
  • 网络galacturonic acid;Gala;D-galacturonic acid
  1. 结果表明:两地胶在胶得率,胶中主要化学成分含量,胶中中性糖含量、半乳糖醛酸含量以及中性单糖的组成方面,差异不显著;

    The results indicated : in the aspect of the gum yield , the proximate chemical compositions , the neutral sugar content , galacturonic acid content and neutral monosaccharide composition of the gum , there were no significant difference ;

  2. SCP糖含量为51.6%,其单糖组成主要是半乳糖醛酸,甘露糖,葡萄糖醛酸,比例为46.3:18.5:10.3。

    The total sugar content of SCP was 51.6 % and it was mainly composed of galacturonic acid , mannose , glucuronic acid in the ratio of 46.3 : 18.5 : 10.3 .

  3. 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)与果实成熟软化研究进展

    The role of polygalacturonase ( pg ) in fruit ripening

  4. 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性呈峰值变化,变化幅度小于普通番茄。

    The activity of PG presented peak variation which was less than that of the normal tomatoes .

  5. 而在桃果实软化过程中,多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)起着比较重要的作用。

    In the post-harvest ripening stage , polygalacturonase plays a major role and makes the fruit rapidly soften .

  6. 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)和纤维素酶对柿子的软化起很大的作用,其活性增加的原因之一是新合成了蛋白质。

    One of the reasons of increasing the activity of hydrolytic enzyme is that the new protein is synthesized .

  7. 芽孢杆菌(BacillussubtilisNo.16A)苎麻脱胶聚半乳糖醛酸裂解酶的纯化及酶学性质

    Purification and properties of Polygalacturonic acid lyase from ramie degumming Bacillus subtilis No.16A

  8. 枣采后在软化过程中,果肉淀粉含量下降,淀粉酶活性上升,原果胶含量减少,可溶性果胶含量增加,多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性下降;

    Postharvest softening of jujube flesh was coincided with the starch degradation , the increase of amylase activity and soluble pectin content , the decrease in protopectin content , and polygalactouronase ( PG ) activity .

  9. 结果表明,番茄果实成熟衰老过程中乙烯释放率、呼吸强度、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性、番茄红素、叶绿素以及细胞壁可溶性蛋白均发生较明显的变化;

    The results showed that during maturation , ripening and senescence of tomato , obvious changes took place in ethylene production , respiration , polygalacturonase ( PG ) activity , lycopene , chlorophyll and soluble protein in cell wall ;

  10. 半乳糖醛酸聚糖链部分羧基被甲酯化,部分O-2或O-3位被乙酰基取代。

    Parts of carboxyls on the polysaccharide were methylated , while some were replaced by acetyl at the position of O-2 or O-3 .

  11. 以新摘大台农芒果为原料,对其采后采取不同贮藏处理方式,对贮藏期间芒果的硬度、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)的活性和果胶含量的变化进行了研究。

    The changes of degree of hardness , polygalacturonase ( PG ) actives and pectin content of new picked Mango ( Da Tai Nong ) which were after there adoptions by the different storages approach clones during the storage were studied .

  12. 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)广泛作用于果实软化、器官脱落、花粉授粉、种子发育等过程,本文重点探讨了PG与乙烯以及其它植物激素的关系,PG在植物防卫反应中的作用。

    Polygalacturonase ( PG ) plays major roles in fruit softening , organ abscission , pollination and seed development . The relationship between polygalacturonase and ethylene , other plant hormone , and the positions of PG in plant resistance and diseases responses were specially discussed in this paper .

  13. 对糖含量较高的精多糖EAP-2进行定性化学反应和紫外光谱鉴定表明,EAP-2不含蛋白质、核酸和淀粉,D-半乳糖醛酸的含量为2.3%。

    Qualitative chemical reaction and UV analysis indicated that EAP-2 is an acid polysaccharide with 2.3 % D-galacturonic acid and without any protein , nuclear acid and starch .

  14. 富含半乳糖醛酸的果胶主链断裂。

    Ruptures of the pectic main chains rich in galacturonic acid occurred .

  15. 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白抗血清的制备及鉴定

    Preparation and Identification of the Antisera Against the Polygalacturonase Inhibiting Protein in Wheat

  16. 纤维素酶和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶与果实成熟

    Advances in research on the effects of polygalacturonase and cellulase on fruit ripening

  17. 溶出糖基主要为葡萄糖、木糖、半乳糖醛酸和阿拉伯糖。

    The dissolved glycosyls mainly were glucose , xylose , galactose and arabinose .

  18. 半乳糖醛酸酯酶的活性对芒果硬度的影响

    Influence of PG Activities to Mango Degree of Hardness

  19. 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶反义基因在转基因番茄中的表达

    Expression of antisense polygalacturonase gene in transgenic tomatoes

  20. 离子色谱法测定多糖水解液中的半乳糖醛酸和葡萄糖醛酸

    Determination of Galacturonic Acid and Glucuronic Acid in the Hydrolyzed Polysaccharide Solution by Ion Chromatography

  21. 贮藏温度和气体状况对苹果果胶、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶变化的影响

    Effects of Storage Temperature and Atmospheres on the Changes in Pectin and Polygalacturonase in Apple Fruits

  22. 水分子与α(1→4)连接半乳糖醛酸间氢键的形成及其对构象的影响

    The Formation of Hydrogen-bond of α - 1,4-link-Galacturonic Acid with a Water Molecule and Its Influence on Conformation

  23. 体外试验测定了豆粕中果胶及半乳糖醛酸的含量;

    In vitro digestion trial , the content of pectin and galacturonic acid in soybean meal was measured ;

  24. 多聚半乳糖醛酸酶是真菌侵染植物时分泌的第一个酶。

    When fungi infect plant , polygalacturonase is the first cell wall degradation enzyme ( CWDEs ) to be secreted .

  25. 将真空冻结干燥得到的粗多糖样品进行化学和仪器分析,测定粗多糖的总糖、半乳糖醛酸及蛋白质含量,并利用气相色谱对其构成糖进行分析。

    After be freeze-dried , the crude polysaccharides wad used to analyze the content of sugar , galacturonic acid and protein .

  26. 果胶是一类富含多聚半乳糖醛酸的天然高分子化合物,是植物细胞壁的重要组成部分。

    Pectin is a natural polymer riched in polygalacturonic acid , and it is an important component of plant cell walls .

  27. 研究了在自然成熟和催熟条件下,大久保桃果实硬度与乙烯、脂肪氧合酶、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶及相关代谢的研究。

    The relationships between the peach fruit firmness and ethylene , Lox , PG and related metabolism were studied during natural and accelerating ripening .

  28. 以苹果果胶为原料,通过化学法制得甲酯化为26.6%的果胶酸,用果胶酶酶解所制得的果胶酸制备寡聚半乳糖醛酸。

    In this paper , oligogalacturonic acids were produced by pectinase hydrolysis of pectin acid with 26.6 % of methylation which was obtained by chemical hydrolysis of apple pectin .

  29. 本文首先制备了壳聚糖微球,并利用戊二醛进行改性,对壳聚糖微球及其改性物吸附聚半乳糖醛酸的初步条件进行了研究比较。

    In this paper , chitosan microsphere was prepared , and modified with glutaraldehyde , then the adsorption of chitosan microsphere and its modifier for poly-galacturonic acid were studied .

  30. 粗多糖中总多糖含量为59.93%,含半乳糖醛酸为9.73%,并含有17种以上的氨基酸和16种以上的微量元素。

    The coarse polysaccharide contained total polysaccharide ( 59.93 % ), galacturonic acid ( 9.73 % ), over 17 kinds of amino acid , and over 16 kinds of trace element .