- 名arabinose;gum sugar;pectin sugar

Effect of pH on the formation of volatile substances in the model system of arabinose / cysteine
Glucose , mannose , xylose and arabinose were found in the hydrolyzate of banana peels by the HPLC .
P I a was composed of D - pectinose , D-galactose , D - xylose and D-glucose .
Ion-chromatography detection indicated that P II was composed of D-pectinose , D-galactose , D-rhamnose , D-glucose , D-fructose and D-xylose , and the main component is D-pectinose .
AG , consisted with arabinan and galactan , is the important component of mycobacterial cell wall .
Five buffers were examined for their ability to buffer low pH during the growth of Rhizobium in yeast extract-Arabinose-galactose medium ( YAG ) .
The tea polysaccharides ( TPS ) were composed of arabinose , ribose , xylose , glucose and galactose .
Its mono-saccharide composition was identified by thin-layer chromatography and HPLC . TEP consists of rhamnose , arabinose , xylose , fucose , glucose , galactose .
The main monosaccharides of 4M KOH extraction fraction from Miscanthus and rice straw were xylose and arabinose .
The components of water soluble polysaccharide were identified by gas chromatography as : arabinose , xylose , Mannose , galactose , glucose in the molar ratio of 1.00:0.76:3.16:2.88: 5.00 .
After acidic hydrolysis , and assayed by HPLC , WGP ⅱ was mainly consisted of glucose , xylose and arabinose .
The C5 was the best condition of hydrolysis on Mg-SSL . Effect of pH on the formation of volatile substances in the model system of arabinose / cysteine
The core of mycobacterial cell wall consists of inner layer peptidoglycan ( PG ) , middle layer arabinogalactan ( AG ) and outer layer mycolic acid .
It was identified by TLC and GC that both heteroglycans contain the same main residues of glucose , galactose , arabinose , rhamnose , lyxose , xylose , glucuronic acid and galacturonic acid .
Electrochemical and calorimetric methods are used to determine enthalpic , entropic and Gibbs free energy interaction parameters for the NaCl monosaccharide ( D glucose , D galactose , D xylose and D arabinose ) water systems .
From these results we argue that the regulation mer operon expression might be analogous to ara operon , which is regulated both positively and negatively .
The APBs-3 mainly composed Ara . and an unknown monosaccharide .
In a word , endo-arabinase was not only a powerful tool but also a compare basis on the studied of other AG-degrading-enzyme . In addition , it could provide further insight into the complex structures of mycobacterial cell walls and exploitation of the targets of anti-TB drugs .
Most of arabinoses and part of xyloses were in the side-chain or at the end group .
Attempt to separate the product from substrate based on the thin layer chromatography ( TLC ) and do arabinase activity assay with this method , quantitatively analyzed with Quanti-Scan software .
SBP-12 was composed of rhamnose , arabinose , glucose and galactose in molar radio of 0.71 : 0.81:1: 0.91 .
Studies showed that cell wall was important to the survival for TB and arabinose was an important element of cell wall .
GC showed that SBP-11 was composed of rhamnose , fucose , arabinose , glucose and galactose in molar radio of 1:0.21:0.38:0.52: 0.78 .
After treated with EMB , arabinose in cell wall of TB was lost greatly , and the structure of the cell wall was destroyed .
Both pumpkin polysaccharides were analyzed by paper chromatography , PP-I composed mainly of galactose , glucose , rhamnose , arabinose , and PP-II composed mainly of galactose , glucose , xylose and glucuronic acid .
Advance in Studies on Xylo-oligosaccharide Production In proper conditions , the hemicellulose is hydrolyzed by hemicellulase . The hemicelluloses hydrolysate could be isolated on a polyacrylamide ( Bio-Gel P-2 ) chromatography and paper chromatography , some samples such as xylo-oligosaccharide , xylose , arabinose , mannose and so on .
Studies on the chemical structure of arabinogalactan from Larix gmelini rupr
Combined chromatography methods were used to purify endo-arabinase effectively .
The interaction between oxidized chicken fat and arabinose / cysteine model reaction
Cloning and expression of VHb gene in d-arabitol producing yeast