
  • 网络Aruba;Netherlands;Oranjestad
  1. 你和阿鲁巴有什么关系?

    Rachel : what is it with you and Aruba ?

  2. 它已经袭击了加勒比海阿鲁巴、库腊索及博内尔群岛。

    It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba , Curasao and Bonaire .

  3. 11月,棕榈滩(PalmBeach)的阿鲁巴丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton,Aruba)将庆祝开业一周年。这里的特大床有限海景房2月份的价格是每晚近729美元,5月份的价格是每晚339美元。

    A stay at the Ritz-Carlton , Aruba on Palm Beach , which celebrated its first anniversary in November , costs nearly $ 729 a night in February versus $ 339 a night in May for a room with a king bed and limited ocean view .

  4. 阿鲁巴的犯罪法律体系是以荷兰法律为基础建立起来的,带有明显的拿破伦法典的继承痕迹。

    Aruba 's criminal justice system is based on Dutch law and a descendant of the Napoleonic code .

  5. 在阿鲁巴,当宣布一项逮捕时,官方只会发布嫌疑人的首写字母。

    In Aruba , when an arrest is announced , officials usually release only a suspect 's initials .

  6. 在阿鲁巴小岛上的房间里安顿下来,我就开始了自我改变的进程。

    Once settled into my room on the little island of Aruba , I began my process of self-change .

  7. 您对于阿鲁巴有多少的了解?完成下列的拼图后您就可以看到原始较大尺寸的图片。

    How much do you know about Aruba ? Complete the following jigsaw puzzle and you may see the original picture .

  8. 5月的阿鲁巴可能偶尔会有阴天,但是从省钱的角度看,避开加勒比地区的旺季还是很值的。

    It may be a bit cloudy from time to time in May , but , for the savings , avoiding the high season in the Caribbean is well worth the wait .

  9. 所以,如果女人最擅长的一件事就是赚大钱,那麽她就能获得更多权力,还能为阿鲁巴度假之旅支付更多钱。

    So , if one of the things a woman knows best is how to bring in a big income , more power to her-and more money to pay for the holiday trip to Aruba .

  10. 有的老板总喜欢在你休假的时候告诉你有紧急事务要处理,不管你是晚上下班回家还是去阿鲁巴举行周年庆。

    There 's a particular type of boss that only has emergencies when you 're out of the office , whether you 've gone home for the evening or gone to Aruba for your anniversary .