
  • 网络ozone layer depletion;ozone depletion;depletion of ozonosphere
  1. 臭氧层耗竭&一个全世界关注的环境问题

    Depletion of the ozonesphere & one of environmental problems concerned with the world

  2. 作为主要的臭氧层耗竭物质CFC113,在对流层大气中的浓度,受到科学家的广泛关注。

    As the main ozone depleting compound , the abundance of CFC 113 in the troposphere has been widely concerned by scientists .

  3. 全球气候变暖、酸雨和臭氧层耗竭可能增加湿地汞的生态环境风险。

    The global warming , acid rain and exhaustion of ozone layer may increase the risk of ecological environment of the wetland Hg .

  4. 根据联合国上周发布的一份最新报告,随着冰箱、喷雾器等产品曾使用的近100种物质逐步被淘汰,臭氧层的进一步耗竭已经得到控制,尽管它还没有开始增加。

    The phasing out of nearly 100 substances once used in products like refrigerators and aerosols has stopped the ozone layer being depleted further , although it is not yet increasing , according to a new United Nations report released last week .