
  • 网络collapse of the Soviet Union;Dissolution of the Soviet Union;the demise of the soviet union
  1. 苏联解体以后,独立的哈萨克斯坦成为与中国在政治、经济、文化等各方面交流的重要战略伙伴和友好邻国。

    After the dissolution of the Soviet Union , independent Kazakhstan in policy , economic , cultural exchanges and other aspects became a friendly neighbor and important strategic partner of China .

  2. 二十年来中国多半被看做对莫斯科的制衡力量,苏联解体后中国就显得虽然庞大却无关宏旨。

    Seen mostly as a counterweight to Moscow for20 years , China seemed a giant irrelevancy after the demise of the Soviet union .

  3. 苏联解体使西方情报机构丧失了主敌。

    The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies

  4. 因此,莫斯科政治研究学院——后来更名为莫斯科公民教育学院(MoscowSchoolofCivicEducation)——随着苏联解体而成立。

    Thus the Moscow School of Political Studies , later the Moscow School of Civic Education , was founded as the USSR crumbled .

  5. 确实,年逾古稀的人可能经历过二战的浩劫,而其他人应该见证过从三哩岛(ThreeMileIsland)核灾难到前苏联解体等一系列黑天鹅事件。

    To be sure , somebody over the age of 70 might have seen the devastation of the second world war , while others would have witnessed black swans ranging from the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster to the collapse of the USSR .

  6. 和许多人一样,1991年苏联解体时,Valera丢掉了他在一个国营煤矿的工作。

    Like many others , Valera lost his job at a state run mine when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 .

  7. 去年4月,俄副总理尤里•特鲁特涅夫(YuriTrutnev)访问平壤,这是苏联解体以来俄副总理级别官员首次访朝。

    In April last year Yuri Trutnev , Russia 's deputy prime minister , went to Pyongyang in the first visit at that level since the fall of the Soviet Union .

  8. MashaLipman:“苏联解体整整20年后,这次公众行动主义的崛起具有象征意义。”

    MASHA LIPMAN : " It 's very symbolic that we are having this public activism on the rise exactly twenty years after the collapse of the USSR . "

  9. 苏联解体后曾挽救了波兰经济LeszekBalcerowicz,正在试图改变这种情况。

    Leszek Balcerowicz , the man who saved Poland 's economy after the collapse of communism , is trying to change that .

  10. 苏联解体东欧剧变;

    The disaggregation of USSR and the upheaval of eastern Europe ;

  11. 斯大林模式:未能正确处理同资本主义的关系&苏联解体原因新探

    The Stalin Model : Failure to Handle Correctly Relations with Capitalism

  12. 苏联解体后的正常交往。

    And the normal contact after the disintegration of uhe USSR .

  13. 苏联解体、东欧剧变,在西方学术界掀起新一轮反对列宁主义的狂潮。

    Drastic changes leading to a trend of opposition-Leninism in Western academic .

  14. 苏联解体一年多以来的中亚形势

    Central Asia : the Situation Since the Disintegration of USSR

  15. 显然,苏联解体导致了意识形态真空。

    Clearly the fall of the Soviet Union left an ideological vacuum .

  16. 直到前苏联解体,这一矿藏也不为人所知。

    The deposit remained classified until after the Soviet collapse .

  17. 前苏联解体探析及启示

    The Analysis and Revelation of the Disintegration of the Former Soviet Union

  18. 苏联解体的原因及启示

    The Reasons for the Disintegration of the Soviet Union and Its Enlightenment

  19. 也谈苏联解体的一个原因&兼评美国学者科兹的几个论点

    One of the Reasons for the Disbanding of the USSR

  20. 苏联解体原因国内10年研究述要

    Ten Years of Study of the Soviet Union 's Disintegration

  21. 但冷战于1991年当时苏联解体而告终。

    But it was over by 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed .

  22. 特别是苏联解体的动力来源-知识分子们被搞得措手不及。

    In particular , the intelligentsia-the engine of Soviet collapse-was caught unprepared .

  23. 苏联解体前激光技术研究与应用概况

    Research and Applications of Laser Technology in Former Soviet Union

  24. 东欧凤凰是在苏联解体后产生的恐怖主义组织。

    Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR .

  25. 苏联解体的政治经济根源探析

    Exploring the Political and Economic Causes of the Disintegration of the Soviet Union

  26. 苏联解体后远东人口持续减少,至今已形成人口危机。

    The population in this area decreased continuously after the Soviet-Union was disintegrated .

  27. 西方关于苏联解体的观点则简单得多。

    A far simpler narrative developed in the West about the Soviet collapse .

  28. 种族屠杀、苏联解体、民族分离主义为文化异质化找到了论据;

    Genocide , Soviet disassembly and national separatism provide proofs for culture polarization .

  29. 苏联解体十年祭

    The Tenth Anniversary to The Disintegration of Soviet Union

  30. 再论苏联解体之缘由

    Discussing the Cause of Disintegration of Soviet Union Again