
  • 网络georgian
  1. 在十月格鲁吉亚人将选出新的总统。

    Georgians will elect a new president in October .

  2. 俄国人一向对狡猾的格鲁吉亚人通过向他们出售商品来赚取他们的钱而感到十分不满。

    Muscovites have always resented the crafty Georgians minting money out of them by selling commodities they need .

  3. 格鲁吉亚人改变了他们的生活方式,羊群也不再到处都是了。

    Georgian people have changed their lifestyle and sheep are no longer widespread .

  4. 但是其他格鲁吉亚人看到的是超过商业的东西。

    But other Georgians see more than commerce .

  5. “格鲁吉亚人什么都有,”一个俄罗斯士兵说。

    " They [ the Georgians ] had everything ," one Russian soldier says .

  6. 可是,许多格鲁吉亚人可并不这么认为。

    However , many Georgians did not agree .

  7. 格鲁吉亚人和阿塞拜疆人也一样。

    As well as Georgians and Azerbaijanis .

  8. 格鲁吉亚人穿“卓卡”已有一千多年历史,近年开始重新流行起来。

    Worn by Georgians for over a thousand years , it has since started making a comeback .

  9. 其中大有文章的是俄国人已被最新的渐渐崭露的格鲁吉亚人英雄传说深深迷住了。

    Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding .

  10. 很多格鲁吉亚人,尤其是遭受战斗蹂躏地区的人希望生活恢复正常。

    Making life normal again is what many Georgians hope , especially in these areas ravaged by fighting .

  11. 历史学家称700000名格鲁吉亚人死于斯大林统治期间—二战期间枪击,流亡或战斗中丧生。

    Historians say 700000 Georgians died under Stalin 's rule-shot , exiled or killed in fighting during World War II .

  12. 尽管如此,还是有越来越多的格鲁吉亚人认为,他们跟俄罗斯的对峙最终会对他们有利。

    Nonetheless , Georgians are increasingly hopeful that the final outcome of their confrontation with Russia will be to their advantage .

  13. 格鲁吉亚人开始看到,这个地处战略要地的小国上空虽然战争的硝烟弥漫,但仍有一丝光明。

    Georgians are beginning to see a silver lining in the clouds of war that still hang over their tiny but strategically-located nation .

  14. 持这种看法的人太多,以至于已经有超过6000格鲁吉亚人签署了一封网络请愿书来反对国家队采用这个设计。

    So much so that more than 6000 have now signed an onlinepetition , against the firm 's designs for the Georgian national team .

  15. 即便果真如此,让格鲁吉亚人相信我们将很快让他们加入北约,也是一个巨大的错误。

    To the extent that that was so , leading the Georgians on to believe that we would get them into the club soon was a big mistake .

  16. 虽然愤怒的格鲁吉亚人星期六举行了抗议游行,但是俄罗斯依然保留着波蒂港外的路障。波蒂是商品进入格鲁吉亚、其它高加索地区共和国和中亚国家的要道。

    Despite a protest march by angry Georgians Saturday , Russia is maintaining roadblocks outside Poti , which is the gateway for merchandise moving to Georgia , other Caucasus republics and Central Asia .

  17. 它希望西方会忘记其在阿布哈兹实施的种族清洗,这场清洗驱逐了逾四分之三的当地人格鲁吉亚人、希腊人、犹太人和其他人种只留下控制之中、占少数的阿布哈兹人。

    It hopes the West will forget ethnic cleansing in Abkhazia drove out more than three-quarters of the local population ethnic Georgians , Greeks , Jews and others leaving the minority Abkhaz in control .

  18. 一艘载有价值高达2亿美元原油的超级油轮在开往美国途中于阿曼东部外海遭武装海盗劫持,官方称这条悬挂希腊国旗的货船上共有25名船员,包括7名希腊人、17名菲律宾人和1名格鲁吉亚人。

    Armed have hijacked a U.S . - bound oil tanker carrying about $ 200 million worth of crude off the coast of Oman . Authorities say the Greek-flagged vessel has a crew of 25 , including 17 Filipinos , seven Greeks and one Georgian .

  19. 你要伪装成格鲁吉亚武装部队的人吗

    And you 'll be posing as members of the Georgian armed forces ?

  20. 以后,我们将继续用空军或其他设施为格鲁吉亚运送更多的人到物资和药品。

    In the days ahead , we will continue using U.S.aircraft and other assets as needed to deliver more humanitarian and medical supplies .

  21. 俄罗斯干涉格鲁吉亚之后,有人担忧俄罗斯给乌克兰施加的压力会增加,可能会鼓动拥有大量俄罗斯族人的克里木半岛独立。

    Following Russian intervention in Georgia and its recognition of two breakaway Georgian regions , there has been concern about increased Russian pressure on Ukraine and that it might try to foster a separatist movement in the Crimea , which has a large ethnic-Russian population .

  22. 在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯,8月8号战争纪念日来临之际,格鲁吉亚人再一次愤怒的讨论著。

    In Tbilisi , Georgia 's capital , debate rages again among Georgians as the August 8th war anniversary approaches .

  23. 天主教教皇本笃十六世星期天再次强烈呼吁在格鲁吉亚开辟人道主义通道,以便将救援物资送给因战争而背井离乡的格鲁吉亚人。

    Pope Benedict XVI issued another strong appeal on Sunday for a humanitarian corridor to be opened to allow aid to get through to the displaced in Georgia .