
  1. 戈尔巴乔夫的改革加速了苏联剧变的进程。

    The reforms launched by Gorbachev accelerated the process of drastic change .

  2. 在加速发展战略没有达到预期的效果的情况下,戈尔巴乔夫把改革的重点转入政治领域,提出以抽象的人道主义为指导思想的新思维。

    When the accelerated development strategy did not achieve the desired effect , Gorbachev turned the reform to politics .

  3. 认为俄罗斯寡头的兴起有三个方面的原因,也是寡头们兴起的三个基本阶段:戈尔巴乔夫的改革和寡头们的个人因素;

    The article believed that there are three aspects of reasons also three basic steps about it : the reform of former Soviet Union and the oligarchs ' born ;

  4. 戈尔巴乔夫实行的改革开放政策在一定程度上缓解了这一问题,此后苏联的解体使这一问题的性质和重要性均有所转变。

    In a certain degree , Gorbachev 's Perestroika alleviated the problem , while the disintegration of the USSR changed both the nature and the importance of the problem .

  5. 巴布罗娃生于1983年,几年后总统戈尔巴乔夫开始推行经济改革。

    She was born in1983 , just before perestroika opened up the country .