
  1. 批判期的报道,体育报道已经失去其原本的属性,呈现出一种对政治的高度依附性。成为批判苏联霸权主义与修正主义的一个宣传工具。

    The sports reports in this period had lost its original attribute and presented a high anaclisis to politics and become a advertising tool for criticizing the hegemonism and revisionism .

  2. 过去有一段时间,针对苏联霸权主义的威胁,我们搞了一条线的战略,就是从日本到欧洲一直到美国这样的一条线。

    In view of the threat of Soviet hegemonism , over the years we formed a strategic line of defence & a line stretching from Japan to Europe to the United states .

  3. 但必须看到,超级大国的争夺日益加剧,苏联霸权主义加速推进全球战略部署,严重地威胁着世界的和平和我国的安全。

    But we must recognize that the intensified rivalry between the superpowers and the quickened pace of global strategic deployment by the Soviet hegemonists present a serious threat to world peace and to our own national security .

  4. 然而,由于卡特的这种外交方针触犯了当时美国国内某些极端保守势力的利益,在国际上又遭到苏联霸权主义的扩张带来的冲击,使他在执政期间屡屡遭受外交政策上的挫折。

    Nevertheless , because his peace-oriented diplomacy inevitably offended the interests of the extreme conservatives at home , and unfortunately encountered the impact of the Soviet 's hegemony abroad as well , his foreign policy had frequently suffered setback and frustration .

  5. 美国和苏联是搞霸权主义的,他们不是受害者。

    No , it is the United States and the Soviet Union that practise hegemonism , so they are not the victims .