
chì dào bǎn
  • equatorial plate
  1. 结果证实在人精浆和精子里都存在AAT蛋白,且其主要定位于精子的头部,尤其在赤道板处有强荧光。

    Results AAT was present in human semen and spermatozoa , which was mostly localized on the head region of spermatozoa , in particular on the equatorial plate .

  2. 胞质分裂结束时,DCB位于2个卵裂球其中之一的细胞质内或在赤道板处被分割成两部分。实验结果首次提供了栉孔扇贝雌核发育的细胞学证据。

    At completion of cytokinesis of the first cleavage , the DCB was seen either in the cytoplasm of one of the two blastomeres or on the equatorial plate as two partitional parts .

  3. 我们还注意到在去除mitosin的细胞中,有不到20%的细胞可以进入分裂中期,即染色体都排列到赤道板上,但其中一部分依然不能启

    We also noticed that less than 20 % mitosin-depleted cells entered metaphase with all chromosome aligned at equator plate . Some of these cells cannot enter anaphase and died after chromosome decondensation . Some can enter anaphase , however , they cannot segregate sister

  4. 染色体排列于纺锤体赤道板上;

    Compact chromosomes arranged at the equator of the spindle .

  5. 混合式球罐中赤道板和极边板制造过程中的几何尺寸控制

    Control of Geometric Size of Equatorial Plate and Polar Plate in Manufacture for Mixing Style Spheroidal Tank

  6. 中期Ⅰ和中期Ⅱ,少数细胞可见赤道板外染色体;

    At metaphases ⅰ and ⅱ there showed a small number of chromosomes scattered outside their equatorial plate ;

  7. 细胞学研究揭示再生植株的育性和染色体数目和配对构型无关而和单价体中期Ⅰ在赤道板上的集结程度呈正相关。

    There was no correlation between the number and chromosome pairing and the fertility of the regenerated hybrids , but a positive correlation between the degree of accumulation of chromosomes at the equatorial plate and fertility of the regenerated hybrids .

  8. 结果人精子抗35肽抗体阳性率为977%,荧光显微镜下见精子头颈部着色,部分见赤道板及头部顶端着色增强。

    Results The positive rate of sperms binding to FITC-anti-35 peptide antibody was 97.7 % . The fluorescence stained site was on the sperm head and neck . Deep staining was observed around the equatorial plate and the top of head in some sperms .