
  • 网络Chifeng City
  1. 本文在对档案袋评价的理论研究基础上,以个案研究法考察了数学档案袋评价在内蒙古赤峰市N小学的实施过程。

    On the based of the theoretical study of portfolio assessment , I inspect the practice of portfolio in N Primary School in Chifeng city of Inner Mongolia as a case research .

  2. 通过对赤峰市自1988年以来的降水电导率资料统计分析,表明降水电导率的变化与风力大小,降水多少、植被覆盖程度和pH值密切相关。

    Data of precipitation conductivity in Chifeng city since 1988 were analysed . The result shows that its change is related to wind strength , precipitation , vegetation cover and pH value .

  3. 本论文结合赤峰市网络在框架模型、业务平台和网络管理方面取得的研究成果对NGN网络中电信业务的设计和优化具有一定的参考价值。

    We also have got some research results on the framework model , service platforms and network management , which can provide some reference for the NGN network design and telecom services optimization in the future .

  4. Pendred综合征基因热点突变筛查赤峰市聋哑学校大前庭水管综合征患者

    Patients suffered from enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome in Chifeng deaf and dumb school detected by Pendred 's syndrome gene hot spot mutation screening

  5. 中国网通公司赤峰市分公司电信业务查询系统开发与研究

    Development and Study of China Network Chifeng Communication Service Query System

  6. 赤峰市电信分公司市场竞争战略研究

    Studies on the Strategic of Competition in the Market Chifeng Telecom

  7. 赤峰市沙化土地结构与动态研究

    Study on Structure and Dynamic of Desertification Land in Chifeng City

  8. 近50年赤峰市耕地动态变化研究

    Changes of cultivated land use in Chifeng during the past 50 years

  9. 赤峰市降水电导率变化及其相关因素的探讨

    Precipitation conductivity Chang and its effecting factor in Chifeng City

  10. 赤峰市暴雨强度公式的推导

    Derivation of formula of torrential rain intensity in Chifeng City

  11. 赤峰市旅游发展战略探讨

    Inquisition of tourist development strategy about the city of Chifeng

  12. 赤峰市民族体育旅游资源开发策略

    Exploiting Strategy for Tourism Resources of National Sports in Chifeng

  13. 区域持续发展的空间分析&以内蒙古赤峰市为例

    The space analysis of regional sustainable development ── An example of Chifeng

  14. 赤峰市敖汉旗五种林分改造模式评价

    Evaluation on Five Kinds of Forestation Models in Aohan Banner of Chifeng

  15. 赤峰市桥梁水毁原因与治理

    The Causes and Treatment for the Washout of Bridges in Chifeng City

  16. 医院的发展靠的是改革和管理&内蒙古赤峰市医院改革纪实

    Development of Hospital is Based on Reform and Management

  17. 赤峰市产品质量检验机构体制改革与合理布局研究

    Study on System Reformation and Rational Distribution of Chifeng City Quality Inspection Organization

  18. 第三部分,赤峰市旅游市场需求分析。

    The third part is the analyses of the tourism demand in Chifeng .

  19. 赤峰市沙化土地监测与评价

    Monitoring and evaluation of desertification land in Chifeng City

  20. 我来自内蒙古赤峰市。

    I am from chifeng city , Inner Mongolia .

  21. 内蒙古赤峰市达里诺尔国家级自然保护区

    Dalinor National Nature Reserve in Chifeng , Inner Mongolia

  22. 赤峰市旅游景区餐饮店卫生现况调查

    Current Situation and Strategies of Restaurant Hygiene in Scenic Spots in Chifeng City

  23. 第二部分,赤峰市旅游产品开发条件评价。

    The second part is the evaluation of tourism product exploitative condition in Chifeng .

  24. 赤峰市城区中小学生饮食行为的调查分析

    Eating Behavior among Students of Middle and Primary Schools in Chifeng , Inner Mongolia

  25. 赤峰市的草地建设在内蒙古的草地建设中居于前列。

    Grassland construction of Chifeng City is in the first rank in Inner Mongolia .

  26. 结论赤峰市黄鼠鼠疫已进入活跃期,建议各地积极采取综合性防治措施。

    It is suggested to take comprehensive measures of prevention and control of plague .

  27. 赤峰市城市经济发展与电网规划研究

    Chifeng City Economic Development and Power Grid Planning

  28. 内蒙古赤峰市野生马鹿种群资源现状研究

    Study on the Status of Wild Red Deer Populations in Chifeng City , Inner Mongolia

  29. 第四部分,赤峰市旅游产品的设计与开发。

    The last part is the deep exploitation and design of Chifeng 's tourism product .

  30. 内蒙古赤峰市实行草地有偿承包的效果和经验

    The effect and experience of grassland paying for contract in Chifeng city , inner Mongolia