Israelis at the Golan Heights ( dug in as bunkers ) and one is on display at the Museum of Armored Forces at Latrum , Israel .

  4. 阿萨德总统又开始讨论收复戈兰高地的问题。

    Mr Assad has started talking again about liberating the Golan Heights .

  5. 戈兰高地上的大炮能支配以色列的一大片土地。

    Artillery on the Golan Heights can dominate a large area of Israel .

  6. 只有返还戈兰高地,才可能实现与叙利亚的和平。

    Peace with Syria was possible only with the return of the Golan Heights .

  7. 1967年六?五战争中,以色列占领了叙利亚的戈兰高地。

    In the June 5 War in 1967 , Israel occupied Golan Heights of Syria .

  8. 军方消息称,大马士革遭遇的袭击从以色列占领的戈兰高地发射。

    Military sources said the attack in Damascus was launched from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights .

  9. 新闻报道称,叙利亚军队进入戈兰高地非军事区。

    Several news reports say Syrian troops have entered the demilitarized zone in the Golan Heights .

  10. 联合国维和部队士兵被扣押在戈兰高地,这里在1967年被以色列占领。

    The peacekeepers were abducted in the Golan Heights-territory that Israel seized from Syria in 1967 .

  11. 据美联社报道,以色列已向联合国维和部队申诉叙利亚入侵戈兰高地。

    The Associated Press reports Israel has complained to the U.N. peacekeeping force about the incursion .

  12. 以色列在1967年的六日战争中从叙利亚手中夺取戈兰高地,之后在1981年吞并了这个地区。

    Israel captured the Golan from Syria during the Six Day War in1967 and annexed it in1981 .

  13. 以色列刚刚重新攻占戈兰高地(不包括赫尔蒙山地区的一些叙利亚前哨阵地)。

    Israel had barely recaptured the Golan except for some Syrian outposts in the Mount Hermon area .

  14. 戈兰高地位于叙利亚和以色列交界处,1967年中东战争期间被以色列占领。

    This is the area between Syria and Israel captured by Israel during the 1967 Mideast war .

  15. 戈兰高地的犹太定居者发表声明说,他们拒绝任何要求他们离开该地区的协议。

    A statement from the Golan settlers rejected any agreement that would require them to leave the area .

  16. 陆军同样谴责戈兰高地主力步兵旅友好开火导致三名士兵的死亡。

    The army also blamed the deaths of three soldiers of its elite Golani infantry Brigades on friendly fire .

  17. 叙利亚说,在以色列同意从戈兰高地撤出之前,他们不会重回谈判桌。

    Syria says it will not return to the negotiating table until Israel agrees in advance to withdraw from the Golan Heights .

  18. 如果他们跨过戈兰高地威胁以色列,以色列会用激烈手段保护自己,而这必会激起阿拉伯世界的反应。

    If they menaceisrael across the Golan Heights , Israel will protect itself fiercely , which is sure to inflame Arab opinion .

  19. 在1993年,克林顿害怕听到拉宾这位前将军愿意为了与叙利亚的和平放弃戈兰高地。

    Mr Clinton was thrilled to hear in1993 that the former general was willing to cede the Golan Heights for peace with Syria .

  20. 联合国安理会谴责叙利亚反对派在戈兰高地扣押联合国维和部队士兵。

    The United Nation 's security council is condemning the Syria 's rebels for detaining a group of UN peacekeepers near the Golan Heights .

  21. 1948年组建的步兵旅,戈兰高地主力,是以军最精锐的一个部队。

    The elite Golani is an infantry brigade that was formed in1948 and is one of the most highly decorated units in the Israeli army .

  22. 以色列在1967年的阿以战争中占领了戈兰高地。与此同时,以色列总理奥尔默特因被指控滥用竞选资金而面临腐败调查。

    The talks are also taking place as Israel 's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is facing a corruption investigation over alleged misuse of campaign funds .

  23. 以色列军方说,这架飞机飞抵戈兰高地边界地区领空,之后被爱国者防空系统击落。

    The military says the plane flew into Israeli airspace in the Golan Heights border region before being hit by the Patriot Air Defense System .

  24. 自1967年以色列从叙利亚手中夺取戈兰高地以来,已经有1万8千以色列人搬迁到那里。目前戈兰高地已经成为一个受欢迎的旅游地点。

    Since Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967 , 18000 Israelis have moved there and the area is now a popular tourist destination .

  25. 以色列士兵星期一修复了被抗议者剪断的部分铁丝网,当时那些抗议者试图进入以色列控制下的戈兰高地。

    Israeli soldiers on Monday repaired the parts of the barbed wire that Israel said protesters cut as they tried to enter Israeli-controlled territory in the Golan Heights .

  26. 据政府称已经有超过700名叙利亚伤患在以色列接受治疗,大多是在叙利亚边境附近戈兰高地的一个军事野战医院。

    More than 700 Syrian wounded have been treated in Israel , according to the government , many at a military field hospital in the Golan Heights near the Syrian border .

  27. 他在以色列议会启动竞选,他保证未来与巴勒斯坦人的任何协定不会包括交出西岸和戈兰高地的部分地区。

    He launched his campaign at the Knesset , promising that any future agreement with the Palestinians will not include handing over parts of the West Bank and the Golan Heights .

  28. 戈兰高地还居住着大约1万8千名认为自己是叙利亚人的德鲁士族阿拉伯人。驻扎在戈兰高地的一支联合国维和部队把大量以色列军队和叙利亚军队隔开。

    About 18000 Druse Arabs who consider themselves Syrian nationals also live on the Golan where large numbers of Israeli and Syrian troops are separated by a force of U.N. peacekeepers .

  29. 以叙之间的和平谈判在2000年破裂,之后,叙利亚警告说,以色列拒绝交还战略要地戈兰高地的举动战争。

    Peace talks between the two countries collapsed in2000 , and , since then , Syria has warned that Israel 's refusal to return the strategic Golan Heights could lead to war .

  30. 不出几日,双方达成了协议:欧盟同意提供贷款,但所有贷款不得惠及约旦河西岸、东耶路撒冷或戈兰高地的以色列定居点。

    Within days , an agreement was reached : the EU would provide the money but none of it would benefit Israeli settlements in the West Bank , East Jerusalem or the Golan Heights .