
ɡé lín nà dá
  • Grenada
  1. 格林纳达独特的地形布局包括许多手指状的洞穴,使得这个岛屿成为一个受人欢迎的航海地

    Grenada 's unique layout includes many finger-like coves , making the island a popular destination .

  2. 我在西印度群岛的格林纳达度过了几年时光。

    I then lived for several years in Grenada , West Indies .

  3. 我在格林纳达看到全部经过。

    I saw it all go down at grenada .

  4. 格林纳达作为联邦领土,女王伊丽莎白二世被认为是格林那达的女王。

    Being a Commonwealth Realm , Queen Elizabeth II is recognised as Queen of Grenada .

  5. 2008年,格林纳达派出15人代表队参加奥运会。

    In2008 , Grenada sent a15-member team to participate in the Olympic Games in Beijing .

  6. 格林纳达曾是英联邦的成员国。

    Grenada was a Commonwealth member country .

  7. 最近几十年,美国在格林纳达、巴拿马和海地进行了军事干预。

    In recent decades , it has intervened militarily in Grenada , Panama and Haiti .

  8. 我在格林纳达的经历将是我今后人生的宝贵财富。

    My experience in Grenada will be a great treasure for the rest of my life .

  9. 我记得,我在格林纳达各地都受到民众的热情接待。

    I remember , wherever I go in Grenada , I will receive worm welcome from everybody .

  10. 如果你问起麦克关于格林纳达奥运体育代表团中运动员的背景信息,那可是找对了人。

    If you ask Michael about background of Grenada's29th Olympiad participants , you find the right person .

  11. 我相信,中国和格林纳达的友谊长存,合作将越来越紧密。

    I firmly believe that the friendship between China and Grenada will be enhanced year by year .

  12. 格林纳达遍地的绿色草木顺著陡峭的山坡一直延伸到加勒比海的几个最好的海滩。

    Grenade 's wall-to-wall greenery extends right down the steep hillsides to some of the best beaches in the Caribbean .

  13. 里根任期内美国入侵格林纳达是一回事;而事实证明,小布什任期内美国入侵伊拉克完全是另一回事。

    Invading Grenada under Reagan was one thing ; invading Iraq under Mr Bush turned out to be quite another .

  14. 目前,希腊的主权信用评级已达世界最低,落后于厄瓜多尔、牙买加、巴基斯坦和格林纳达。

    Greece is now the lowest-rated sovereign in the world , having fallen below Ecuador , Jamaica , Pakistan and Grenada .

  15. 由于篇幅有限,文中只选取了四个事例,即尼加拉瓜、格林纳达、利比亚及阿富汗。

    Because of the space lacks , the article only selects four instances & Nicaragua , Grenada , Libya and Afghanistan .

  16. 我会牢记格林纳达人民给予我的帮助和关爱,我将永远关心格林纳达和支持中国和格林纳达两国的友好关系不断发展。

    I will continue show my concern to Grenada and the support the development of the friendship and cooperation between China and Grenada .

  17. 在巴巴多斯,格林纳达和圣卢西亚,用干果和朗姆酒制作的味道浓郁的蛋糕十分常见。

    A rich black cake baked with dried fruits and rum is especially popular on the islands of Barbados , Grenada and St.Lucia .

  18. 在格林纳达,两国的合作有了进一步发展,农业项目已经进入第三期,住房项目工程进展顺利。

    In Grenada , the agricultural cooperation has entered in its third phase , and the Low-income Housing Project has been going on smoothly .

  19. 从格林纳达,冈比亚,塞拉利昂和圣文森特和格林纳丁斯,这些布邮票,纪念谦虚泰迪熊。

    These cloth stamps from Grenada , the Gambia , Sierra Leone and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines , honour the humble teddy bear .

  20. 在确定旅行安排之前,建议申请人到高委会咨询格林纳达相关的规定与程序。

    Applicants are advised to seek information regarding regulations and the processing procedures with the High Commission for grenada , before making fixed travel arrangement .

  21. 这类展览馆曾在坎昆、格林纳达群岛和小安的列斯群岛开放,也在伦敦的河底开放过。

    Such museums are opened in Cancun , in Grenada Islands , in Lesser Antilles Islands but also on the bottom of a river in London .

  22. 例如,世行引用的一份研究显示,牙买加每培养5名医生才能留住1位医生,而格林纳达则需要培养22名才能留住1名。

    Jamaica had to train five and Grenada 22 doctors to keep just one , according to research cited by the world bank , for example .

  23. 加勒比地区:在巴巴多斯,格林纳达和圣卢西亚,用干果和朗姆酒制作的味道浓郁的蛋糕十分常见。

    Caribbean : A rich black cake baked with dried fruits and rum is especially popular on the islands of Barbados , Grenada and St. Lucia .

  24. 加勒比地区:在巴巴多斯、格林纳达和圣西亚,用干果和朗姆酒制作的味道浓郁的蛋糕十分常见。

    Carribean1 ) : A rich black cake baked with dried fruits and rum is especially popular on the islands of Barbados , Grenada and St. Lucia .

  25. 2007年底我到任时,中国和格林纳达两国正处在恢复外交关系后的发展时期。

    At the time I arrived here by the end of2007 , the relationship between China and Grenada was on the stage of development after resumption of diplomatic relations .

  26. 要不是因为这届奥运会,除了运动员和运动会,我猜你对格林纳达可能知之甚少。

    Besides athletes and sports , I bet you also have little knowledge of Grenada , the island country in Caribbean , if not because of the2008 Beijing Olympic Games .

  27. 所以当时甚至是现在一些愤世嫉俗者都认为,这可能是采取格林纳达行动的部分原因,目的是平息或是转移外界对贝鲁特事件的关注。

    So some cynics now and at the time think that maybe the action in Grenada was in part launched to defuse or divert attention away from those events in Beirut .

  28. 自2007年以来,他们相继居住在布宜诺斯艾利斯、开普敦、迪拜、爱丁堡、格林纳达、普吉、多伦多和土耳其,经营着一家在线学校和一家数字出版企业。

    Since 2007 , they have lived in Buenos Aires , Cape Town , Dubai , Edinburgh , Grenada , Phuket , Toronto and Turkey running an online school and a digital publishing business .

  29. 巴哈马、伯利兹、古巴、塞浦路斯、多米尼加、斐济、格林纳达、几内亚-比索、圭亚那、巴布亚-新几内亚、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、圣卢西亚、苏里南和瓦努阿图。

    1-Bahamas , Belize , Cuba , Cyprus , Dominica , Fiji , Grenada , Guinea-Bissau , Guyana , Papua New Guinea , Samoa , Solomon Islands , Saint Lucia , Suriname and Vanuatu .

  30. 上个月,有个英国人想度假游览位于西班牙格拉纳达市的阿尔汉布拉宫,结果却搭错航班,飞越大西洋到了热带加勒比海的格林纳达岛,搞得各种预约乱翻了天。

    Last month , a British holidaymaker hoped to explore the architecture of the Alhambra Palace in Granada , Spain , but instead mistakenly caught a flight across the Atlantic to the tropical Caribbean island of Grenada following a confusing booking blunder .