
chòu chóng
  • bug;bedbug;Cimex bedbug;cimicid;clinocoris
臭虫 [chòu chóng]
  • [bedbug] 一种无翅的身体扁平椭圆的吸血蝽类昆虫( Cimex lectularius 普通臭虫),通常是家庭的,尤其是床上的害虫,吸取人血

臭虫[chòu chóng]
  1. 另外,我们实验室的一位博士后Bin发现并修复了一个软件中的臭虫,这个臭虫有可能导致“1%”问题(无限循环)。

    Additionally , a bug was found and fixed by Bin , a post doc in our lab , that may have been causing the " 1 % " continual loop .

  2. 这个地方的土似乎很适合种植汽车-在Conway,阿马里洛东18公里的地方,有5个无装饰的大众车在臭虫农场(207号高速通道)萌芽。

    The ground ? round here seems to be fertile for growing cars – 18 miles east of Amarillo in Conway , there are five stripped-down VW bugs sprout in g on Bug Ranch ( Hwy207 access road ) .

  3. 当他正要在旅店的登记薄上签名时,看到有个臭虫从单子上爬过去。

    When he was about to write his name on the hotel register , he saw a bedbug crawling across the page .

  4. White说,过去五六十年,臭虫已经几乎从美国消失。

    Mr. White says bedbugs nearly disappeared from the United States for fifty or sixty years .

  5. White说,在没有血液做食物的情况下,臭虫还可以存活一年。

    Mr. White says they can survive for a year without food -- that is , blood .

  6. 臭虫,电脑程序中的问题Windows(微软视窗)软件总是有许多问题,所以用起来很头疼。

    ex : Windows software often has many bugs and is , therefore , annoying to use .

  7. JeffWhite是一名害虫专家,他在网站臭虫中心主持臭虫电视节目。

    Jeff White is an insect expert who hosts Bed Bug TV on the website BedBug Central .

  8. 这里还有些有关臭虫(bug)的短语,这是昆虫(insect)的另一种说法。

    Here are some expressions about plain old bugs , another word for insects .

  9. 企业从来都会搜寻软件臭虫(bug),修补漏洞,以让自己的代码免遭黑客侵扰。

    Companies have always searched for software bugs and patched holes to keep their code secure from hackers .

  10. JeffWhite:“导致臭虫感染迅速传播的原因是由于缺乏公众意识。”

    JEFF WHITE : " What has caused this rapid expansion of bedbug infestations -- and the world for that matter -- is the lack of public awareness . "

  11. 这展现这有一个因素暴露过的蚊子血清能产生粒细胞,B说道,它们能免疫臭虫抗击疟疾感染,她说。

    If researchers could mimic that factor and place it in mosquito nets or spray it on the insects , they could immunize the bugs against infection and make them bad vectors for malaria , she says .

  12. 此外,他们的产品还包括以臭虫、疯牛病、大肠杆菌、伊波拉病毒和MRSA病毒为原型的玩具。

    It also sells furry representations of bed bugs , mad cow disease , E.Coli , Ebola and MRSA .

  13. 20世纪90年代末,一位前警犬训导员JosePeruyero为了提高狗狗们嗅臭虫的能力,他开始与佛罗里达大学的昆虫学家合作。

    In the late 1990s , Jose Peruyero , a former police dog handler , began collaborating with entomologists at the University of Florida to improve training for bug-detecting dogs .

  14. 在高技术民用公司覆盖下,CIA采取了与软件开发公司合作在硅谷对设计软件‘臭虫’通过互联网收集信息。

    Under the cover of a high-tech civil company , the CIA took cooperated with a software development company in the Silicon Valley to design software'bugs'to collect information via the Internet .

  15. MissyHenriksen说,去年,美国在臭虫控制方面花费了接近2.6亿美元。

    Missy Henriksen says Americans spent almost two hundred sixty million dollars on bedbug treatments last year .

  16. MissyHenriksen:“我认为,由臭虫导致的整体经济影响肯定多的多。我们发现许多经常受臭虫影响的企业不得不停业来整顿这个问题。”

    MISSY HENRIKSEN : " I think the overall economic impact because of bedbugs is certainly much more significant . We 're finding that businesses who have bedbugs oftentimes will close to remediate the problem . "

  17. 结果实验室试验,接触药纸1~15min,臭虫24h杀灭率100%,现场试验,20d臭虫密度下降率97%以上,对其他爬行昆虫也有一定的作用,药纸有效期1年。

    Results In the laboratory experiment , the bedbug kill rate within 24 hours ( 1 ~ 15 min absorbent paper exposure ) was 100 % ; bedbug density reduction was above 97 % in field experiment . Effects on other reptile insects were also observed .

  18. MissyHenriksen:“我们现在在许多非典型的场合见到臭虫:学校和医院,零售店,电影院。随着数量增加,这些臭虫逐渐扩散,随着人群传播。”纽约和其他城市已经见到臭虫的大爆发。但是美国并不是唯一一个受影响的国家。

    MISSY HENRIKSEN : " We are now seeing bedbugs in what we would consider to be atypical locations : schools and hospitals , retail locations , movie theaters . So , as the numbers have grown , those bed bugs are spreading out and traveling along with people . "

  19. 还有,别让那些臭虫咬到了。

    In the meantime , don 't let those bedbugs bite .

  20. 首先臭虫会来咬你。

    First it 'll just be the bugs eating at you .

  21. 然后,是时候把臭虫放出来了。

    It was then time to get the bed bugs out .

  22. 那只大黑熊回头咬了大黑臭虫。

    The big black bear bit back the big black bug .

  23. 你觉得那些东西可以吃吗,臭虫?

    Do you think those are good to eat , bug ?

  24. 也许在无尘室里有些臭虫。

    Think some bug may have gotten in the clean room .

  25. 放开我,你们这些地狱的臭虫!

    Frankenstein : get off me , you vermin from hell !

  26. 把一臭虫固定在有魔力附加物水平的决定上。

    Fixed a bug in the determination of magic affix levels .

  27. 固定一允许被兑换雇佣工的臭虫。

    Fixed a bug that allowed hirelings to be converted .

  28. 你不妨象毡毯中的臭虫那样舒服地坐着。

    You might sit as snug as a bug in a rug .

  29. 晚安,詹妮小姐。别让臭虫咬了。

    Night , miss jenny . don 't let the bedbugs bite .

  30. 睡觉小心点别让臭虫咬着

    Sleep tight and don 't let the bedbugs bite .